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Publikationer av Mats Engwall



E. Susur och M. Engwall, "A transitions framework for circular business models," Journal of Industrial Ecology, vol. 27, no. 1, s. 19-32, 2023.
A. Bennich, M. Engwall och D. Nilsson, "Operating in the shadowland : Why water utilities fail to manage decaying infrastructure," Utilities Policy, vol. 82, s. 101557, 2023.
A. Svarts, T. Anders och M. Engwall, "Volume creates value : The volume–outcome relationship in Scandinavian obesity surgery," Health Services Management Research, vol. 35, no. 4, s. 229-239, 2022.
A. Svarts et al., "Does Focus Improve Performance in Elective Surgery? : A Study of Obesity Surgery in Sweden," International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 17, no. 18, 2020.
S. Tongur och M. Engwall, "Exploring window of opportunity dynamics in infrastructure transformation," Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, vol. 25, s. 82-93, 2017.
M. Miterev, M. Engwall och A. Jerbrant, "Mechanisms of isomorphism in project-based organizations," Project Management Journal, vol. 48, s. 9-24, 2017.
I. Visnjic et al., "What brings the value to outcome-based contract providers? Value drivers in outcome business models," International Journal of Production Economics, s. 169-181, 2017.
M. Miterev, M. Engwall och A. Jerbrant, "Exploring program management competences for various program types," International Journal of Project Management, vol. 34, no. 3, s. 545-557, 2016.
S. Sarker et al., "Internal Visibility of External Supplier Risks and the Dynamics of Risk Management Silos," IEEE transactions on engineering management, vol. 63, no. 4, s. 451-461, 2016.
M. Jovanovic, M. Engwall och A. Jerbrant, "Matching Service Offerings and Product Operations: A Key to Servitization Success," Research technology management, vol. 59, no. 3, s. 29-36, 2016.
C. Ingvarsson Munthe et al., "Dealing with the devil of deviation : managing uncertainty during product development execution(1)," R&D Management, vol. 44, no. 2, s. 203-216, 2014.
S. Tongur och M. Engwall, "The business model dilemma of technology shifts," Technovation, vol. 34, no. 9, s. 525-535, 2014.
J. Miguel Fernandez-Gomez et al., "Outsourcing : A Process To Improve Competitiveness," Dyna, vol. 87, no. 6, s. 612-616, 2012.
M. Engwall, "PERT : Polaris and the realities of project execution," International Journal of Managing Projects in Business/Emerald, vol. 5, no. 4, s. 595-616, 2012.
A. Zika-Wiktorsson, P. Sundström och M. Engwall, "Project Overload : An Exploratory Study of Work and Management in Multi-Project Settings," International Journal of Project Management, vol. 24, no. 5, s. 385-394, 2006.
M. Engwall, R. Kling och A. Werr, "Models in Action: The use of Man­agement Models in Product Development Projects," R &D Management, vol. 35, no. 4, s. 427-440, 2005.
M. Engwall och C. Svensson, "Cheetah Teams in Product Development: The Most Extreme Form of Temporary Organi­zation," Scandinavian Journal of Management, vol. 20, no. 3, s. 297-317, 2004.
M. Engwall och G. Westling, "Peripety in an R&D Drama : Capturing a Turn Around in Projects Dynamics," Organization Studies, vol. 25, no. 9, s. 1557-1578, 2004.
M. Engwall, "No Project is an island : Linking Projects to History and Context," Research Policy, vol. 5, no. 32, s. 789-808, 2003.
M. Engwall och A. Jerbrant, "The Resource Allocation Syndrome : The Prime Challenge of Multi-Project Management?," International Journal of Project Management, vol. 6, no. 21, s. 403-409, 2003.
M. Engwall och A. Jerbrant, "The resource allocation syndrome.," International journal of project management., vol. 21, s. 403-409, 2003.
M. Engwall och C. Svensson, "Cheetah Teams," Harvard Business Review, vol. 2, no. 9, s. 20-21, 2001.


M. Miterev och M. Engwall, "Experimental Project Networks : A missing link in enabling innovation through projects?," i European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2023, Dublin, Ireland, 14-16 June 2023, 2023.
R. Darwish, M. Engwall och L. Uppvall, "The business model in a cage the embeddedness challenge of business model design in systemic innovation," i 26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference, IAMOT 2017, 2020, s. 1125-1139.
A. Bennich, M. Engwall och D. Nilsson, "Windows of Opportunity for Transition of Water Infrastructure Systems," i IST2020, 2020.
M. Engwall et al., "Explorative project networks: Means for business model innovation?," i R&D Management Conference, 2018.
E. Hetemi et al., "Exploring mechanisms underlying lock-in in large infrastructure projects : A management perspective," i CENTERIS 2017 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2017 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2017 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist 2017, 2017, s. 681-691.
M. Miterev, M. Engwall och A. Jerbrant, "Exploring program management competences for different program types," i 28th World Congress of the International Project Management Association, 2014 (IPMA WC 2014), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2014.
A. Jerbrant, M. Miterev och M. Engwall, "Integrating strategic aspects with project portfolio management : Exploring different ways to deal with organizational dependencies," i 1st ANNUAL EDIM PhD CONFERENCE : Research Challenges in Contemporary Management Engineering, 2014.
M. Hammarström, J. Angelis och M. Engwall, "Managing professional service firms," i Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, 2013.
C. Linse, A. Jerbrant och M. Engwall, "Creativity on demand," i NordDesign 2012 - Proceedings of the 9th NordDesign Conference, 2012.
L. Uppvall et al., "Dealing with the Devil of Deviations : Managing Uncertainty during Product Development Execution," i R&D Management Conference, 2012 : Book of Abstracts, 2012, s. 147-147.
A. Jerbrant och M. Engwall, "The importance of strategic aspects with PPM for NPD portfolios," i IAMOT 2011 - International Association for Management of Technology : Technology and the Global Challanges: Security, Energy, Water, and the Environment, 2011.
S. Ritzén et al., "Learning to change : a network approach to engineering management development," i International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 05, Melbourne, August 15-18, 2005.

Kapitel i böcker

M. Engwall, "The Futile Dream for the Perfect Goal," i Beyond Project Management, Malmö : Liber, 2002.
M. Engwall, "The Project Concept: On the Ambiguous Key Concept of Project Management," i Projects as Arenas for Renewal and Change, : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.

Icke refereegranskade


A. Jerbrant och M. Engwall, "Organizational design of project-based firms.," i Back to the future, 2011.
A. Hallin, A. Jerbrant och M. Engwall, "Innovativity or industrialization? : Service managers’ views on competitive service work," i Nordic academy of Management : Business as usual, 2009.


M. Engwall et al., Modern industriell ekonomi. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB, 2017.
M. Engwall et al., Industriell ekonomi : Metoder och verktyg. Studentlitteratur, 2014.
J. Gramenius et al., Praktikfallet Rydab. Lund : Studentlitteratur, 1999.
M. Engwall, Jakten på det effektiva projektet. 1. uppl. Stockholm : Thomson Fakta AB, 1995.

Kapitel i böcker

M. Engwall och C. Linse, "Kreativ på beställning : att styra designkonsulters skapandeprocesser," i Kreativt kapital : Om ledning och organisation i kulturella och kreativa näringar, Emma Stenström & Lars Strannegård red., Stockholm : 8tto, 2013.
M. Engwall och A. Söderholm, "Funktionschefer i projektorganiserade företag," i Projektliv : villkor för uthållig projektverksamhet, Torbjörn Stjernberg, Jonas Söderlund, Ewa Wikström red., : Studentlitteratur, 2008, s. 217-230.
M. Engwall, R. S. Steinthorsson och A. Söderholm, "Temporary Organizing: A Viking Approach to Project Manage­ment Research," i The Northern Lights, Barbara Czarniawska & Guje Sevon red., Malmö : Liber, 2003.
M. Engwall och C. Svensson, "The Cheetah Team Strategy: Saving Projects in Crises," i Collabo­r­ative Research in Organizations: Foundations for Learning, Change, and Theoretical Development, Niclas Adler, A.B. Shani, Alexander Stymne red., : Sage Publications, 2003.

Samlingsverk (redaktörskap)


V. K. Sinha, M. Engwall och T. Strömsten, "Cartography of Liquidity Risk Calculations," (Manuskript).
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