Nuno Da Silva Marques
About me
Afilliated with the Environmental Humanities Laboratory I am working on ecopoetic breathing in Ibero-American atmospheres for a monograh (under contract with Routledge Environmental Humanities).
I am also co-editing an anthology of ecopoetry and ecopoetics with Azucena Castro and Santiago Acosta:Ecopoéticas y políticas ecológicas contemporáneas desde el Sur. (Under contract at Brill-Foro Hispánico.)
My Doctoral thesis on how ecopoetry emphasizes song, breathing and air as liberating atmospheric figures for communication and relationships with others and the planet, is available here.
I run ecopoetry workshops and teach on ecopoetry and ecopoetics at, among others, Academic Collaboration Chile Sweden (ACCESS) and Occupy Climate Change School.
As an ecopoet, I published Dia do Não (2018) about the violence of pig slaughter and the tenderness ingrained in family and interspecies relationships; andEstio (2022) about the environmental destruction of the tourism industry and love in vacations.
I translate the poetry of Athena Farrokhzad, with Alejandro Urrutia (2022), Gary Snyder, with Margarida Vale de Gato (2017); John Cage (2023), Evelyn Reilly and Allison Cobb (forthcoming 2024) into Portuguese.
And I am a contributing editor of the international journalVenti on transdisciplinary research on air and atmosphere.