Curriculum Vitae
2020 - 2022: Postdoc position at the Department of Physics, Stockholm University.
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Markus Kowalewski
2019 - 2020: Postdoc position at the Department of Theoretical Chemistry and Biology , KTH.
Supervisor: Prof. Hans Ågren
2018-2019: Postdoc position at the Department of Chemistry - Ångström, Uppsala University.
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Marcus Lundberg
2016-2018: Postdoc position at the Department of Theoretical Chemistry and Biology , KTH.
Supervisor: Dr. Victor Kimberg
2014-2016: PhD in Theoretical Chemistry and Biology – Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),
Title: Coupled electron-nuclear dynamics in inelastic X-ray scattering
Supervisors: Dr. Victor Kimberg, Prof. Faris Gel'mukhanov and Prof. Hans Ågren
2013-2016: PhD in Chemistry – Federal University of Goiás, Brazil
Title: Coupled electron-nuclear dynamics in inelastic X-ray scattering
Supervisor: Prof. Freddy Fernandes Guimarães
2011-2013: Master in Chemistry – Federal University of Goiás, Brazil
Title: Development and application of MGA software (Molecular genetic algorithm).
Supervisor: Prof. Freddy Fernandes Guimarães.
2005-2011: Bachelor in Chemistry – Federal University of Goiás, Brazil
Conference presentations:
- "Selective gating to vibrational modes through resonant X-ray scattering". Dynamic Pathways in Multidimensional Landscapes International Conference, Berlin, Germany. September 12-16th, 2016. (Invited presenter)
- "Vibronic coupling and interference effects in resonant 1σ → 2π X-ray scattering from CO". Young Investigators Workshop on Ultrafast Dynamics (Helmholtz Virtual Institute), Winklmoosalm, Reit im Winkl, Germany. January 10-15th, 2016. (Oral presentation)
- "Vibronic coupling and interference effects in resonant 1sigma-2pi X-ray scattering from CO". 28th Annual MAX IV laboratory user meeting (UM15), Lund, Sweden. September 21-23th, 2015. (Poster)
- "Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering of Gas-phase Water". Conference on "Multiscale materials and molecular modelling" (eSSENCE), Uppsala, Sweden. June 8-9th, 2015. (Poster)
- "Determination of low energy structures of asparagine through genetic algorithm". IX CONPEEX (Congress in research, teaching and extension), Goiania, Brazil. October 22-26th, 2012. (Oral presentation)
- "Development of the MGA software (Molecular Genetic Algorithm)". IV SeedMol (Symposium on electronic structure and molecular dynamics), Pirenopolis, Brazil. September 24-28th, 2012. (Poster)
- "Excited states Born-Oppenheimer dynamics of lysine and histidine aminoacids". VIII WFME (Workshop on molecular physics and spectroscopy), Curitiba, Brazil. November 23-26th, 2010. (Poster)
- "Study of inner-shell ionization/excitation dynamics of the lysine and histidine aminoacids". IX CONPEEX (Congress in research, teaching and extension), Goiania, Brazil. October 18-22th, 2010. (Poster)
Participation in conferences, meetings and schools:
- Ultrafast X-ray Summer School 2017 (UXSS 2017), Hamburg, Germany. June 12-15th, 2017.
- Nordita/CoTXS School on Photon-Matter Interaction, Stockholm, Sweden. October 3-7th, 2016.
- Ultrafast X-ray Summer School 2015 (UXSS 2015), Hamburg, Germany. June 22-25th, 2015.
- Winter School in Multiscale Modeling, Stockholm, Sweden. December 1-12th, 2014.
Scholarships awarded:
2014-2016: Science without borders for doctoral studies. Funding agency: CNPq, Brazil (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).
2013-2014: Doctoral studies scholarship. Funding agency: Capes, Brazil (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel).
2011-2013: Masters studies scholarship. Funding agency: CNPq, Brazil (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).
2009-2010: PIVIC scholarship (Institutional Program for Voluntary Scientific Initiation) Funding agency: CNPq, Brazil (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).