Aniss Medbouhi
Doctoral student
About me
I started in 2022 a PhD in Computer Science specialized in Machine Learning, at the Division of Robotics Perception and Learning (Department of Intelligent Systems, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) under supervision of Professor Danica Kragic Jensfelt.
Topics of my research: Representation learning, geometric and topological methods, hyperbolic machine learning and applications to Brain-Computer Interfaces and biology.
Representation learning is the problem of automatically learning relevant representations of the data, getting rid of feature engineering done in traditional machine learning. Real-world data is usually noisy and high dimensional, however it can carry low dimensional intrinsic structures that can be uncovered by geometric and topological methods. In this thesis, we will develop such representation learning methods which take into account the geometry and topology of the data. We aim to explore applications of such methods in Human-Computer Interaction through Brain-Computer Interfaces.
My goal is to build some new tools in machine learning using mathematics, and then, after this quite theoretical step which might take some years, hopefully apply that to solve concrete biomedical problems. I am particularly interested in neurorehabilitation. Please feel free to contact me if any interest!
Before to start the PhD:
Previously, I was a research engineer in Machine Learning and Brain-Computer Interface in the same lab supervised by Prof. Danica Kragic Jensfelt and Dr. Ali Ghadirzadeh. Before that, I realized my master thesis, also in the same lab, in Machine Learning and Topological Data Analysis supervised by Dr. Anastasiia Varava and Vladislav Polianskii.
I studied (mostly) mathematics and physics in scientific Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles at the Lycée du Parc in Lyon (France), and then I integrated the Ecole Centrale Marseille (now called Ecole Centrale Méditerranée) where I studied General Engineering with a major in Biomedical Engineering. Also, during my 1st year at Ecole Centrale Marseille, in parallel with my engineering studies I got a B.Sc. in (pure) Mathematics from Aix-Marseille University. I continued my studies with a double degree at KTH Royal Institute of Technology through TIME (Top International Managers in Engineering) mobility, where I followed the courses of the master's degree in Machine Learning. Then, you already know... I stayed in Stockholm for my master thesis, research engineering position, and PhD..."la boucle est bouclée", or as a topologist might say, βmy nonlinear story1=1.
Artificial Intelligence (DD2380), assistant | Course web
Machine Learning (DD2421), assistant | Course web