Publikationer av Olli Vigren
J. Brozovsky, N. Labonnote och O. Vigren, "Digital technologies in architecture, engineering, and construction," Automation in Construction, vol. 158, 2024.
H. Zhu, O. Vigren och I.-L. Söderberg, "Implementing artificial intelligence empowered financial advisory services : A literature review and critical research agenda," Journal of Business Research, vol. 174, 2024.
K. Bäcklund, O. Vigren och J. Carlsson, "Implementing digital innovations : Overcoming organizational challenges," Developments in the Built Environment, vol. 18, 2024.
O. Vigren, "Ecosystems in construction management and urban development : a comprehensive review of conceptualizations and contributions," Construction Management and Economics, 2023.
K. Eriksson, O. Vigren och A. Lindstrand, "Social network analysis in research on digitalization in sustainable built environment : A review of research ccomplishments and future research challenges," Engineering Project Organization Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, 2023.
V. Nyoni, W. Broberg Piller och O. Vigren, "Sustainability action in the real estate sector : An organizational and institutional perspective," Cleaner Production Letters, vol. 5, s. 100049, 2023.
O. Vigren, A. Kadefors och K. Eriksson, "Digitalization, innovation capabilities and absorptive capacity in the Swedish real estate ecosystem," Facilities, vol. 40, no. 15-16, s. 89-106, 2022.
J. Brozovsky, N. Labonnote och O. Vigren, "A survey-based mapping of the building and construction entrepreneurial ecosystem," i 2024 World Sustainable Built Environment Conference, WSBE 2024, Virtual, Online, NA, Jun 12 2024 - Jun 14 2024, 2024.
O. Kytömäki och A. Kadefors, "Digitalization and innovation in the real estate sector," i ARCOM 2018 Conference, 2018.
Icke refereegranskade
O. Vigren, "Digitalization, sustainability, and ecosystems : An application of social network analysis to the real estate sector," Doktorsavhandling Stockholm, Sweden : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ABE-DLT, 225, 2022.
O. Kytömäki, "Digitalization and innovation in the real estate and facility management sectors - an ecosystem perspective," Licentiatavhandling Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ABE-DLT, 1949, 2020.
O. Vigren, "Digital Transformation - Survive and Thrive : A Survey on Innovators in the Built Environment," London, 2022.
O. Vigren och K. Eriksson, "A review of business ecosystem research methods : A general critique, research gaps and the potential benefits of social network analysis," (Manuskript).
O. Kytömäki, "An operationalizable definition and method for research on innovation ecosystems," (Manuskript).
O. Vigren, A. Kadefors och K. Eriksson, "Digitalization innovation capabilities and absorptive capacity in the Swedish real estate ecosystem," (Manuskript).
H. Zhu, O. Vigren och I.-L. Söderberg, "Implementing AI-empowered Financial Advisory Services : A Literature Review, Integrative Framework, and Critical Research Agenda," (Manuskript).
H. Zhu, O. Vigren och I.-L. Söderberg, "Implementing AI-empowered Financial Advisory Services : A Literature Review, Integrative Framework, and Critical Research Agenda," (Manuskript).
K. Eriksson, O. Kytömäki och A. Lindstrand, "Social network analysis in research on digitalization in sustainable built environment : A review of research accomplishments and future research challenges," (Manuskript).
O. Vigren och K. Eriksson, "What are business ecosystems made of? - A methodological framework for research on ecosystem microstructures based on social network analysis and event data," (Manuskript).
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