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Püren Güler

Profilbild av Püren Güler

Om mig

I am a final year of Ph.D. student at Robotics, Perception and Learning (RPL) Labratory under the supervision of Prof. Danica Kragic. I have completed my masters degree in information systems at Middle East Technical University, Turkey under the supervison of Assoc. Prof. Alptekin Temizel and my bachelor degree in computer science at Bilkent University, Turkey.

My general interest is robotic manipulation, computer vision and machine learning.

My Ph.D. thesis integrates mathematics, machine-learning and simulation techniques to solve the problem of manipulating of unknown objects. These objects can be rigid or deformable. Such properties affects the way that robot manipulates the object, i.e. deformable objects can show unpredictable behaviours while rigid objects have less degrees of freedom. However robot does not know such informations before hand and may not apply the proper manipulation. Hence I am investigating the usage of the visual and haptic sensors together with simulation techniques in the exploration of such information to learn the object properties for better manipulation. 


Caccamo, S., Güler, P., Kjellström, H., & Kragic, D. (2016, November). Active perception and modeling of deformable surfaces using Gaussian processes and position-based dynamics. In Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on (pp. 530-537). IEEE.

Guler, P., Pauwels, K., Pieropan, A., Kjellström, H., & Kragic, D. (2015, November). Estimating the deformability of elastic materials using optical flow and position-based dynamics. In Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2015 IEEE-RAS 15th International Conference on (pp. 965-971). IEEE.

Güler, P., Bekiroglu, Y., Gratal, X., Pauwels, K., & Kragic, D. (2014, September). What's in the container? Classifying object contents from vision and touch. In 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 3961-3968). IEEE.

Guler, P., Emeksiz, D., Temizel, A., Teke, M., & Temizel, T. T. (2013). Real-time multi-camera video analytics system on GPU. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing11(3), 457-472.

Guler, P., Temizel, A., & Temizel, T. T. (2013, December). Real-Time Global Anomaly Detection for Crowd Video Surveillance Using SIFT. In IET Conference Proceedings. The Institution of Engineering & Technology.

Profilbild av Püren Güler