Publikationer av Thibault Marette
L. Marchal et al., "Trading performance for memory in sparse direct solvers using low-rank compression," Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 130, s. 307-320, 2022.
K. T. Foerster et al., "Analyzing the Communication Clusters in Datacenters," i ACM Web Conference 2023 : Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2023, 2023, s. 3022-3032.
T. Marette, P. Miettinen och S. Neumann, "Visualizing Overlapping Biclusterings and Boolean Matrix Factorizations," i Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases : Research Track - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2023, Turin, Italy, September 18-22, 2023, Proceedings, Part I, 2023, s. 743-758.
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2024-12-17 00:35:25