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Scientific Reports and Theses

(2023.12.06) Emelie Trigell *), thesis title: "Operating conditions impact on flow and acoustics in turbocharger compressors", ISBN: 978-91-8040-775-5, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2023.

(2023.11.16) Beichuan Hong, thesis title: "Exergy Evaluation of Engine Operations: Combustion Process to Exhaust Flow", ISBN: 978-91-8040-732-8 , KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2023.

(2023.05.05) Asuka Gabriele Pietroniro *), thesis title: "Turbocharger Compressor Noise: a numerical study", ISBN: 978-91-8040-536-2, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2023.

(2022.10.07) Roberto Mosca *), thesis title: "Numerical Investigation of Radial Turbines Subject to Pulsating Flow", ISBN: 978-91-8040-362-7, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2022.

(2021.06.11) Nicola Giramondi, thesis title: "Diffusive Combustion of Ethanol in a Dual-Fuel Direct Injection Compression Ignition Engine", ISBN: 978-91-7873-893-9, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2021.

(2020.10.23) Ghulam Majal *), thesis title: "Flow dynamics in corrugated pipes: Effect on particle agglomeration", ISBN: 978-91-7873-646-1, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2020.

(2019.01.31) Lukas Schickhofer *), thesis title: "Modelling the Production and Propagation of Sound in Individual Human Vocal Tracts", ISBN 978-91-7873-064-3, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2019.

(2018.12.07) Shyang Maw Lim *), thesis title: "Aerothermodynamics and Exergy Analysis in Turbocharger Radial Turbine", ISBN 978-91-7729-956-1, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2018.

(2017.12.13) Elias Sundström *), Doctoral thesis title: "Flow Instabilities in Centrifugal Compressors at Low Mass Flow Rate", ISBN 978-91-7729-555-6, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2017.

(2017.06.02) Bertrand Kerres, Doctoral thesis title: "On Stability and Surge in Turbocharger Compressors", ISBN 978-91-7729-378-1, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2017.

(2014.12.17) Bernhard Semlitsch *), Doctoral thesis title: "Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Compressible Jets", ISBN 978-91-7595-381-6, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2014.

(2014.10.03) Johan Fjällman, Doctoral thesis title: "Large Eddy Simulations of Complex Flows in IC-Engine's Exhaust Manifold and Turbine", ISBN 978-91-7595-270-3, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2014.

(2013.12.17) Yue Wang, Doctoral thesis title: "Numerical Studies of Flow and Associated Losses in the Exhaust Port of a Diesel Engine", ISBN 978-91-7501-957-4, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2013.

(2013.02.22) Alexander Sakowitz, Doctoral thesis title: "Computation and Analysis of EGR Mixing in Internal Combustion Engine Manifolds", ISBN 978-91-7501-639-9, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2013.

(2013.02.08) Olle Bodin, Doctoral thesis title: "Simulations of Compressible Flows Associated with Internal Combustion Engines", ISBN 978-91-7501-623-8, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2013.


(2017.04.28) Lukas Schickhofer *), Lic. thesis title: "Sound Generation and Propagation in the Human Upper Airways", ISBN 978-91-7729-352-1, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2017.

(2017.01.19) Shyang Maw Lim *), Lic. thesis title: "Flow and Heat Transfer in a Turbocharger Radial Turbine", ISBN 978-91-7729-238-8, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2017.

(2016.04.28) Elias Sundström *), Lic. thesis title: "Centrifugal Compressor Flow Instabilities at Low Mass Flow Rate", ISBN 978-91-7595-931-3, KTH, US-AB, Stockholm, 2016.

*) Doctoral students with Mihaescu as the main supervisor


(2021.11.24) Martin Granlöf, MSc. thesis title: "Shape optimization of axial cooling fan via 3D CFD simulation and surrogate modeling", Stockholm, KTH, 2021.

(2017.08.25) Alessandro Ceci, MSc. thesis title: "Transonic Flow Features in a Nozzle Guide Vane Passage", Stockholm, KTH, 2017.