Ulla Mörtberg
About me
Professor in energy systems and environmental assessment, associate professor (docent) in spatial and environmental systems analysis. Spatial and environmental systems analysis embraces the research areas of energy systems and environmental assessment, urban landscapes and futures, water resource management and decision support tools, and environmental system analysis tools. On-going projects within these research areas are:
- (re)Planning Nature-Based Solutions and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Transformations (REPLAN)
- Stockholm Heat - part of Senseable Stockholm Lab
- Potential for wind power in the ÖMS regions
- Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence for Change Detection - Ecological Assessment (EO-AI-EcA)
- Urban energy and transport modelling (UBMEM)
- Integrated sustainability assessment of forest bioenergy options
- LEcA tool for REEEM
- Bioenergy options in Brazil - environmental impacts of land use change
- LEAM Stockholm
- REWIND - Regional planning for wind power
Degree Project in Built Environment, First Cycle (AL130X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure, Second Cycle (AL230X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Strategies for Sustainable Development, Second Cycle (AL250X), examiner | Course web
Energy, Environment and Sustainable development (AL1351), teacher | Course web
Environmental Data (AE2503), examiner | Course web
Environmental System Analysis for Built Environment (AE1501), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Environmental Systems Analysis for Energy and Environment (AE1502), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Environmental Systems Analysis for Teachers (AE1503), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
GIS for Environmental Modelling (FAL3300), examiner | Course web
Literature Course in Land and Water Resources Engineering, A (FAL3301), examiner | Course web
Literature Course in Land and Water Resources Engineering, B (FAL3302), examiner | Course web
Literature Course in Land and Water Resources Engineering, C (FAL3303), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Natural Resources Management Tools (AL2300), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Natural Resources Theory (AL1301), teacher | Course web
Sustainable Development in theory and practise (AL2113), teacher | Course web