Rajeev Thottappillil
About me
Professor Emeritus
Fellow of IEEE
Professor in Electric Power Engineering and Design at KTH Sept. 01, 2008 - June 30, 2023
Director of International Relations - India - 2010-2023
Director of research centre SweGRIDS (www.swegrids.org) - 2011-2022
Head of Division of Electromagnetic Engineering (Sept 2008 - March 2020)
Professor: Division for Electricity, Ångström lab, Uppsala University, Sweden 2000-2008
Associate Professor: High Voltage Research Institute, Uppsala University, Sweden 1996-2000
Post-doctoral Research Fellow at University of Florida, Gainesville, USA 1992-1995
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Florida, Gainesville, USA 1992
Research interests:
Lightning protection, Electromagnetic compatibility, Power Components
Was chairman of the European Science Foundation COST Action P18 ‘Physics of Lightning Flash and its Effects’ during 2005-2009. Was Member of the CIGRE committee WG C4.407 on 'lightning parameters for engineering applications' and member of the standardization committee of SC 77C of SEK and IEC on 'High power transients.'