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Matteo Iovino

Profile picture of Matteo Iovino

About me

Research Scientist at ABB Corporate Research (SECRC, Västerås).

I obtained my PhD in Computer Science at the Robotic, Perception, and Learning (RPL) department in June 2023, where I was an affiliated WASP-AS student (Batch 3).

Research Topic: learning Behavior Trees for industrial applications in complex environments.

About: born in Padova (Italy), master in Automation Engineering (University of Padova, IT - now Control System Engineering) and General Engineering (École Centrale de Nantes, FR) with major in Robotics. Now living in Västerås.

Came first to Sweden in 2018 for the Master's Thesis at ABB Corporate Research about navigation and mapping for a mobile manipulator.  Finally moved here in beginning 2019. I speak Italian, English, French, Spanish and Swedish (still work in progress).

In my research I applied learning methods to automatically synthesize Behavior Trees to control collaborative robots (ABB YuMi, MobileYuMi) to achieve (mobile) manipulation tasks. The goal is to facilitate the creation of robot programs for those users that have not high programming skills and for tasks that are fast-changing, typical in small and medium enterprises. My interests are also oriented towards Human Robot Interaction.