Maria Chiara Cavalli
Assistant professor
About me
Maria Chiara Cavalli is an assistant professor in the division of highway and railway engineering at KTH. In her research, she focuses on designing sustainable alternatives to conventional asphalt pavement.
She holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical and Process Engineering from ETH Zurich. Prior joining KTH, she was a postdoctoral scholar at Ecole des Ponts. She received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Civil Engineering from the University of Parma.
At KTH, her research is funded by the FORMAS starting grant, and the research innitiative by KTH Environment and sustainability without boundaries and TRENoP - Transport Research Environment with Novel Perspectives .
More information can be found at:
Introduction to Asphalt Chemistry (FAH3904), course responsible | Course web
Road Construction and Maintenance (AF2903), teacher | Course web
Road- and Railway Track Engineering (AF2901), assistant | Course web
Road- and Railway Track Engineering, advanced course (AF2905), teacher | Course web