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Publications by Marina Zelenina

Peer reviewed


K. Uematsu et al., "Protein kinase A directly phosphorylates metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 to modulate its function," Journal of Neurochemistry, vol. 132, no. 6, pp. 677-686, 2015.
S. Dånmark et al., "Development of a novel microfluidic device for long-term in situ monitoring of live cells in 3-dimensional matrices," Biomedical microdevices (Print), vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 885-893, 2012.
R. A. Fenton et al., "Differential water permeability and regulation of three aquaporin 4 isoforms," Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS), vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 829-840, 2010.
M. Zelenina, "Regulation of brain aquaporins," Neurochemistry International, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 468-488, 2010.
R. Vieux et al., "The renal adverse effects of ibuprofen are not mediated by AQP2 water channels," Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, West), vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1277-1284, 2010.
E. Gunnarson et al., "Erythropoietin modulation of astrocyte water permeability as a component of neuroprotection.," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 106, no. 5, pp. 1602-7, 2009.
A. R. Uggla et al., "Expression of chloride channels in trachea-occluded hyperplastic lungs and nitrofen-induced hypoplastic lungs in rats," Pediatric surgery international (Print), vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 799-806, 2009.
A. Ringman et al., "NKCC-1 and ENaC are down-regulated in nitrofen-induced hypoplastic lungs with congenital diaphragmatic hernia," Pediatric surgery international (Print), vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 993-1000, 2008.
M. Zelenina et al., "Urinary aquaporin-2 excretion during early human development," Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, West), vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 947-952, 2006.
E. A. Rodionova et al., "Urinary aquaporin-2 in children with acute pyelonephritis," Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, West), vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 361-367, 2006.
L. N. Nejsum et al., "Bidirectional regulation of AQP2 trafficking and recycling : involvement of AQP2-S256 phosphorylation," American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology, vol. 288, no. 5, pp. F930-F938, 2005.
E. Gunnarson et al., "Lead induces increased water permeability in astrocytes expressing aquaporin 4," Neuroscience, vol. 136, no. 1, pp. 105-114, 2005.
M. Zelenina, S. Zelenin and A. Aperia, "Water channels (aquaporins) and their role for postnatal adaptation.," Pediatric Research, vol. 57, no. 5 II, pp. 47R-53R, 2005.
M. Zelenina et al., "Copper inhibits the water and glycerol permeability of aquaporin-3," Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 279, no. 50, pp. 51939-51943, 2004.
E. Gunnarson, M. Zelenina and A. Aperia, "Regulation of brain aquaporins," Neuroscience, vol. 129, no. 4, pp. 947-955, 2004.
M. Zelenina and H. Brismar, "Osmotic water permeability measurements using confocal laser scanning microscopy," European Biophysics Journal, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 165-171, 2000.

Conference papers

C. Errando-Herranz et al., "Biocompatibility of OSTE polymers studied by cell growth experiments," in Proceedings of the 17th Int. Conf. on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry  and Life Sciences (microTAS), 2013.
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