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Omer Ikram Ul Haq

Profile picture of Omer Ikram Ul Haq

Industry doctoral student




Researcher ID

About me

Hello curious visitor,

I am an industrial Ph.D. student at the Division of Electric Power and Energy Systems in the field of electric machines and drives. Meanwhile, I am also working at ABB Corporate Research Center, Västerås, Sweden as a senior scientist in the field of drive control. My research topic at KTH is the Control of Multiphase Electrical Machines in Normal and Post-Fault Operation. My supervisors for my ongoing studies are professor Luca Peretti and professor Oskar Wallmark.

In 2008 I received my Bachelors in Electrical Engineering at the University College of Engineering and Technology, Multan, Pakistan. From there I moved to KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and in 2010 I received my Master of Science in Electrical Power Engineering. Since then I have been involved in the development of futuristic and robust control for induction and most types of synchronous machines while working at ABB corporate research center.

I am always looking for energetic students having interests in-line with the field of my research. If you are interested, please, drop an email with details.


Electrical Machines and Drives (EJ2201), assistant | Course web

Profile picture of Omer Ikram Ul Haq