Publikationer av Daniel Pargman
J. Llewellyn et al., "Assessing the impact of energy coaching with smart technology interventions to alleviate energy poverty," Scientific Reports, vol. 15, no. 1, 2025.
J. Llewellyn et al., "Citizen perceptions and interactions towards self-sufficiency, community plot ratio and civic generosity within sustainable neighbourhoods," City and Environment Interactions, vol. 24, 2024.
A. Biørn-Hansen et al., "Dealing with carbon : physicalisation of academic flying to support collective meaning-making for a low-carbon academia," Behavior and Information Technology, vol. 43, no. 14, s. 3371-3388, 2024.
A. Biørn-Hansen et al., "Exploring the Problem Space of CO2 Emission Reductions from Academic Flying," Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 21, s. 12206-12206, 2021.
R. Bendor, E. Eriksson och D. Pargman, "Looking backward to the future: : On past-facing approaches to futuring," Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, vol. 125, 2021.
B. Hedin et al., "A Systematic Review of Digital Behaviour Change Interventions for More Sustainable Food Consumption," Sustainability, vol. 11, no. 9, 2019.
D. Pargman och D. Svensson, "Play as work : On the Sportification of Computer Games," Digital Culture & Society, vol. 5, no. 2, s. 15-40, 2019.
D. Pargman et al., "The future of computing and wisdom : Insights from Human-Computer Interaction," Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, vol. 113, 2019.
B. Nardi et al., "Computing within Limits," Communications of the ACM, vol. 61, no. 10, s. 86-93, 2018.
J. Norton et al., "A grand challenge for HCI : Food + sustainability," interactions, vol. 24, no. 6, s. 50-55, 2017.
K. Bradley och D. Pargman, "The sharing economy as the commons of the 21st century," Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, vol. 10, no. 2, s. 231-247, 2017.
D. Pargman et al., "What if there had only been half the oil? : Rewriting history to envision the consequences of peak oil," Energy Research & Social Science, vol. 31, s. 170-178, 2017.
D. Pargman och E. Eriksson, "At odds with a worldview : teaching limits at a technical university," interactions, vol. 23, no. 6, s. 36-39, 2016.
T. Cerratto-Pargman, D. Pargman och B. Nardi, "The internet at the eco-village : Performing sustainbility in the twenty-first century," First Monday, vol. 21, no. 5, 2016.
D. Pargman och B. Raghavan, "Introduction to LIMITS ’15 : First workshop on computing within limits," First Monday, vol. 20, no. 8, s. 1-1, 2015.
P. Josefsson et al., "The student, the private and the professional role: Students’ social media use," Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education, vol. 21, no. 6, s. 1583-1594, 2015.
M. Picha Edwardsson och D. Pargman, "Explorative scenarios of emerging media trends," Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, vol. 3, no. 3, s. 195-206, 2014.
D. Pargman, B. Hedin och S. Hrastinski, "Using Group Supervision and Social Annotation Systems to Support Students’ Academic Writing," Högre Utbildning, vol. 3, no. 2, s. 129-134, 2013.
D. Pargman och P. Jakobsson, "Do you believe in magic? Computer games in everyday life," European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 11, no. 2, s. 225-U114, 2008.
D. Pargman och P. Jakobsson, "Five perspectives on computer game history," interactions, vol. 14, no. 6, s. 26-29, 2007.
B. Hedin et al., "Interacting with Environmental Data: Utilizing Weight as a Medium in Enhancing Carbon Literacy," i IMX 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, 2024, s. 429-431.
M. Stojanov et al., "How do we arrive at constraints? : Articulating limits for computing," i Computing within Limits, 2023.
S. Espana et al., "Untangling the relationship between degrowth and ICT," i 2023 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ICT FOR SUSTAINABILITY, ICT4S, 2023, s. 1-12.
E. Eriksson et al., "Addressing Students’ Eco-anxiety when Teaching Sustainability in Higher Education," i Proceedings - 2022 International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, ICT4S 2022, 2022, s. 88-98.
M. Laurell Thorslund et al., "From (e-)wasteland to Repair Society : Exploring ICT repair through speculative scenarios," i Proceedings - 2022 International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, ICT4S 2022, 2022, s. 179-189.
P. Jääskeläinen, A. Holzapfel och D. Pargman, "On the environmental sustainability of Ai art(s)," i Workshop on Computing within Limits, June 21-22, 2022.
L. Hansson, T. C. Pargman och D. Pargman, "A Decade of Sustainable HCI Connecting SHCI to the Sustainable Development Goals," i CHI '21: proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, 2021.
K. Widdicks, D. Pargman och S. Bjork, "Backfiring and favouring : How design processes in HCI lead to anti-patterns and repentant designers," i ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020.
D. Pargman et al., "From Moore's Law to the Carbon Law," i ICT4S 2020 : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, 2020, s. 285-293.
E. Eriksson et al., "On the Necessity of Flying and of not Flying: : Exploring how Computer Scientists Reason about Academic Travel," i ICT4S2020: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, 2020, s. 18-26.
V. C. Coroama och D. Pargman, "Skill rebound : On an unintended effect of digitalization," i ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020, s. 213-219.
E. Eriksson et al., "Systems Thinking Exercises in Computing Education: : Broadening the Scope of ICT and Sustainability," i ICT4S2020: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, 2020, s. 170-176.
K. Widdicks och D. Pargman, "Breaking the cornucopian paradigm : Towards moderate internet use in everyday life," i ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2019.
S. Nyström, C. Katzeff och D. Pargman, "Barriers for sustainable waste management practices in grocery stores exploration by research-through-design," i ICT4S2018. 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability, 2018, s. 243-257.
E. Eriksson och D. Pargman, "Meeting the future in the past-using counterfactual history to imagine computing futures," i ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
D. Pargman et al., "Smart magic city run : Exploring the implications of public augmented reality games," i 9th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, INTETAIN 2017, 2018, s. 151-158.
D. Pargman et al., "The futures of computing and wisdom," i Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - NordiCHI ’18, 2018, s. 960-963.
K. Widdicks et al., "Undesigning the Internet : An exploratory study of reducing everyday Internet connectivity," i EPiC Series in Computing : ICT4S2018, 2018, s. 384-397.
A. Lundström och D. Pargman, "Developing a framework for evaluating the sustainability of computing projects," i LIMITS 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Computing Within Limits, 2017, s. 111-117.
B. Raghavan och D. Pargman, "Means and Ends in Human-Computer Interaction : Sustainability through Disintermediation," i PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 ACM SIGCHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS (CHI'17), 2017, s. 786-796.
D. Pargman och B. Wallsten, "Resource scarcity and socially just internet access over time and space," i LIMITS 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Computing Within Limits, 2017, s. 29-36.
D. Pargman et al., "The (Un)sustainability of Imagined Future Information Societies," i PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 ACM SIGCHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS (CHI'17), 2017, s. 773-785.
D. Pargman, E. Ahlsén och C. Engelbert, "Designing for sustainability : Breakthrough or suboptimisation?," i Proceedings of ICT For Sustainability 2016, 2016, s. 52-59.
E. Eriksson et al., "HCI and UN's Sustainable Development Goals : Responsibilities, Barriers and Opportunities," i Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2016.
D. Pargman, E. Eriksson och A. Friday, "Limits to the Sharing Economy," i Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computing within Limits, June 08 - 10, 2016, 2016.
D. Pargman, B. Hedin och E. Eriksson, "Patterns of Engagement : Using a board game as a tool to address sustainability in engineering educations," i Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development, 2016, s. 302-310.
B. Raghavan och D. Pargman, "Refactoring Society : Systems Complexity in an Age of Limits," i Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computing within Limits, 2016.
E. Eriksson et al., "Sustainable development for ICT engineering students : “What’s in it for me”?," i EESD2016 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (Bruges, 4-7 September 2016) – Building a circular economy together, 2016, s. 165-172.
S. Joshi et al., "Whose Future Is It Anyway? : Limits within Policy Modeling," i Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computing within Limits, 2016.
B. Hedin och D. Pargman, "Educational use of Social Annotation Systems for Peer Feedback," i KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2015, 2015.
B. Hedin, D. Pargman och O. Bälter, "Sagan om examensringen - en akademisk tragedi," i LTHs 9:e Pedagogiska Inspirationskonferens, 15 december 2016, 2015.
B. Penzenstadler et al., "ICT4S 2029 : What will be the Systems Supporting Sustainability in 15 Years?," i Proceedings of the 2014 conference ict for sustainability, 2014, s. 30-39.
E. Eriksson och D. Pargman, "ICT4S Reaching Out : Making sustainability relevant in higher education," i Proceedings of the 2014 conference ICT for Sustainability, 2014.
D. Pargman et al., "Is there a European strand of sustainable HCI?," i Proceedings of the NordiCHI 2014 : The 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun, Fast, Foundational, 2014, s. 809-812.
D. Pargman och B. Raghavan, "Rethinking sustainability in computing : From buzzword to non-negotiable limits," i Proceedings of the NordiCHI 2014 : The 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun, Fast, Foundational, 2014, s. 638-647.
J. Wangel et al., "Engineers of the future : using scenarios methods in sustainable development education," i Engineering Education for Sustainable Development, Cambridge, UK. September 22 – 25, 2013, 2013.
J. L. Zapico Lamela et al., "Hacking sustainability : Broadening participation through Green Hackathons," i Fourth International Symposium on End-User Development. June 10-13, 2013, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2013.
D. Pargman och E. Eriksson, "“It’s not fair!” : making students engage in sustainability," i Proceedings of the EESD13 Conference, 2013.
J. Rambusch, P. Jakobsson och D. Pargman, "Exploring E-sports : A Case Study of Gameplay in Counter-strike," i Situated Play, 2007, s. 157-164.
D. Pargman och P. Jakobsson, "The magic is gone : A critical examination of the gaming situation," i Proceedings of Mediaterra: Gaming realities : A challenge for digital culture, 2006.
P. Jakobsson och D. Pargman, "Configuring the player: subversive behavior in Project Entropia," i Proceedings of DiGRA 2005 Conference : Changing Views – Worlds in Play, 2005, s. 1-6.
J. Skågeby och D. Pargman, "File-sharing relationships: Conflicts of interest in online gift-giving," i Communities and Technologies 2005, 2005, s. 111-127.
D. Pargman och A. Eriksson, "Law, order and conflicts of interest in massively multiplayer online games," i 2nd International Conference on Digital Games Research Association: Changing Views: Worlds in Play, DiGRA 2005; Vancouver, BC; Canada; 16 June 2005 through 20 June 2005, 2005.
D. Pargman, "Virtual community management as socialization and learning," i Communities and Technologies 2005, 2005, s. 95-110.
D. Pargman och J. Palme, "Linguistic standardization on the Internet," i 4th International Conference on Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2004, s. 385-388.
Kapitel i böcker
M. Börjesson Rivera, T. Ringenson och D. Pargman, "The Sustainable Playable City : Making Way for the Playful Citizen," i Making Smart Cities More Playable : Exploring Playable Cities, Anton Nijholt red., Singapore : Springer Nature, 2020, s. 87-106.
D. Pargman och J. Palme, "ASCII imperialism," i Standards and Their Stories : How Quantifying, Classifying, and Formalizing Practices Shape Everyday Life, Lampland, Martha och Leigh Star, Susan red., Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2009, s. 177-199.
C. Borovic och D. Pargman, "Learning in online computer games : the emergence of in-game academies," i Internet Research Annual, Kate O'Riordan, Mia Consalvo red., : Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2005.
Icke refereegranskade
P. Jääskeläinen, D. Pargman och A. Holzapfel, "Towards Sustainability Assessment of Artificial Intelligence in Artistic Practices," i ICT4S (International Conference on ICT for Sustainability), ICT4S (International Conference on ICT for Sustainability), in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Main conference: 14 - 16 June 2022 Pre-conference workshops: 13 June 2022 Post-conference workshops: 17 June 2022, 2022.
D. Pargman och B. Hedin, "Useless games for a sustainable world," i Unnecessary, Unwanted and Uncalled-for: A Workshop on Uselessness, University of Amsterdam (UvA), Amsterdam, Netherlands, March 28-30, 2017, 2017.
D. Svensson och D. Pargman, "21st Century Sports : Movements Without Movements," i 'On the Move' - ACSIS Cultural Studies Conference, Norrköping, Sweden, June 11-13, 2013, 2013.
D. Pargman, Å. Walldius och E. Eriksson, "HCI in a World of Limitations : Addressing the Social Resilience of Computing," i Post-Sustainability - A CHI 2013 Sustainability Community Workshop, 2013.
H. Björn och D. Pargman, "Nu ska jag plugga! Jag ska bara färgsortera mina böcker först," i 4:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, Tekniska Högskolan vid Umeå universitet, 27 november – 28 november 2013, 2013.
Kapitel i böcker
D. Svensson och D. Pargman, "Esports and Sportification: A View From Sweden," i Critical Perspectives on Esports, : Informa UK Limited, 2024, s. 50-63.
D. Pargman et al., "Who Gets to Fly?," i Academic Flying and the Means of Communication, Kristian Bjørkdahl and Adrian Santiago Franco Duharte red., Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, s. 133-158.
E. Eriksson och D. Pargman, "On the inherent contradictions of teaching sustainability at a technical university," i Digital Technology and Sustainability: Engaging the Paradox, : GSE Research Limited, 2017, s. 154-165.
B. Hedin et al., "En systematisk forskningsöversikt av digitala interventioner för mer hållbara beteenden kring livsmedelskonsumtion," , TRITA-EECS-RP, 2019:1, 2019.
Proceedings (redaktörskap)
"Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computing within Limits : LIMITS'16," , ACM Digital Library, 2016.
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