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Long curriculum vitae


Born May 28, 1946, in Jakobstad, Finland. Married (Kati, neé Halo­nen), two child­ren (Ma­ria, b. 1974; Mikael, b. 1982). Citizen of Fin­land and Sweden.


Fluent Swedish, English, and Finnish. Some German.

Academic degrees

1991 Docent, Royal Ins­ti­tute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

1977 Licentiate of Technology (Information processing science, Computer design), Hel­sin­ki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland. Thesis on electronic news­paper lib­raries.

1974 Master of Science (Electronics), Hel­sin­ki Univers­ity of Technology, Es­poo, Finland. The­sis on computer aided newspaper page make-up.

1969 Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (cum laude), Lafayette Col­lege, Eas­t­on, PA, USA.

Main employments

1994–2011 Professor (chair) of Graphic Arts Technology at the Royal Institute of Tech­­nology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden. Head of the department of Me­dia Tech­nology and Graph­ic Arts.

1992–1994 Managing director of Media­Com Oy, Porvoo, Finland.

1987–1992 Managing director of Sisu Mediatekniikka Oy, Helsinki, Finland.

1985–1991 Professor of Text and Image Processing at the Royal Institute of Tech­nology (KTH), Stock­holm, Sweden.

1983–1986 Project director of the SISU Project, Helsinki, Finland.

1981–1983 Research director of IFRA, Darmstadt, Federal Republic of Germany.

1977–1978 Deputy assistant professor, Information processing science, Helsinki Uni­vers­ity of Tech­nology, Espoo, Finland.

1976–1980 Teaching assistant, Information processing science, Helsinki Univers­ity of Techno­lo­gy, Espoo, Finland.

1976 Research assistant, Information processing science, Helsinki Univers­ity of Techno­lo­gy, Espoo, Finland.

1975 Teaching assistant, Information processing science, Helsinki Univers­ity of Tech­no­lo­gy, Espoo, Finland.

1974–1975 Deputy assistant professor, Information processing science, Helsinki Uni­vers­ity of Tech­nology, Espoo, Finland.

1974–1980 Development manager, Typlan Systems Projects Oy Ab, Espoo, Fin­land.

1972–1973 Systems analyst, Typlan Systems Projects Oy Ab, Espoo, Finland.

1970–1971 Systems analyst, Computer Graphics Project, Helsinki University of Technology, Es­poo, Finland.

1969 Teaching assistant, Information processing science, Helsinki Univers­ity of Techno­lo­gy, Espoo, Finland.

Positions of trust and secondary employments

2011-2013 Academic Coordinator of the national NextMedia Project, Helsinki Institute of Inform­at­ion Technology / Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland.

2010- 2015 Member of the Board of the Media Industry Research Foundation of Finland, Helsinki, Finland.

2009-2011 Member of the Board of the International World Opera Association, Struer, Denmark.

2008-2010 Member and Vice President of the Praesidium of the Swedish Academy of Verbovisual In­­form­ation, Stock­holm, Sweden.

2007-2010 Member of the Board of the Foundation for the Advancement of the Graphic Arts Pro­fes­sions (Stiftelsen för de grafiska yrkenas främjande), Stockholm, Sweden.

2006 Member of the Board of the Centre for Sustainable Communications at the Royal In­sti­tute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.

2005–2009 Elected member of the Faculty Assembly of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.

2004–2006 Member of the Research Council of STFI-Packforsk, Stockholm, Sweden.

2004 Visiting professor at the Faculty of Graphic Arts, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

2002–2011 Member of the Board of the Research Centre for Opera and Technology at the University College of Opera and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm, Sweden.

2002–2003 Member of the Board of Framkom Verksamhetsutveckling AB, Stockholm, Sweden.

2002–2003 Member of the Board of the Harry Küller Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden.

2001–2006 Member of the Council for Artistic Development in Art and New Media, Stock­holm, Sweden.

2001–2003 Member of the Advisory Board of the Executive MBA programme in Media Man­age­ment at the Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Turku, Fin­land.

2001–2005 Academic supervisor of the M.Sc. programme in Electronic Publishing and Multi­me­dia Technology at Gjøvik College, Gjøvik, Norway.

2001– Member of the Board of Velent AB, Stock­holm, Sweden.

2000–2001 Member of the Programme Council of ITKompetens, Stockholm, Sweden.

2000–2007 Member of the Management Board (vice chairman 2003-2007) of IARIGAI, the Inter­nat­ion­al Association of Re­search Institutes for the Graphic Arts Industry.

2000–2003 Member of the Board of Net Knowledge Academy AB, Stockholm, Swe­den.

2000–2004 Member of the Board of Intressentföreningen för Medie- och Kom­mu­nikations­forsk­­ning (IMF), Stockholm, Sweden.

2000–2002 Member of the Board of Forskningsaktiebolaget Medie- och Kom­mu­ni­kations­tek­nik AB (Framkom), Stockholm, Sweden.

1999–2010 Chairman of undergraduate studies in Media Technology at the Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.

1999–2000 Assistant Head of the Department of Manufacturing Systems, Roy­al Institute of Tech­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.

1999–2006 Deputy member of the Board of Tryckteknisk Forskning AB, Stock­holm, Sweden.

1999 Member of the Board of IMT AB, Stock­holm, Sweden.

1998–2008 Member of the Council of the Media World 2020 research network, Stockholm, Swe­den.

1998–2003 Member of the Board (deputy member 2001-2002) of MWM Media Workflow Man­age­ment AB, Stock­holm, Sweden.

1998–2000 Member of the Board of the Stiftelsen Grafisk Forskning (Swedish Foundation for Graphic Arts Research), Stock­holm, Sweden.

1998–2001 Member of the Board of the Stockholm Academic Forum, Stock­holm, Sweden.

1995–2000 Elected member of the Board of the Department of Manufacturing Systems, Royal In­sti­tute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.

1994–1998 Member of the Board of the Institute of Media Technology (formerly the Graphic Arts Re­search Laboratory), Stock­holm, Sweden.

1994–1995 Chairman of the IFRA Production Tracking System Working Group, Darmstadt, Ger­ma­ny.

1993–1994 Head of the Media Technology Research Group, Helsinki Univers­ity of Technology, Es­poo, Finland.

1992– Chairman of the Board of Enlund Media Consulting Oy (1992–2001 under the name Me­diaCom Oy), Porvoo, Finland.

1988–1990 Chairman of the IFRA Prepress Systems Working Group, Darmstadt, Fed­eral Rep. of Ger­many.

1982–1983 Member of the Technical Committee of the International Press Tele­com­munications Coun­cil (IPTC).

1982–1983 Chairman of the IFRA Printability Working Group, Darmstadt, Fed­eral Rep. of Germany.

1981–1983 Secretary of the IFRA Newsprint Committee, Darmstadt, Federal Rep. of Germany.

Scientific advisory, editorial and review assignments

2010–   Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Print and Media Technology Research, Darmstadt, Ger­many.

2009   Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Symposium on Novelties in Graph­ics, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2007–   Chairman of the Scientific Committee and the Program Committee of IARIGAI, the Inter­nat­ion­al Association of Re­search Institutes for the Graphic Arts Industry.

2006–2010 Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Printing, Design and Graphic Communication, Zadar, Croatia.

2006–2011 Scientific research project reviewer for the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.

2005 Reviewer for the Printing Future Conference 2005, Chemnitz, Germany.

2005–2011 Expert research evaluator for the Academy of Finland.

2003 Reviewer for Pearson Education book publishers, Harlow, United Kingdom.

2002–2003 Reviewer for the Electronic Markets Journal, St.Gallen, Switzerland.

2002 Member of the Programme Committee for the Seybold Scandinavia Seminars, Stock­holm, Sweden.

2001–2005 Member of the Editorial Advisory Board and reviewer of the Journal of Graphic Tech­no­lo­gy, Rochester, NY, USA.

2001 Member of the Programme Committee for the Technet Baltic 2001 Dis­tance Edu­ca­tion Con­ference, Kaunas, Lithuania.

2000–2006 Member of the Media Technology Scientific Reference Group of the Fibre Science and Com­munication Network of Mid-Sweden Univer­si­ty, Sundsvall, Sweden.

2000–2005 Member or the Program Committee and reviewer for the Inter­na­tional Conferences on Advanced Computer Systems ACS’2000 through 2005, Poland.

1999–2008 Member of the Editorial Board and reviewer of Acta Graphica, Zagreb, Croatia.

1998–1999 Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Swedish Infor­ma­tion Tech­no­lo­gy Institute (SITI), Stockholm, Sweden.

1995–1999 Scientific advisor to the Institute of Media Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

1994–1997 Scientific advisor to INES Media Concepts GmbH, Darmstadt, Ger­ma­ny.

1987–1995 Member of the Scientific Council of the Centre for Communication Sci­ence (Kom­mu­ni­ka­tionsvetenskap­ligt Centrum) at the Mid-Sweden University, Sundsvall, Swe­d­­en.

1987–1991 Member of the Scientific Council of the Gustaf Anders Foundation, Karl­stad, Swe­d­en.

Honorary awards and memberships

2010 Honorary member of the  Media Technology section of the KTH Students’ Union, Stock­holm, Sweden.

2008 Member of the jury of the Graphic Arts Industry Innovation Contest, Helsinki, Fin­land.

2005–2010 Member of the jury for the Swedish Publishing Award.

2003 Received the Technical Association of the Graphic Arts (TAGA) Michael H. Bruno Award for out­standing contributions to the graphic arts industry, Montreal, Canada.

2001–2011 Member of the Swedish Academy of Verbovisual Information, Stock­holm, Sweden.

1999 Appointed ”Home Town Prophet” by the City of Jakobstad, Finland.

1999 Received the 1999 Industry Award of the Swedish Foundation for the Promotion of the Graph­ic Arts Professions.

1969– Member of Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, and Phi Beta Kappa.

Expert assignments

2011 Expert statement regarding the promotion of Aase Knudsen, PhD, to the position of Pro­fessor at Lillehammer University College, Norway.

2011 Expert statement regarding the appointment of Carl Unander-Scharin as Guest Professor at the University College of Opera, Stockholm, Sweden.

2011 Expert statement regarding the promotion of Magnus Lestelius, PhD, to the position of Professor at Karlstad University, Sweden.

2010 Examiner of Sven Packmohr’s doctoral thesis ”Strategische Planung in der Digitalen Öko­nomie—Analyse und Wei­ter­entwicklung der Portfolio-Analyse als ein Instrument”, at Universität Osna­brück, Osnabrück, Germany.

2009 Member of the examination committee for Aldo van Weezel’s doctoral thesis "Entrepren­eur­ial strategy-making mode and performance: A study of the newspaper industry" at the Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping, Swe­­d­­en.

2009 Expert statement regarding the awarding of a Personal Chair to T.C. Claypole, PhD, at Swan­sea University, Swansea, United Kingdom.

2009 Member of the examination committee for Chiara Rossitto’s doctoral thesis "Managing work at several places: Understanding nomadic practices in student groups" at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­­holm, Swe­­d­­en.

2009 Expert evaluator of a doctoral study program in textiles, graphics and textile design at the Fac­ulty of Natural Sciences and Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2009 Pre-examiner and academic opponent of Anneli Nordberg’s doctoral thesis ”Dynamic cap­abilities of SME’s” at the Helsinki School of Economics, Finland.

2008 Pre-examiner and academic opponent of Maiju Aikala’s doctoral thesis ”Quality space of the magazine” at the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.

2008 Member of the examination committee for Anna Swartling’s doctoral thesis ”The good pers­on in information systems development — A reflexive investigation of HCI in the acquisition process” at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­­holm, Swe­­d­­en.

2008 Pre-examiner and academic opponent of Marja Heinonen’s doctoral thesis ”The use of and the study of using a new media form” at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland.

2008 Member of the examination committee for Johanna Johnson’s doctoral thesis ”Aspects of flexographic print quality and relationship to some printing parameters” at Karlstad Uni­vers­ity, Karlstad, Swe­­d­­en.

2007 Expert statement regarding the appointment of an assistant professor in Business Ad­min­ist­ration with focus on Media Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Jönköping International Business School, Swe­den.

2007 Expert statement regarding the appointment of a professor in Media Technology at Luleå University of Technology, Swe­den.

2007 Expert statement regarding the appointment of an associate professor in Media Man­age­ment at Gjøvik College, Gjøvik, Norway.

2007 Expert statement regarding the appointment of a professor in Media Business at Turku School of Economics, Turku, Finland.

2007 Member of the examination committee for Minna Räsänen’s doctoral thesis ”The islands of togetherness: Rewriting the notions of ’context analysis’ and ’togetherness’ in HCI” at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm, Swe­­d­­en.

2006 Member of the examination committee for Joakim Voltaire’s doctoral thesis ”Ink split­ting acoustics in offset printing” at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm, Swe­­d­­en.

2005 Chairman of the pedagogic evaluation committee for the conferment of the degree of Docent in Human-Computer Interaction on Dr. Henrik Artman, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stock­holm, Swe­d­en.

2005 Expert statement regarding the appointment of an assistant professor in Graphic Arts Technology, Dalarna University, Borlänge, Sweden.

2005 Expert statement regarding the appointment to a teaching/research faculty position in Me­dia tech­nology at Gjøvik College, Gjøvik, Norway.

2005 Member of the examination committee for Roland Parviainen’s doctoral thesis ”Large scale and mobile group communication systems”, Luleå University of Technology, Lu­leå, Sweden.

2005 Expert statement regarding the appointment of a professor in Media Technology at Luleå University of Technology, Swe­den.

2005 Expert statement concerning the conferment of the degree of Docent in Control Tech­no­l­ogy on Dr. Magnus Lestelius by Karlstad University, Sweden.

2005 Member of the examination committee for Jonas Lundberg’s doctoral thesis ”Shaping electronic news”, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.

2004 Member of the examination committee for Carina Ihlström’s doctoral thesis ”The evo­lut­ion of a new(s) genre" at Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden.

2004 Expert evaluator of a master of science program in Graphic arts technology at Dalarna Uni­versity College, Borlänge, Sweden.

2004 Member of the examination committee for Siv Lindberg’s doctoral thesis ”Perceptual de­terminants of print quality" at Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.

2003 Member of the examination committee for Erik Piñeiro’s doctoral thesis ”The aesthetics of code – on excellence in instrumental action” at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm, Swe­d­en.

2003 Member of the examination committee for Henrry Rodriguez’ doctoral thesis ”Designing, evaluating and exploring web-based tools for collaborative annotation of documents” at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm, Swe­d­en.

2003 Expert statement regarding the appointment of an assistant professor in Media Tech­no­logy at Gjøvik College, Gjøvik, Norway.

2003 Expert statement regarding the appointment of a professor in Measurement technology, with a focus on Digital printing, at Mid-Sweden University, Swe­den.

2003 Expert statement concerning the conferment of the degree of Docent in Science on Dr. Lars Eidenvall by the Mid-Sweden University, Sweden.

2003 Member of the examination committee for Cristian Bogdan’s doctoral thesis ”IT support for Amateur Communities” at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm, Swe­d­en.

2002 Expert statement regarding the appointment of an assistant professor in Graphic Arts Technology, Dalarna University, Borlänge, Sweden.

2002–2003 Expert evaluator of Knowledge-building Projects for the Research Council of Norway.

2002 Expert statement concerning the conferment of the degree of Docent in Economics on Dr. Heikki Eerola by the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

2002 Expert statement regarding the appointment of a lecturer in Design Studies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Otago, New Zealand.

2002 Expert statement regarding the appointment of a professor in Electronic Publishing and Multimedia Technology at Gjøvik College, Gjøvik, Norway.

2002 Expert statement regarding the appointment of a professor in Media and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Science, with a focus on Media Developments, at Mid-Sweden University, Sundsvall, Swe­den.

2001 Academic opponent at the public defense of Sami Jokela’s doctoral thesis ”Meta­data en­hanced content management in media companies” at the Helsinki University of Techn­o­lo­gy, Espoo, Finland.

2001 Member of the examination committee for Bo Lennstrand’s doctoral thesis ”Hype-IT – IT as vision and reality” at Stockholm University, Stock­holm, Sweden.

2001 Expert evaluation of project proposals to the Baltic Foundation, Sweden.

2001 Member of the examination committee for Sasan Gooran’s doctoral thesis ”High quality frequency modulated halftoning” at University of Linköping, Norrköping, Swe­den.

2001 Expert statement regarding the appointment of a senior lecturer in Media Techno­lo­gy at Växjö University, Växjö, Sweden.

2000 Expert statment regarding the appointment of a professor in Information Networks at the Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland.

2000 Pre-examiner of Marko Turpeinen’s doctoral thesis ”Customizing news content for in­­dividuals and communities” at the Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Fin­land.

1999 Expert evaluator of the undergraduate study pro­gramme in Graphic Technology at the Fa­c­­ul­ty of Graphics of the Uni­ver­sity of Zagreb, Croatia, appointed by the Na­tion­al Coun­cil for Higher Education of the Re­public of Croatia.

1998 Member of the examination committee for Olle Bälter’s doctoral thesis ”Electronic mail in a working environment” at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm, Swed­en.

1998 Expert evaluator of the graduate study pro­gramme in Graphic Technology at the Fac­ul­ty of Graphics of the Uni­ver­sity of Zagreb, Croatia, appointed by the Na­tion­al Council for Higher Education of the Re­public of Croatia.

Academic thesis supervision (postgraduate)

2012 Picha Edwardson, Malin: Media processes for content production – studies of structure and climate impact, thesis for the degree of Licen­ti­ate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2010 Rehberger, Marcus: Hybrid printing on fibre-based packaging—Performance, quality and market, thesis for the degree of Doc­t­or of Philosophy, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2010 Gullström, Charlie: Presence design – mediated spaces extending architecture, thesis for the degree of Doc­t­or of Philosophy, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2010 Enoksson, Emmi: Toward better image reproduction in offset, thesis for the degree of Doc­t­or of Tech­nol­ogy, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2008 Mejtoft, Thomas: Institutional arrangements and competitive posture: Effects of company structures in the commercial printing industry, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Tech­nol­ogy, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2007 Rehberger, Marcus: Topographical micro-changes in corrugated board production. Eff­ects on flexographic post-print quality, thesis for the degree of Licen­ti­ate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2007 Appelgren, Ester: Media convergence and digital news services, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal Insti­tute of Tech­nology (KTH), Stockholm.

2007 Bjurstedt, Anders: Gravure vs. web-offset! The changing world of publication printing 1986-2006, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2007 Nagaraj, Sanjay: The impact of consumer knowledge, information mode, and presentation form on advertising effects, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2006 Enoksson, Emmi: Studies in image control for better reproduction in offset, thesis for the degree of Licen­ti­ate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2006 Enroth, Maria: Developing tools for sustainability management in the graphic arts in­dust­ry, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2006 Mejtoft, Thomas: Strategies in the digital printing value system, thesis for the degree of Licen­ti­ate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2006 Blomqvist, Ulf: Mediated peer (to peer) learning, thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Tech­nology, Royal Insti­tute of Tech­nology (KTH), Stockholm.

2006 Cepaite, Asta: Medieproducenter och mediekonsumenter i otakt? (Media producers and con­­sumers – different worlds?, in Swedish), thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philos­ophy, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2005 Bjurstedt, Anders: The European publication printing industry, thesis for the degree of Licen­ti­ate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2005 Andersson, Mats B.: Allestädes närvarande kunskap – om webbplatser som informativt stöd (Ubiquitous knowledge – web sites as informative support, in Swedish), thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2005 Appelgren, Ester: The influence of media convergence on strategies in newspaper pro­duct­ion, thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Tech­nology, Royal Insti­tute of Tech­nology (KTH), Stockholm.

2005 Stjernqvist, Inger: Interaktiva medier i komplex försäljning (Interactive media in complex sales, in Swedish), thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2004 Viström, Magnus: Customised information on packaging—driving forces and logistical aspects, thesis for the degree of Licen­ti­ate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2004 Politis, Anastasios: Human capital development and competence structures in chang­ing media production environments, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2004 Halonen, Lena: Effects of newspaper structure on productivity, thesis for the degree of Licen­ti­ate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2004 Knudsen, Claus: Presence production, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Roy­al Institute of Tech­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2004 Wallin, Erik: Individual information adaptation based on content description, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2004 Leckner, Sara: Soft proofing using liquid crystal displays, thesis for the degree of Licen­ti­ate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2003 Handberg, Leif: On the implementation of production management systems in the graphic arts industry, thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2002 Girard Leloup, Laurent: Measurement and prediction procedures for printability in flexo­graphy, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2002 Klaman, Marianne: Aspects on colour rendering, colour prediction and colour control in printed media, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2001 Persson, Christian: Strategies for enhancing consumer interaction in electronic re­tail­­ing, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2001 Enroth, Maria: Tools for eco-efficiency in the printing industry, thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2001 Politis, Anastasios: Human resource management strategies within the graphic arts and media sector, thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2001 Rehn, Jonas: Information flow and physical dis­tribution planning in newspaper de­liv­ery, thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm.

2001 Sabelström Möller, Kristina: Information categories and editorial processes in mul­tiple channel publishing, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal Insti­tute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2001 Jonsson, Alex: Enhancing on-line information sharing systems, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stock­holm.

2001 Koulouvari, Panagiota: Organizational learning in dynamic environments—case stud­ies from the media industry, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Roy­al Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm.

2000 Rosenqvist, Christopher: Development of new media products—case studies on web, newspapers and magazines, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal In­sti­tute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm.

2000 Lindgren, Mats: Quality in a digital prepress workflow, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal Insti­tute of Techno­lo­gy (KTH), Stockholm.

2000 Slimani, Dorotea: Strategic management tools for graphic arts companies, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal Insti­tute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm.

1999 Kihlberg, Henrik: Productivity in a digital prepress workflow, thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­logy (KTH), Stockholm

1999 Sabelström, Kristina: Information types and content migration in multichannel news­­pap­er publishing, thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal In­sti­tute of Tech­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stockholm.

1999 Jonsson, Alex: Methods and techniques for enhancing on-line publishing workflows, thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm.

1998 Ionesco, Vlad: Intranets and organisational learning, thesis for the degree of Licen­ti­ate of Technology, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm.

1998 Slimani, Dorotea: A study of strategic management tools for graphic arts com­pa­n­ies, the­sis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm.

1998 Lindgren, Mats: Improving image quality through prepress workflow modifications, the­sis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Roy­al Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm.

1997 Stenberg, Johan: Global Production Management in Newspaper Pro­duction and Dis­­tri­bu­­tion—Coordination of Products, Pro­ces­ses and Resources, thesis for the de­gree of Doc­tor of Technology, Royal Insti­tute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm.

1996 Nordqvist, Stig: A Model for Global Production Management Systems in Newspaper Pro­duction—Real Time Management of Time Critical and Heterogeneous Pro­ces­ses, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technology, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock­holm.

1996 Ängskog, Sven: Measurement of detail rendering as a tool for print quality assess­ment, thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stockholm.

1994 Stenberg, Johan: Mångfaldigande och distribution av dagstidningar – pro­ces­sen och dess logistik (Printing and distribution of newspapers—the process and its logistics, in Swed­ish), thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­­no­lo­gy (KTH), Stockholm.

1994 Nordqvist, Stig: Dagstidningars förpress: process och produk­tions­man­age­ment (News­­paper prepress: process and production management, in Swedish), thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Technology, Royal Institute of Tech­nology (KTH), Stock­holm.

Profilbild av Nils Enlund


  • Long curriculum vitae