Publikationer av Lennart Söder
H. Nordström, L. Söder och R. Eriksson, "Continuous power imbalance assessment from multi-area economic dispatch models," Renewable energy, vol. 225, 2024.
M. Agredano Torres et al., "Decentralized Dynamic Power Sharing Control for Frequency Regulation Using Hybrid Hydrogen Electrolyzer Systems," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 15, no. 3, s. 1847-1858, 2024.
E. Blom och L. Söder, "Single-level reduction of the hydropower area Equivalent bilevel problem for fast computation," Renewable energy, vol. 225, 2024.
K. L. Nefabas, M. Mamo och L. Söder, "Analysis of System Balancing and Wind Power Curtailment Challenges in the Ethiopian Power System under Different Scenarios," Sustainability, vol. 15, no. 14, 2023.
M. Skalyga et al., "Distributionally robust day-ahead combined heat and power plants scheduling with Wasserstein Metric," Energy, vol. 269, 2023.
E. Blom och L. Söder, "Optimal segmented efficiency in hydrosystem area equivalents to capture real production peaks," Energy Systems, Springer Verlag, 2023.
L. Herre et al., "Provision of multiple services with controllable loads as multi-area thermal energy storage," Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 63, s. 107062, 2023.
H. Nordström et al., "Strategies for Continuous Balancing in Future Power Systems with High Wind and Solar Shares," Energies, vol. 16, no. 14, 2023.
E. Blom och L. Söder, "Accurate model reduction of large hydropower systems with associated adaptive inflow," Renewable energy, vol. 200, s. 1059-1067, 2022.
E. Nycander och L. Söder, "An open dispatch model for the Nordic power system," Energy Strategy Reviews, vol. 39, s. 100775-100775, 2022.
E. Nycander, G. Morales-Espana och L. Söder, "Capacity and Intra-Hour Ramp Reserves for Wind Integration," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 13, no. 3, s. 1430-1443, 2022.
S. Stankovic, T. Van Cutsem och L. Söder, "Fault-Current Injection Strategies of Inverter-Based Generation for Fast Voltage Recovery," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 37, no. 2, s. 1543-1553, 2022.
J. Kiviluoma et al., "Flexibility from the Electrification of Energy : How Heating, Transport, and Industries Can Support a 100% Sustainable Energy System," IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 20, no. 4, s. 55-65, 2022.
L. Herre et al., "Flexibility now or later? : – Impact of market timing on flexibility and social welfare of demand response," Electricity Journal, vol. 35, no. 7, s. 107159, 2022.
A. Khodadadi, M. R. Hesamzadeh och L. Söder, "Multimarket Trading Strategy of a Hydropower Producer Considering Active-Time Duration : A Distributional Regression Approach," IEEE Systems Journal, s. 1-11, 2022.
I. Manzanares Casla, A. Khodadadi och L. Söder, "Optimal Day Ahead Planning and Bidding Strategy of Battery Storage Unit Participating in Nordic Frequency Markets," IEEE Access, vol. 10, s. 76870-76883, 2022.
E. Nycander, G. Morales-España och L. Söder, "Power-based modelling of renewable variability in dispatch models with clustered time periods," Renewable energy, vol. 186, s. 944-956, 2022.
J. Kiviluoma et al., "Spine Toolbox : A flexible open-source workflow management system with scenario and data management," SoftwareX, vol. 17, s. 100967-100967, 2022.
A. Khodadadi, L. Söder och M. Amelin, "Stochastic adaptive robust approach for day-ahead energy market bidding strategies in hydro dominated sequential electricity markets," Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, vol. 32, 2022.
H. Holttinen et al., "System Impact Studies for Near 100% Renewable Energy Systems Dominated by Inverter Based Variable Generation," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 37, no. 4, s. 3249-3258, 2022.
K. L. Nefabas et al., "Modeling of Ethiopian Wind Power Production Using ERA5 Reanalysis Data," Energies, vol. 14, no. 9, 2021.
I. Kouveliotis Lysikatos et al., "Open Source Modelling and Simulation of the Nordic Hydro Power System," Energies, vol. 14, no. 5, s. 1425, 2021.
E. Nycander, G. Morales-España och L. Söder, "Security constrained unit commitment with continuous time-varying reserves," Electric power systems research, vol. 199, 2021.
B. -MS. Hodge et al., "Addressing technical challenges in 100% variable inverter-based renewable energy power systems," Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews : Energy and Environment, vol. 9, no. 5, 2020.
E. Tomasson et al., "An incentive mechanism for generation capacity investment in a price-capped wholesale power market," Electric power systems research, vol. 189, 2020.
E. Tomasson och L. Söder, "Coordinated optimal strategic demand reserve procurement in multi-area power systems," Applied Energy, vol. 270, 2020.
J. Olauson, M. Marin och L. Söder, "Creating Power System Network Layouts : A Fast Parallel Algorithm," IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 14, no. 3, s. 3687-3694, 2020.
E. Nycander et al., "Curtailment analysis for the Nordic power system considering transmission capacity, inertia limits and generation flexibility," Renewable Energy, vol. 152, s. 942-960, 2020.
L. Herre, J. L. Mathieu och L. Söder, "Impact of Market Timing on the Profit of a Risk-Averse Load Aggregator," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 35, no. 5, s. 3970-3980, 2020.
E. Blom, L. Söder och D. Risberg, "Performance of multi-scenario equivalent hydropower models," Electric power systems research, vol. 187, 2020.
S. Stankovic och L. Söder, "Probabilistic reactive power capability charts at DSO/TSO interface," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020.
L. Herre, V. Kazemi och L. Söder, "Quantifying Flexibility of Load Aggregations: Impact of Communication Constraints on Reserve Capacity," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 14, no. 22, s. 5211-5218, 2020.
L. Söder et al., "Review of wind generation within adequacy calculations and capacity markets for different power systems," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 119, 2020.
L. Herre et al., "Simplified model of integrated paper mill for optimal bidding in energy and reserve markets," Applied Energy, vol. 279, 2020.
L. Herre et al., "Exploring Wind Power Prognosis Data on Nord Pool: The Case of Sweden and Denmark," IET Renewable Power Generation, 2019.
P. Astero och L. Söder, "Improving PV Dynamic Hosting Capacity Using Adaptive Controller for STATCOMs," IEEE transactions on energy conversion, vol. 34, no. 1, s. 415-425, 2019.
E. Nycander et al., "Minimising wind power curtailments using OPF considering voltage stability," The Journal of Engineering, no. 18, s. 5064-5068, 2019.
P. D. Lund et al., "Pathway analysis of a zero-emission transition in the Nordic-Baltic region," Energies, vol. 12, no. 17, 2019.
O. A. Dabar et al., "Wind resource assessment and economic analysis for electricity generation in three locations of the Republic of Djibouti," Energy, vol. 185, s. 884-894, 2019.
L. Söder et al., "A review of demand side flexibility potential in Northern Europe," Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, vol. 91, s. 654-664, 2018.
G. Ren et al., "Analysis of wind power intermittency based on historical wind power data," Energy, vol. 150, s. 482-492, 2018.
S. Stankovic och L. Söder, "Analytical Estimation of Reactive Power Capability of a Radial Distribution System," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018.
E. Tomasson och L. Söder, "Generation Adequacy Analysis of Multi-Area Power Systems With a High Share of Wind Power," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 4, s. 3854-3862, 2018.
Y. Huang och L. H. Söder, "An investigation on the impacts of distributed generation curtailment regulations on distribution network investment," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 145, s. 175-184, 2017.
Y. Huang och L. Söder, "Assessing the impact of incentive regulation on distribution network investment considering distributed generation integration," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 89, s. 126-135, 2017.
M. Nilsson, L. Söder och G. Ericsson, "Balancing Strategies Evaluation Framework Using Available Multi-Area Data," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017.
Y. Huang och L. Söder, "Evaluation of economic regulation in distribution systems with distributed generation," Energy, vol. 126, s. 192-201, 2017.
E. Tomasson och L. Söder, "Improved Importance Sampling for Reliability Evaluation of Composite Power Systems," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 32, no. 3, s. 2426-2434, 2017.
P. Astero et al., "Transactive Demand Side Management Programs in Smart Grids with High Penetration of EVs," Energies, vol. 10, no. 10, 2017.
C. Hamon, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "An Importance Sampling Technique for Probabilistic Security Assessment In Power Systems with Large Amounts of Wind Power," Electric power systems research, vol. 131, s. 11-18, 2016.
M. Hejri et al., "An analytical-numerical approach for parameter determination of a five-parameter single-diode model of photovoltaic cells and modules," International Journal of Sustainable Energy, vol. 35, no. 4, s. 396-410, 2016.
M. Milligan et al., "Capacity value assessments of wind power," Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews : Energy and Environment, 2016.
D. Huertas-Hernando et al., "Hydro power flexibility for power systems with variable renewable energy sources : An IEA Task 25 collaboration," Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews : Energy and Environment, 2016.
E. Shayesteh, M. Amelin och L. Söder, "Multi-Station Equivalents for Short-Term Hydropower Scheduling," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 31, no. 6, s. 4616-4625, 2016.
L. Söder, "Simplified analysis of balancing challenges in sustainable and smart energy systems with 100% renewable power supply," Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews : Energy and Environment, vol. 5, no. 4, s. 401-412, 2016.
J. Kiviluoma et al., "Variability in Large-Scale Wind Power Generation," Wind Energy, vol. 19, no. 9, s. 1649-1665, 2016.
L. Bird et al., "Wind and solar energy curtailment : A review of international experience," Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, vol. 65, s. 577-586, 2016.
C. Hamon, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "A computational framework for risk-based power system operations under uncertainty. Part II : Case studies," Electric power systems research, vol. 119, s. 66-75, 2015.
C. Hamon, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "A computational framework for risk-based power systems operations under uncertainty. Part I : Theory," Electric power systems research, vol. 119, s. 45-53, 2015.
E. Shayesteh et al., "ATC-Based System Reduction for Planning Power Systems With Correlated Wind and Loads," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 30, no. 1, s. 429-438, 2015.
E. Shayesteh, M. Amelin och L. Söder, "Area equivalents for spinning reserve determination in interconnected power systems," Energy, vol. 88, s. 907-916, 2015.
A. Picciariello et al., "Distributed generation and distribution pricing : Why do we need new tariff design methodologies?," Electric power systems research, vol. 119, s. 370-376, 2015.
A. Picciariello et al., "Electricity distribution tariffs and distributed generation : quantifying cross-subsidies from consumers to prosumers," Utilities Policy, vol. 37, s. 23-33, 2015.
C. J. Wallnerström, Y. Huang och L. Söder, "Impact from Dynamic Line Rating on Wind Power Integration," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 6, no. 1, s. 343-350, 2015.
A. Picciariello, K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Impact of Network Regulation on the Incentive for DG Integration for the DSO : Opportunities for a Transition Toward a Smart Grid," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 6, no. 4, s. 1730-1739, 2015.
J. G. Singh, P. G. Thakurta och L. Söder, "Load curtailment minimization by optimal placements of SVC/STATCOM," International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 25, no. 11, s. 2769-2780, 2015.
E. Koliou et al., "Quantifying distribution-system operators' economic incentives to promote residential demand response," Utilities Policy, vol. 35, s. 28-40, 2015.
I. Momber et al., "Risk averse scheduling by a PEV aggregator under uncertainty," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 30, no. 2, s. 882-891, 2015.
A. Samadi et al., "Static Equivalent of Distribution Grids With High Penetration of PV Systems," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 6, no. 4, s. 1763-1774, 2015.
C. Hamon et al., "Two partitioning methods for multi-area studies in large power systems," International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 25, no. 4, s. 648-660, 2015.
R. Scharff, J. Egerer och L. Söder, "A description of the operative decision-making process of a power generating company on the Nordic electricity market," Energy Systems, Springer Verlag, vol. 5, no. 2, s. 349-369, 2014.
A. Samadi et al., "Coordinated Active Power-Dependent Voltage Regulation in Distribution Grids With PV Systems," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 29, no. 3, s. 1454-1464, 2014.
M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Irreversible Investments with Delayed Reaction : An Application to Generation Re-Dispatch in Power System Operation," Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, vol. 79, no. 2, s. 195-224, 2014.
A. Samadi et al., "Multi-objective coordinated droop-based voltage regulation in distribution grids with PV systems," Renewable energy, vol. 71, s. 315-323, 2014.
M. Hejri et al., "On the Parameter Extraction of a Five-Parameter Double-Diode Model of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules," IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 4, no. 3, s. 915-923, 2014.
P. Grahn, K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "PHEV Utilization Model Considering Type-of-Trip and Recharging Flexibility," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 5, no. 1, s. 139-148, 2014.
E. Shayesteh et al., "REI method for multi-area modeling of power systems," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 60, s. 283-292, 2014.
C. Hamon, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "A Stochastic Optimal Power Flow Problem With Stability Constraints-Part I : Approximating the Stability Boundary," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 28, no. 2, s. 1839-1848, 2013.
L. Abrahamsson et al., "An electromechanical moving load fixed node position and fixed node number railway power supply systems optimization model," Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies, vol. 30, s. 23-40, 2013.
R. Scharff, M. Amelin och L. Söder, "Approaching wind power forecast deviations with internal ex-ante self-balancing," Energy, vol. 57, s. 106-115, 2013.
F. Edström et al., "Influence of Ambient Temperature on Transformer Overloading During Cold Load Pickup," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 28, no. 1, s. 153-161, 2013.
P. Grahn et al., "PHEV Home-Charging Model Based on Residential Activity Patterns," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 28, no. 3, s. 2507-2515, 2013.
H. Holttinen et al., "The flexibility workout : Managing variable resources and assessing the need for power system modification," IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, vol. 11, no. 6, s. 53-62, 2013.
M. Perninge och L. Söder, "A Stochastic Control Approach to Manage Operational Risk in Power Systems," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 27, no. 2, s. 1021-1031, 2012.
M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Analysis of transfer-limit induced power system security by Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation," European transactions on electrical power, vol. 22, no. 2, s. 140-151, 2012.
M. Simab et al., "Designing reward and penalty scheme in performance-based regulation for electric distribution companies," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 6, no. 9, s. 893-901, 2012.
L. Söder et al., "Experience and challenges with short-term balancing in European systems with large share of wind power," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 3, no. 4, s. 853-861, 2012.
F. Edström et al., "Modeling Impact of Cold Load Pickup on Transformer Aging Using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 27, no. 2, s. 590-595, 2012.
R. Eriksson och L. Söder, "On the coordinated control of multiple HVDC links using input-output exact linearization in large power systems," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 43, no. 1, s. 118-125, 2012.
M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Optimal activation of regulating bids to handle bottlenecks in power system operation," Electric power systems research, vol. 83, no. 1, s. 151-159, 2012.
R. Eriksson och L. Söder, "Optimal coordinated control of multiple HVDC links for power oscillation damping based on model identification," European transactions on electrical power, vol. 22, no. 2, s. 188-205, 2012.
A. Samadi, M. Ghandhari och L. Söder, "Reactive Power Dynamic Assessment of a PV System in a Distribution Grid," Energy Procedia, vol. 20, s. 98-107, 2012.
R. Eriksson och L. Söder, "WAMS based identification for obtaining linear models to coordinate controllable devices," Electrical engineering (Berlin. Print), vol. 94, no. 1, s. 27-36, 2012.
K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "A Reliability Model for Distribution Systems Incorporating Seasonal Variations in Severe Weather," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 2, s. 910-919, 2011.
A. Keane et al., "Capacity value of wind power," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 26, no. 2, s. 564-572, 2011.
L. Abrahamsson och L. Söder, "Fast Estimation of Relations Between Aggregated Train Power System Data and Traffic Performance," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 1, s. 16-29, 2011.
M. Ohrstrom och L. Söder, "Fast Protection of Strong Power Systems With Fault Current Limiters and PLL-Aided Fault Detection," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 3, s. 1538-1544, 2011.
H. Holttinen et al., "Impacts of large amounts of wind power on design and operation of power systems, results of IEA collaboration," Wind Energy, vol. 14, no. 2, s. 179-192, 2011.
M. Perninge, F. Lindskog och L. Söder, "Importance Sampling of Injected Powers for Electric Power System Security Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 27, no. 1, s. 3-11, 2011.
M. Perninge et al., "Modeling the electric power consumption in a multi-area system," European transactions on electrical power, vol. 21, no. 1, s. 413-423, 2011.
M. Perninge och L. Söder, "On the validity of local approximations of the power system loadability surface," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 26, no. 4, s. 2143-2153, 2011.
M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Risk estimation of the distance to voltage instability using a second order approximation of the saddle-node bifurcation surface," Electric power systems research, vol. 81, no. 2, s. 625-635, 2011.
K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Risk-based method for distribution system reliability investment decisions under performance-based regulation," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 5, no. 10, s. 1062-1072, 2011.
R. Eriksson, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Transfer capacity enhancement by adaptive coordinated controlof HVDC-links based on forecasted load paths," European transactions on electrical power, vol. 21, no. 3, s. 1455-1466, 2011.
R. Eriksson och L. Söder, "Wide-Area measurement system-based subspace identification for obtaining linear models to centrally coordinate controllable devices," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 2, s. 988-997, 2011.
L. Söder, "Analysis of Pricing and Volumes in Selective Capacity Markets," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 25, no. 3, s. 1415-1422, 2010.
R. Eriksson och L. Söder, "Coordinated control design of multiple HVDC links based on model identification," Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 60, no. 4, s. 944-953, 2010.
R. Eriksson, V. Knazkins och L. Söder, "Coordinated control of multiple HVDC links using input-output exact linearization," Electric power systems research, vol. 80, no. 12, s. 1406-1412, 2010.
M. Olsson, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Modeling real-time balancing power demands in wind power systems using stochastic differential equations," Electric power systems research, vol. 80, no. 8, s. 966-974, 2010.
M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Optimal distribution of primary control participation with respect to voltage stability," Electric power systems research, vol. 80, no. 11, s. 1357-1363, 2010.
M. Perninge et al., "Risk Estimation of Critical Time to Voltage Instability Induced by Saddle-Node Bifurcation," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 25, no. 3, s. 1600-1610, 2010.
M. Zima-Bockarjova et al., "Sharing of Profit From Coordinated Operation Planning and Bidding of Hydro and Wind Power," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 25, no. 3, s. 1663-1673, 2010.
M. Olsson, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Simulation of real-time balancing power demands in power systems with wind power," Electric power systems research, vol. 80, s. 966-974, 2010.
M. Amelin och L. Söder, "Taking Credit : The Impact of Wind Power on Supply Adequacy-Experience from the Swedish Market," IEEE POWER ENERGY MAG, vol. 8, no. 5, s. 47-52, 2010.
L. Abrahamsson och L. Söder, "Fast estimation of the relation between aggregated train power system information and the power and energy converted," Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 6, no. 3, s. 311-318, 2009.
J. Matevosyan, M. Olsson och L. Söder, "Hydropower planning coordinated with wind power in areas with congestion problems for trading on the spot and the regulating market," Electric power systems research, vol. 79, no. 1, s. 39-48, 2009.
D. Salomonsson, L. Söder och A. Sannino, "Protection of low-voltage dc microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 24, no. 3, s. 1045-1053, 2009.
H. Latorre, M. Ghandhari och L. Söder, "Active and reactive power control of a VSC-HVdc," Electric power systems research, vol. 78, no. 10, s. 1756-1763, 2008.
D. Salomonsson, L. Söder och A. Sannino, "An adaptive control system for a dc microgrid for data centers," IEEE transactions on industry applications, vol. 44, no. 6, s. 1910-1917, 2008.
E. Lindgren och L. Söder, "Minimizing regulation costs in multi-area systems with uncertain wind power forecasts," Wind Energy, vol. 11, no. 1, s. 97-108, 2008.
M. Olsson och L. Söder, "Modeling real-time balancing power market prices using combined SARIMA and Markov processes," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 23, no. 2, s. 443-450, 2008.
L. Söder och H. Holttinen, "On methodology for modelling wind power impact on power systems," International Journal of Global Energy Issues, vol. 29, no. 1-2, s. 181-198, 2008.
L. Söder et al., "Experience from wind integration in some high penetration areas," IEEE transactions on energy conversion, vol. 22, no. 1, s. 4-12, 2007.
J. Matevosyan och L. Söder, "Short Term Hydro Power Planning Coordinated with Wind Power in Areas with Congestion Problems," Wind Energy, vol. 10, no. 3, s. 195-208, 2007.
J. Matevosyan och L. Söder, "Minimization of Imbalance Cost Trading Wind Power on the Short-Term Power Market," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 21, no. 3, s. 1396-1404, 2006.
L. Söder, "On limits for wind power generation," International Journal of Global Energy Issues, vol. 21, no. 3, s. 243-254, 2004.
V. Knazkins, C. A. Canizares och L. Söder, "On the parameter estimation and modeling of aggregate power system loads," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 19, no. 2, s. 1023-1031, 2004.
T. Ackermann och L. Söder, "An overview of wind energy-status 2002," Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, vol. 6, no. 1-2, s. 67-128, 2002.
L. Söder, "Explaining power system operation to nonengineers," IEEE Power Engineering Review, vol. 22, no. 4, s. 25-27, 2002.
T. Ackermann, G. Andersson och L. Söder, "Distributed generation : a definition," Electric power systems research, vol. 57, no. 3, s. 195-204, 2001.
T. Ackermann, G. Andersson och L. Söder, "Overview of government and market driven programs for the promotion of renewable power generation," Renewable energy, vol. 22, no. 1-3, s. 197-204, 2001.
L. Söder et al., "Portfolio and risk management for Power Producers and traders in an open market," CIGRE Task force 38.05.12, summary published in ELCTRA, 2001.
T. Ackermann och L. Söder, "Wind energy technology and current status : a review," Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, vol. 4, no. 4, s. 315-374, 2000.
E. Thunberg och L. Söder, "A Norton approach to distribution network modeling for harmonic studies," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 14, no. 1, s. 272-277, 1999.
O. Nilsson, L. Söder och D. Sjelvgren, "Integer modelling of spinning reserve requirements in short term scheduling of hydro systems," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 13, no. 3, s. 959-964, 1998.
O. Nilsson, L. Söder och D. Sjelvgren, "Integer modeling of spinning reserve requirements in short term scheduling of hydro systems," IEEE Power Engineering Review, vol. 17, no. 9, s. 36, 1997.
M. Olofsson, G. Andersson och L. H. Söder, "Linear programming based optimal power flow using second order sensitivities," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 10, no. 3, s. 1691-1697, 1995.
L. Söder, "Reserve margin planning in a wind-hydro-thermal power system," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 8, no. 2, s. 564-570, 1993.
D. Anggraini, M. Amelin och L. Söder, "Electric Vehicle Charging Considering Grid Limitation in Residential Areas," i 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, ITEC 2024, 2024.
D. Lilja, E. Blom och L. Söder, "Computing Equivalent hydropower models in Sweden using inflow clustering," i Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems, ICEES 2023, 2023, s. 613-618.
M. Agredano Torres et al., "Dynamic power allocation control for frequency regulation using hybrid electrolyzer systems," i 2023 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference And Exposition, APEC, 2023, s. 2991-2998.
H. Nordström, L. Söder och R. Eriksson, "Minute Resolution Multi-Area Wind Power Simulation to Estimate Future Reserve Needs," i 2023 IEEE BELGRADE POWERTECH, 2023.
A. Khodadadi, H. Nordström och L. Söder, "On the Sequential Reserve Dimensioning for a Multi-Area Power System: Nordic Case Study," i Proceedings of 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT EUROPE 2023, 2023.
M. Korpas et al., "Addressing Market Issues in Electrical Power Systems with Large Shares of Variable Renewable Energy," i International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM, 2022.
E. Blom och L. Söder, "Comparison of Different Computational Methods and Formulations for Hydropower Equivalents," i 2022 7th IEEE International Energy Conference (EnergyCon), 2022.
A. S. Kumar, I. Kouveliotis Lysikatos och L. Söder, "Comparison of Openly Available Power System Data for the Nordic Region," i 1st International Workshop on Open Source Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems, OSMSES 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
H. Nordström, L. Söder och R. Eriksson, "Estimating the Future Need of Balancing Power Based on Long-Term Power System Market Simulations," i In proceedings of the 11th Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control Symposium (IREP 2022), July 25-30, 2022, Banff, Canada, 2022, s. 1-14.
P. Prianto, E. Blom och L. Söder, "Evaluation of Hydropower Equivalents Parameters Over Time," i 2022 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREEN ENERGY AND APPLICATIONS (ICGEA 2022), 2022, s. 40-45.
A. Khodadadi, L. Söder och M. Amelin, "Flexible Stochastic Bilevel Scheduling Strategy in Hydropower Dominated Energy Markets," i Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT-Asia 2022, 2022, s. 245-249.
E. Nycander och L. Söder, "Modelling Prices in Hydro Dominated Electricity Markets," i International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM, 2022.
E. Nycander, G. Morales-Espana och L. Söder, "Reserve Formulations for Power-Based Unit Commitment with N-1 Security," i 3rd International Conference on Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, SGRE 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
E. Blom och L. Söder, "Sensitivity Analysis of Hydropower Equivalent Parameters With Fast Identification Using PSO," i 2022 14th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2022.
E. Nycander och L. Söder, "An Open Model for Generating High Resolution Wind Power Production Scenarios," i 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, PowerTech 2021 - Conference Proceedings, 2021.
K. Likassa, M. Mamo och L. Söder, "Assessment of Wind Power Variability in Ethiopian Power System," i 2021 IEEE PES/IAS Powerafrica Conference, 2021, s. 539-543.
A. Vas-Corrales et al., "Framework to Evaluate Power Portfolio Dispatch Considering Balancing Market Participation," i 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, PowerTech 2021 - Conference Proceedings, 2021.
A. Khodadadi och L. Söder, "On the Optimal Coordinated Hydropower Bidding Strategy in Day-Ahead Energy and Manual Frequency Restoration Reserve Markets," i 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, PowerTech 2021 - Conference Proceedings, 2021, s. 1-6.
A. Kumar et al., "Open Nodal Power Flow Model of the Nordic Power System," i 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, PowerTech 2021 - Conference Proceedings, 2021.
S. Stankovic et al., "Reactive Power Support Adequacy at the DSO/TSO Interface," i Proceedings of the 21st Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2020), 2021.
I. Kouveliotis Lysikatos et al., "A Network Aggregation Tool for the Energy System Modelling Framework Spine," i Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies, 2020.
E. Blom och L. Söder, "Computation of Multi-Scenario Hydropower Equivalents Using Particle Swarm Optimization," i Proceedings - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2020, 2020.
I. Kouveliotis Lysikatos et al., "Exploring Multitemporal Hydro Power Models of the Nordic Power System using Spine Toolbox," i UPEC 2020 - 2020 55th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, Proceedings, 2020.
A. Khodadadi och L. Söder, "Impacts of Frequency Containment Reserve on the Optimal Coordinated Hydropower Scheduling in Three-Settlement Markets," i 2020 IEEE electric power and energy conference (epec), 2020.
A. Khodadadi et al., "Nordic Balancing Markets : Overview of Market Rules," i International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM, 2020.
E. Nycander och L. Söder, "Comparison of stochastic and deterministic security constrained optimal power flow under varying outage probabilities," i 2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, PowerTech 2019, 2019.
A. Crosara, E. Tomasson och L. Söder, "Generation Adequacy in the Nordic and Baltic Area : The Potential of Flexible Residential Electric Heating," i Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, 2019.
M. Tomaszewski et al., "Minimization of Reactive Power Exchange at the DSO/TSO interface : Öland case," i Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, 2019.
L. Herre, J. Dalton och L. Söder, "Optimal Day-Ahead Energy and Reserve Bidding Strategy of a Risk-Averse Electric Vehicle Aggregator in the Nordic Market," i 13th IEEE PowerTech 2019, 23-27 June, Milano, Italy, 2019.
M. Nilsson et al., "A Machine Learning Method Creating Network Models Based on Measurements," i 2018 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC), 2018.
M. Nilsson, L. Söder och G. Ericsson, "Balancing Strategies Evaluation Framework Using Available Multi-Area Data," i 2018 IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING (PESGM), 2018.
A. Estanqueiro et al., "DLR use for optimization of network design withvery large wind (and VRE) penetration," i 17th Wind Integration Workshop, 2018.
J. Dalton, L. Herre och L. Söder, "Exploring the Business Case of a Risk-Averse Electric Vehicle Aggregator in the Nordic Market," i 2nd E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, 2018.
P. Astero och L. Söder, "Improving PV Hosting Capacity of Distribution Grids Considering Dynamic Voltage Characteristic," i 2018 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC), 2018.
E. Nycander et al., "Minimizing wind power curtailments using OPF considering voltage stability," i The 7th International Conference on Renewable Power Generation, 2018.
E. Tomasson och L. Söder, "Multi-area generation adequacy and capacity credit in power system analysis," i 2017 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia : Smart Grid for Smart Community, ISGT-Asia 2017, 2018, s. 1-6.
S. Stankovic och L. Söder, "Optimal Power Flow Based on Genetic Algorithms and Clustering Techniques," i 2018 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC), 2018.
E. Nycander och L. Söder, "Review of European Grid Codes for Wind Farms and Their Implications for Wind Power Curtailments," i 17th International Wind Integration Workshop Stockholm, Sweden | 17 – 19 October 2018, 2018.
L. Herre, L. Söder och J. L. Mathieu, "The Flexibility of Thermostatically Controlled Loads as a Function of Price Notice Time," i 2018 POWER SYSTEMS COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (PSCC), 2018.
V. Astapov, P. Astero och L. Söder, "The Potential of Distribution Grid as an Alternative Source for Reactive Power Control in Transmission Grid," i PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 19TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON ELECTRIC POWER ENGINEERING (EPE), 2018, s. 64-69.
L. Söder et al., "Wind Generation in Adequacy Calculations and Capacity Markets in Different Power System Control Zones," i 17th International Wind Integration Workshop, Stockholm, 17-19 October 2018, 2018.
S. Stankovic och L. Söder, "Cable Impact on Integration of Wind and Solar Power," i ELKRAFT Conference, 2017.
M. Nilsson et al., "Designing new proactive control-room strategies to decrease the need for automatic reserves," i 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2017 - Proceedings, 2017.
L. Herre och L. Söder, "Enhancing market access of demand response through generation forecast updates," i 2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, Powertech 2017, 2017.
D. Risberg och L. Söder, "Hydro Power Equivalents of Complex River Systems," i 2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, Powertech 2017, 2017.
S. Stankovic och L. Söder, "Identification of Reactive Power Provision Boundaries of a Distribution Grid with DFIGs to a Transmission Grid," i 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2017 - Proceedings, 2017.
E. Tomasson och L. Söder, "Improved Importance Sampling for Reliability Evaluation of Composite Power Systems," i 2017 IEEE MANCHESTER POWERTECH, 2017.
P. Astero och L. Söder, "Improvement of RES hosting capacity using a central energy storage system," i 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2017, s. 1-6.
L. Herre, T. Matusevicius och L. Söder, "Swedish Wind Power Forecasts : Procedure, ErrorDistribution and Spacio-Temporal Correlation," i 16th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, 2017.
L. Herre et al., "A Study on the Flexibility of Electricity Consumers for the Swedish Context : Modelling, Quantification and Analysis of Notice Time," i Swedish Association for Energy Economics conference 2016, 2016.
M. Nilsson, L. Söder och Z. Yuan, "Estimation of Power system frequency response based on measured & simulated frequencies," i IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2016.
M. Nilsson, L. Söder och G. N. Ericsson, "Evaluation of different strategies for frequency quality control," i 2016 - Biennial International Conference on Power and Energy Systems : Towards Sustainable Energy, PESTSE 2016, 2016.
E. Tomasson och L. Söder, "Multi-area power system reliability evaluation by application of copula theory," i IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2016.
L. Herre och L. Söder, "On the flexibility of electricity consumers : Introducing notice time," i 13th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2016, s. 1-5.
C. F. Calvillo et al., "Vehicle-to-Grid Profitability Considering EV Battery Degradation," i 2016 IEEE PES ASIA-PACIFIC POWER AND ENERGY ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (APPEEC), 2016, s. 310-314.
A. Picciariello, E. Lindfeldt och L. Söder, "Distributed generation exemption from network tariffs : general implications and analysis of a case study," i 5th Latin America Energy Economics Meetingm Medellin, 2015, 2015.
W. Carvajal-Carreño et al., "Efficient driving algorithms for non-disturbed and disturbed trains with the CBTC signalling system," i 2015 International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, MT-ITS 2015, 2015, s. 418-425.
L. Abrahamsson et al., "Identifying electrically infeasible traffic scenarios on the iron ore line : Applied on the present-day system, converter station outages, and optimal locomotive reactive power strategies," i PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME JOINT RAIL CONFERENCE, 2015, 2015.
F. Martin et al., "Optimal Planning and Operation of Distributed Energy Resources Considering Uncertainty on EVs," i 2015 IEEE FIRST INTERNATIONAL SMART CITIES CONFERENCE (ISC2), 2015.
Á. López-López et al., "A variable no-load voltage scheme for improving energy efficiency in DC-electrified mass transit systems," i 2014 Joint Rail Conference, JRC 2014, 2014.
C. Hamon, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Efficient importance sampling technique for estimating operating risks in power systems with large amounts of wind power," i Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Large-scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, 2014.
M. Milligan et al., "Market designs for high levels of variable generation," i IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2014.
A. Samadi, E. Shayesteh och L. Söder, "Optimal Coordination of Q(P) Characteristics for PV Systems in Distribution Grids for Minimizing Reactive Power Consumption," i AORC Technical Meeting 2014, 2014.
P. Grahn, K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "PHEV Utilization Model Considering Type-of-Trip and Recharging Flexibility," i 2014 IEEE PES GENERAL MEETING - CONFERENCE & EXPOSITION, 2014.
C. Hamon, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Applying stochastic optimal power flow to power systems with large amounts of wind power and detailed stability limits," i Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - IX Optimization, Security and Control of the Emerging Power Grid (IREP), 2013 IREP Symposium, 2013.
C. Hamon, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Closure of 'applying stochastic optimal power flow to power systems with large amounts of wind power and detailed stability limits'," i Proceedings of IREP Symposium : Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - IX Optimization, Security and Control of the Emerging Power Grid, IREP 2013, 2013.
A. Fernández Martínez, Y. Huang och L. Söder, "Distribution network planning with a large amount of small scale photovoltaic power," i 2013 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2013, s. 1-6.
Y. Vardanyan, L. Söder och M. Amelin, "Hydropower Bidding Strategies to Day-Ahead and Real-Time Markets : Different Approaches," i 24th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications : DEXA 2013 : proceedings, 26-29 August 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013, s. 209-213.
A. Picciariello, K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Incentive from network regulation for distribution system operators to integrate distributed generation : The Portuguese case," i European Energy Market (EEM), 2013 10th International Conference on the, 2013, s. 6607376.
J. Rosenlind et al., "Modeling Impact of Cold Load Pickup on Transformer Aging Using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process," i 2013 IEEE Power And Energy Society General Meeting (PES), 2013.
I. Momber, T. Gomez och L. Söder, "PEV fleet scheduling with electricity market and grid signals Charging schedules with capacity pricing based on DSO's long run marginal cost," i European Energy Market (EEM), 2013 10th International Conference on the, 2013, s. 6607364.
P. Grahn och L. Söder, "Static and Dynamic Vehicle-to-Grid Potential with Electrified Roads," i 2013 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, 2013.
H. Holttinen et al., "Steps for a complete wind integration study," i Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2013, s. 2261-2270.
C. Hamon, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Stochastic Optimal Power Flow Problem with Stability Constraints," i 2013 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PES), 2013.
C. Hamon, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "The value of using chance-constrained optimal power flows for generation re-dispatch under uncertainty with detailed security constraints," i 2013 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2013, s. 6837148.
L. Abrahamsson och L. Söder, "An SOS2-based moving trains,fixed nodes, railway power system simulator," i WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 2012, s. 813-823.
A. Samadi et al., "Comparison of a Three-Phase Single-Stage PV System in PSCAD and PowerFactory," i Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems, 2012, s. 237-244.
K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Comparison of cost models for estimating customer interruption costs," i Proceedings in Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2012.
A. Samadi, R. Eriksson och L. Söder, "Evaluation of Reactive Power Support Interactions Among PV Systems Using Sensitivity Analysis," i 2nd International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems, 2012, s. 245-252.
L. Abrahamsson, S. Östlund och L. Söder, "HVDC feeding with OPF and unit commitment for electric railways," i Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway and Ship Propulsion (ESARS), 2012, 2012, s. 6387481.
M. Milligan et al., "Market structures to enable efficient wind and solar power integration," i Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2012 IEEE, 2012, s. 6345591.
P. Grahn, K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Plug-in-vehicle mobility and charging flexibility Markov model based on driving behavior," i 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 12, 2012.
K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Quality regulation impact on investment decisions in distribution system reliability," i 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 12, 2012, s. 6254646.
Y. Huang, K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Regulation impact on distribution systems with distributed generation," i 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 12, 2012, s. 6254721.
A. Picciariello, K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "State-of-art review on regulation for distributed generation integration in distribution systems," i 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 12;Florence;10 May 2012through12 May 2012, 2012.
R. Scharff, M. Amelin och L. Söder, "The Influence of Internal "Ex-ante Self-balancing" on the Operation of a Power System," i 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2012.
B.-M. Hodge et al., "Wind Power Forecasting Error Distributions : An International Comparison," i 11th Annual International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants Conference, 2012.
F. Edström och L. Söder, "A circuit breaker reliability model for restoration planning considering risk of communication outage," i 2011 IEEE PES Trondheim PowerTech : The Power of Technology for a Sustainable Society, POWERTECH 2011, 2011, s. 1-6.
P. Grahn et al., "A method for evaluating the impact of electric vehicle charging on transformer hotspot temperature," i 2011 2nd IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Europe), 2011.
V. Cuk et al., "Considerations on the Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems for Grid Impact Studies," i 1st International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems, 2011, s. 35-42.
M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Geometric Properties of the Loadability Surface at SNB-SLL Intersections and Tangential Intersection Points," i 16th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems (ISAP) 2011, 2011, s. 1-5.
F. Edström och L. Söder, "On spectral graph theory in power system restoration," i IEEE PES Innovative. Smart Grid Technol. Conf. Europe, 2011.
F. Edström och L. Söder, "On uncontrolled system separation in power system restoration," i NAPS 2011 - 43rd North American Power Symposium, 2011.
C. Hamon och L. Söder, "Review Paper on Wind Power Impact on Operation of Reserves," i 2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 11, 2011, s. 895-903.
P. Grahn och L. Söder, "The customer perspective of the electric vehicles role on the electricity market," i 2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 2011, s. 141-148.
K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "The impact of risk modeling accuracy on cost-benefit analysis of distribution system reliability," i Proceedings of the 17th Power System Computational Conference (PSCC), 2011.
L. Abrahamsson och L. Söder, "Traction Power System Capacity Limitations at Various Traffic Levels," i WCRR, World Congress on Railway Research, 2011.
R. Eriksson och L. H. Söder, "Wide-area measurement system control to coordinate HVDC links in large scale power systems," i Int. Conf. Intelligent Syst. Appl. Power Syst., ISAP, 2011, s. 6082169.
L. Söder et al., "Wind power grid integration : The European experience," i Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2011), 2011.
M. Perninge och L. Söder, "A probabilistic distance to the power system secure operation boundary," i 2010 IREP Symposium - Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - VIII, IREP2010, 2010.
M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Analysis of Transfer Capability by Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation," i PECon2010 - 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, 2010, s. 232-237.
R. Eriksson och L. Söder, "Centrally coordinated control of multiple HVDC links for power oscillation damping," i POWER CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION, 2010, s. 134-140.
R. Eriksson, M. Perninge och L. Söder, "Coordination of HVDC-links to increase dynamic stability margins," i 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, PECon2010, 2010, s. 183-188.
D. Van Hertem et al., "Coordination of multiple power flow controlling devices in transmission systems," i ACDC 2010 : 9th International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission, 2010.
D. van Hertem et al., "Coordination of multiple power flow controlling devices in transmission titles," i Proceedings of 9th international conference on AC and DC transmission, 2010.
R. Leelaruji et al., "Coordination of protection and VSC-HVDC systems for mitigating cascading failures," i 2010 International Conference on Power System Technology: Technological Innovations Making Power Grid Smarter, POWERCON2010, 2010, s. 5666604.
K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Financial risk assessment for distribution system operators regulated by quality regulation," i Proceedings of Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2010.
F. Edström och L. Söder, "Impact of remote control failure on power system restoration time," i 2010 IEEE 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2010, 2010, s. 343-347.
M. Olsson och L. Söder, "Modeling swedish real-time balancing power prices using nonlinear time series models," i 2010 IEEE 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2010, 2010, s. 358-363.
J. G. Singh et al., "Power system security enhancement by optimal placement of UPFC," i Proceedings of the 4th IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems, AsiaPES 2010, 2010, s. 228-235.
A. Sendegeya et al., "Application of Price Sensitivity Measurement Method to Assess the Acceptance of Electricity Tariffs," i 2009 AFRICON, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2009, s. 158-162.
M. Ali et al., "Effect of wake consideration on estimated costs of wind energy curtailments," i 8th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks of Offshore Wind Farms, 14-15 Oct. 2009 Bremen, 2009.
M. Perninge et al., "Estimating Upper Confidence Bounds of Electric Power Consumption," i THIRTEEN INTERNATIONAL MIDDLE- EAST POWER SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, MEPCON'2009, 2009.
M. Olsson och L. Söder, "Estimating real-time balancing prices in wind power systems," i Proceedings of the 2009 Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE), 2009, s. 229-237.
H. Hannele et al., "Impacts of large amounts of wind power on design and operation of power systems, results of IEA collaboration," i 8th International Workshop on LargeScale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks of Offshore Wind Farms, 2009.
H. Holttinen et al., "Impacts of large amounts of wind power on design and operation of power systems, results of IEA collaboration," i European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2009, EWEC 2009, 2009, s. 1171-1185.
R. Eriksson, V. Knazkins och L. Söder, "Linear HVDC Modeling for Small Signal Stability Studies," i MEPCON, IEEE, 2009.
M. Perninge et al., "The Impact of a Given Trading Limit on a Two-Area Test System," i 2009 IEEE BUCHAREST POWERTECH, 2009, s. 2122-2127.
H. F. Latorre, M. Ghandhari och L. Söder, "Use of Local and Remote Information in POD Control of a VSC-HVdc," i 2009 IEEE BUCHAREST POWERTECH, 2009, s. 793-798.
K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "A Stochastic Weather Dependent Reliability Model for Distribution Systems," i 2008 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PROBABILISTIC METHODS APPLIED TO POWER SYSTEMS, 2008, s. 243-250.
L. Söder och M. Amelin, "A review of different methodologies used for calculation of wind power capacity credit," i 2008 IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING, VOLS 1-11, 2008, s. 86-90.
K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "A stochastic approach for modeling residential interruption costs," i 16th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2008, 2008.
E. Brostrom, K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Calculation of Residential Interruption Costs caused by Adverse Weather using Monte Carlo Methods," i 16th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC2008. Glasgow, Scottland. July 14-18 2008, 2008.
J. Persson och L. Söder, "Comparison of threes linearization methods," i Proceedings of 16th Power System Computation Conference, 2008.
K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Considering extreme outage events in cost-benefit analysis of distribution systems," i Proceedings of Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 2008.
L. Abrahamsson och L. Söder, "Fast estimation of the relation between aggregated train power system information and the power and energy converted," i 2008 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2008, 2008, s. 1-6.
L. Abrahamsson och L. Söder, "Operation simulation of traction systems," i COMPUTERS IN RAILWAYS XI, 2008, s. 283-292.
K. Elkington, M. Ghandhari och L. Söder, "Using power system stabilisers in doubly fed induction generators," i 2008 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC 2008, 2008.
A.-M. Sendegeya et al., "Altruistic versus profit maximising system operators of rural power systems," i 2007 IEEE POWER ENGINEERING SOCIETY CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION IN AFRICA, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2007, s. 157-163.
D. Salomonsson, L. Söder och A. Sannino, "An Adaptive Control System for a dc Microgrid for Data Centers," i CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE 2007 IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE FORTY-SECOND IAS ANNUAL MEETING, 2007, s. 2414-2421.
K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "An activity-based interruption cost model for households to be used in cost-benefit analysis," i Proceedings of Power Tech 2007, 2007, s. 1611-1616.
H. F. Latorre, M. Ghandhari och L. Söder, "Application of Control Lyapunov Functions to voltage source converters-based high voltage direct current for improving transient stability," i 2007 IEEE LAUSANNE POWERTECH, VOLS 1-5, 2007, s. 244-249.
L. Abrahamsson och L. Söder, "Fast calculation of some important dimensioning factors of the railway power supply system," i MET'2007 (Eighth International Conference Modern Electric Traction in Integrated XXI Century Europe), 2007.
L. Abrahamson och L. Söder, "Fast calculation of the dimensioning factors of the railway power supply system," i Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements XIII, 2007, s. 85-95.
E. Broström och L. Söder, "Ice Storm Impact on Power System Reliability," i 12 th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing on Structures (IWAIS 2007), Yokohama, Japan, 2007.
E. Broström, J. Ahlberg och L. Söder, "Modelling of ice storms and their impact applied to a part of the Swedish Transmission network," i 2007 IEEE LAUSANNE POWERTECH, VOLS 1-5, 2007, s. 1593-1598.
H. F. Latorre, M. Ghandhari och L. Söder, "Multichoice control strategy for VSC-HVdc," i 2007 IREP SYMPOSIUM- BULK POWER SYSTEM DYNAMICS AND CONTROL : VII REVITALIZING OPERATIONAL RELIABLITY, 2007, s. 38-44.
R. Eriksson, V. Knazkins och L. Söder, "On the assessment of the impact of a conventional HVDC on a test power system," i 2007 IREP SYMPOSIUM- BULK POWER SYSTEM DYNAMICS AND CONTROL : VII REVITALIZING OPERATIONAL RELIABLITY, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2007, s. 58-62.
H. Holttinen et al., "State-of-the-art of design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power, summary of IEA wind collaboration," i European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2007, EWEC 2007, 2007, s. 489-499.
L. Söder et al., "A comparison of wind integration experiences in some high penetration areas," i NORDIC WIND POWER CONFERENCE, 2223MAY, 2006, ESPOO, FINLAND, 2006.
L. Abrahamsson och L. Söder, "Basic modeling for electric traction systems under uncertainty," i PROCEEDINGS OF THE 41ST INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITIES POWER ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2006, s. 252-256.
D. Salomonsson och L. Söder, "Comparison of different solutions for emergency and standby power systems for commercial consumers," i INTELEC 2006: 28th Annual International Telecommunications Energy Conference, 2006.
A.-M. Sendegeya et al., "Consumer price sensitivity impact on tariff level in isolated rural power systems," i PROCEEDINGS OF THE 41ST INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITIES POWER ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2006, s. 1-5.
H. Latorre, M. Ghandhari och L. Söder, "Control of a VSC-HVDC operating in Parallel with AC Transmission Lines," i 2006 IEEE/PES TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE & EXPOSITION, 2006, s. 917-921.
H. Holttinen et al., "Design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power production, IEA collaboration," i European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2006, 2006, s. 156-165.
T. Solver et al., "Impact of System Related Factors on the Distribution Reliability, a Statistical analysis of two Swedish Distribution Grids," i CIDEL Argentina 2006 : International Congress of Electrical Distribution, 2006.
E. Lindgren och L. Söder, "Minimizing Regulation Costs in Multi-Area Systems with Uncertain Wind Power Forecasts," i Nordic Wind Power Conference NWPC’2006, Espoo, Finland, 2006.
J. Matevosyan och L. Söder, "Optimal daily planning for hydro power system coordinated with wind power in areas with limited export capability," i 2006 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, 2006, s. 47-54.
L. Söder, J. Matevosyan och M. Olsson, "Short-term hydropower planning coordinated with wind power in areas with congestion problems," i 6th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, 26–28 October 2006, Delft, NL., 2006.
M. Amelin, V. Knazkins och L. Söder, "Estimation of maximum power consumption in the grid area of Fortum, Stockholm," i A-ETS/EES-0503, KTH Stockholm, 2005.
M. Öhrström et al., "Evaluation of travelling wave based protection schemes for implementation in medium voltage distribution systems," i IEE Conference Publication, 2005, s. 481-483.
E. Lindgren och L. Söder, "Minimizing regulation costs in multi-area markets," i 15th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2005, 2005.
L. Söder, "Modelling Approach impact on estimation of integration cost of wind power," i Proceedings of 7th IAEE European Energy Conference European Energy Markets in Transition, 2005.
E. Broström och L. Söder, "Modelling of Ice Storms for Power Transmission Reliability Calculations," i Proceedings 15th Power Systems Computation Conference PSCC2005, 2005.
T. Solver och L. Söder, "On risk mitigation strategies with focus on distribution system reliability in performance-based regulation," i Eighteenth International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2005, Technical Reports - Session 1 : Network Components, 2005, s. 119-123.
M. Olsson och L. Söder, "Optimal regulating market bidding strategies in hydropower systems," i 15th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2005, 2005.
E. Lindgren och L. Söder, "Power system modeling for multi-area regulating market simulation," i 2005 IEEE Russia Power Tech, PowerTech, 2005.
L. Söder och J. Rendelius, "Two-station equivalent of hydro power systems," i 15th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2005, 2005.
E. Lindgren och L. Söder, "Wind Power Impact on Costs for Regulating Power in Multi-Area Markets," i Fifth International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, Glasgow, Scotland, 2005.
T. Solver och L. Söder, "Analysis of distribution reliability in performance-based regulation," i 2004 International Conference On Probabilistic Methods Applied To Power Systems, 2004, s. 82-87.
M. Lommerdal och L. Söder, "Combination of two methods for congestion management," i PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRIC UTILITY DEREGULATION, RESTRUCTURING AND POWER TECHNOLOGIES, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2004, s. 140-145.
J. Matevosyan et al., "Comparison of International Regulations for Connection of Wind Turbines to the Network," i Proceedings of Nordic Wind Power Conference NWPC'04, 2004.
T. Solver och L. Söder, "Comparison of incentives for distribution system reliability in performance-based regulation," i PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2004 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRIC UTILITY DEREGULATION, RESTRUCTURING AND POWER TECHNOLOGIES, VOLS 1 AND 2, 2004, s. 485-490.
M. Olsson och L. Söder, "Generation of regulating power price scenarios," i 2004 International Conference On Probabilistic Methods Applied To Power Systems, 2004, s. 26-31.
L. Söder et al., "Market Integration of wind power," i 2004 European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition, 2004.
L. Söder, "Simulation of wind speed forecast errors for operation planning of multi-area power systems," i 2004 International Conference On Probabilistic Methods Applied To Power Systems, 2004, s. 723-728.
J. Persson et al., "A comparison of eigenvalues obtained with two dynamic simulation software packages," i 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 2003.
M. Öhrström och L. Söder, "A comparison of two methods used for voltage dip characterization," i 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 2003, s. 6.
V. Knyazkin, L. Söder och C. Canizares, "Control challenges of fuel cell-driven distributed generation," i Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 2003 IEEE Bologna, 2003.
J. Matevosyan och L. Söder, "Evaluation of Wind Energy Storage in Hydro Reservoirs in Areas with Limited Transmission Capacity," i , 2003.
Ö. Magnus, L. Söder och B. H., "Fast Fault detection for peak current limitation based on few samples," i CIRED : 17th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, 2003.
M. Olsson och L. Söder, "Hydropower planning including trade-off between energy and reserve markets," i 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 2003.
J. Persson, L. Rouco och L. Söder, "Linear analysis with two linear models of a thyristor-controlled series capacitor," i 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 2003.
V. Knyazkin, C. Canizares och L. Söder, "On the Parameter Estimation of Linear Models of Aggregate Power System Loads," i 2003 IEEE POWER ENGINEERING SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING, VOLS 1-4, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 2003, s. 2392-2397.
T. Solver och L. Söder, "Optimal distribution tariffs in presence of flexible customers in deregulated markets," i 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 2003, s. 8.
P. F. Toledo och L. Söder, "Power flow control in city center infeed," i 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 2003.
M. Lommerdal och L. Söder, "Simulation of congestion management methods," i Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 2003 IEEE Bologna, 2003, s. 8-2.
Ö. Magnus och L. Söder, "The use of fault current limiters as an alternative to substation upgrade when there is a need to increase the available short-circuit power," i The fourth International Workshop on Large-scale Integration of Wind Power and Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind farms. Billund, Denmark. October 2003, 2003.
J. Persson, L. Rouco och L. Söder, "Time-domain comparisons of two linear models of a thyristor-controlled series capacitor," i IPEC 2003 : Proceedings of the 6th International Power Engineering Conference, Vols 1 and 2, 2003, s. 746-751.
J. Sveca och L. Söder, "Wind Power Integration in Areas with Congestion Problems and Storage Capabilities," i European Wind Energy Conference, Madrid, Spain, 2003.
J. Sveca och L. Söder, "Wind power integration in power systems with bottleneck problems," i 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference Proceedings, 2003.
F. P., Å. Ekström och L. Söder, "Benefits on New Voltage Source Converter HVDC Configurations for City Infeed," i European Power and Energy Systems : EuroPES 2002, 2002.
Y. He, L. Söder och R. N. Allan, "Distribution Automation : Impact of Adverese Weather on Reliability of Automated Distribution System," i IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology, Kunming, China, 2002.
Y. He, L. Söder och R. N. Allan, "Evaluating the Effect of Protection system on Reliability of Automated Distribution System," i 14th Power Systems Computation Conference, Sevilla, Spain, 2002.
M. Öhrström och L. Söder, "Fast fault detection for power distribution systems," i Proceedings of the IASTED conference Power and Energy systems, 2002.
L. Söder, "Imbalance management and reserve requirements," i IEEE-Cigre workshop. Oslo. 17-18 June, 2002, 2002.
E. Johansson et al., "Location of Eigenvalues Influenced by Different Models of Synchronous Machines," i Proceedings of the 6th IASTED International Multi-Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Marina del Rey, Los Angeles, USA, 2002.
P. Fischer och L. Söder, "The Benefits on New Voltage Source Converter HVDC Configurations for City Infeed," i IASTED Conference, Power and Energy Systems, EuroPES 2002, Creta Greece, 2002.
M. Amelin och L. Söder, "The Strata Tree : A Useful Tool for Simulation of Electricity Markets," i PMAPS 2002, Naples, Italy, 2002.
M. Lommerdal och L. Söder, "Time Dependent Congestion Management," i Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2002, s. 657-661.
P. Jonas och L. Söder, "Validity of a Linear Model of a Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor for Dynamic Simulations," i 14th Power Systems Computation Conference 2002, Sevilla Spain, 2002.
J. Sveca och L. Söder, "Wind Power Integrations in Power Systems with Bottleneck Problems," i Vind2002 Conference, Malmö, Sweden, 2002.
L. Söder och A. T, "Distributed Power Production in a deregulated market," i Elforskdagen, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001.
Y. He, L. Söder och R. N. Allan, "Distribution automation : impact of communication system on reliability of automatic control," i Power Tech Proceedings, 2001 IEEE Porto, 2001, s. 6-3.
L. Söder, "If you sell electricity you should have electricity to sell," i Sveriges Energiting 2001, Eskilstuna, 2001.
A. T och L. Söder, "Impact of Electricity Market Regulation on the Development of Distributed Power Generation," i ISES 2001 Solar World Congress, Adelaide, Australia, 2001.
R. Montano, T. Ackermann och L. Söder, "Impact of the Utgrunden Offshore Windfarm on Network losses," i European Wind Energy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2001.
J. Persson och L. Söder, "Linear analysis of a two-area system including a linear model of a thyristor-controlled series capacitor," i 2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings, 2001.
V. Knazkins och L. Söder, "Mitigation of Voltage Sags Caused by Motor Starts by Using Coordinated Control and a Fast Switch," i Proceedings of PowerTech 2001, 2001.
V. Knyazkin och L. Söder, "Mitigation of voltage sags by using coordinated control and a fast switch," i Power Tech Proceedings, 2001 IEEE Porto, 2001, s. 5-2.
M. Amelin och L. Söder, "On Monte Carlo simulation of electricity markets with uncertainties in precipitation and load forecasts," i Power Tech Proceedings, 2001 IEEE Porto, 2001, s. 6-1.
I. Jonasson och L. Söder, "Power quality on ships - A questionnaire evaluation concerning island power system," i Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, 2001, s. 216-221.
T. Ackermann, G. Andersson och L. Söder, "Electricity market regulations and their impact on distributed generation," i Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, 2000. Proceedings. DRPT 2000. International Conference on, 2000, s. 608-613.
A. T och L. Söder, "Impact of market regulations on the development of wind power - an international comparison," i NWPC, Trondheim, Norway, 2000, s. 29-35.
E. Thunberg och L. Söder, "Influence of the network impedance on distribution system harmonic Norton models," i PowerCon 2000. International Conference on Power System Technology, 2000. Proceedings., 2000, s. 1143-1148.
E. Thunberg och L. Söder, "On the estimation of harmonic power losses in distribution systems," i Ninth International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2000. Proceedings., 2000, s. 852-857.
E. Thunberg och L. Söder, "On the performance of a distribution network harmonic Norton model," i Ninth International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2000. Proceedings., 2000, s. 932-937.
I. Jonasson och L. Söder, "Power Quality on ships - Analyse of voltage dips in an isolated system, A case study," i 3rd International symposium All Electric Ship, AES, Paris, France, 2000.
I. Jonasson och L. Söder, "Power quality on ships. A questionnaire evaluation concerning island power system," i Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2000. Proceedings. Ninth International Conference on, 2000, s. 639-644.
V. Knazkins och L. Söder, "The Use of Coordinated Control for Voltage Sag Mitigation Caused by Motor Start," i The Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2000, s. 804-809.
L. Söder, "The operation value of wind power in the deregulated Swedish market," i Proceedings of first international workshop on Feasibility of HVDC Transmission Networks for Offshore Windfarms, KTH Stockholm, 2000.
L. Söder, "Who should be responsible for generation capacity addition?," i International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, 2000. Proceedings. DRPT 2000., 2000, s. 296-301.
M. Amelin och L. Söder, "A fast multi-area economic hydro-thermal power system model," i NAPS, 1999.
A. T och L. Söder, "Biomass power generation in competitive markets - The impact of instruments and regulations," i 2nd Olle Lindström Syposium on Renewable energy - Bioenergi, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, 1999.
M. Amelin och L. Söder, "Cost estimations for power sources in rural electrification schemes," i ICEET, 1999, s. 98-105.
A. T, A. G och L. Söder, "Overview of government and market driven programs for the promotion of renewable power generation," i Proceedings : Renewable energy: Technologies and polices for Sustainable Development, WRECï¿œ99, WREC 99, Perth Australia, 1999, s. 215-219.
L. Söder, "The value of wind power for an owner of a local distribution network," i 15th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED, Nice, France, 1999.
L. Söder, "Vad gör man när det mojnar? : - så kan vindkraftens variationer jämnas ut på elmarknaden," i Sveriges Energiting 99, Eskilstuna, Sweden, 1999.
L. Söder, "Wind energy impact on the energy reliability of a hydro-thermal power system in a deregulated market," i 13th PSCC, Trondheim, Norway, 1999, s. 1295-1301.
E. Thunberg och L. Söder, "A harmonic Norton model of a real distribution network," i 8th International Conference on Harmonics And Quality of Power, 1998. Proceedings., 1998, s. 279-284.
O. Nilsson och L. Söder, "Integer modelling of spinning reserve requirements in short term scheduling of hydro systems : An application to power trading," i Proceedings of the 1997 4th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management. Part 1 (of 2), 1998, s. 139-144.
O. Nilsson och L. Söder, "Daily generation planning of a hydro dominated hydrothermal system," i Hydropower '97 : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Hydropower, Trondheim/Norway/30 June-2 July, 1997, 1997, s. 293-300.
A. Nilsberth och L. Söder, "Managing electricity contracts in a deregulated market," i In proceedings of DA/DSM DistribuTECH Europe 97 in Amsterdam, 1997.
L. Söder, "Estimation of reduced electrical distribution losses depending on dispersed small scale energy production," i Proceedings of12th Power Systems Computation Conference, August 19-23, 1996, Dresden, Germany, 1996.
M. Olofsson, L. Söder och G. Andersson, "Optimal Power Flow in a Traction Power Supply System," i Proceedings of12th Power Systems Computation Conference, August 19-23, 1996, Dresden, Germany, 1996.
A. Nilsberth och L. Söder, "Planning of electricity contracts on a deregulated market," i Proceedings of DA/DSM Europe 96, Vienna, 1996.
O. Nilsson och L. Söder, "Short term planning methods applied to evaluation of unavailability costs in a river," i IPEC '97 : proceedings of the International Power Engineering Conference, 22-24 May 1997, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 1996.
M. Olofsson, G. Andersson och L. Söder, "Optimal operation of the Swedish railway electrical system," i Proceedings of the International Conference on Electric Railways in a United Europe, 1995, s. 64-68.
L. Söder och J. Bubenko, "Capacity Credit and Energy Value of Wind Power in Hydro-Thermal Power System," i 9:th Power Systems Computation Conference, 1987, s. 222-225.
L. Söder och J. Bubenko, "Modelling of wind power," i Proceedings of the Eighth Power Systems Computation Conference, 1984, s. 10-19.
H. Holttinen et al., Design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power. Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, 2009.
Kapitel i böcker
M. Milligan et al., "Preface : Wind Power Myths Debunked," i Wind Power in Power Systems, Second Edition, : John Wiley and Sons, 2012, s. 7-20.
T. Ackermann och L. Söder, "The Value of Wind Power," i Wind Power in Power Systems, 2. uppl. : John Wiley & Sons, 2012, s. 131-155.
L. Söder och T. Ackermann, "Wind Power in Power Systems : An Introduction," i Wind Power in Power Systems, 2. uppl. : John Wiley & Sons, 2012, s. 47-72.
M. R. Hesamzadeh et al., "Transmission Investment in Liberalized Electricity Markets in the Context of Market Power," i Advances in Energy Research, New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2011, s. 185-228.
Icke refereegranskade
P. Astero och L. Söder, "Improving Hosting Capacity of Rooftop PVs by Quadratic Control of an LV-Central BSS," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. PP, no. 99, s. 1-1, 2017.
L. Söder, T. Sandberg och S. Laestadius, "KTH svarar Vetenskapsakademien," Svensk Vindkraft, no. 6, 2009.
L. Söder et al., "Comparison of Integration Studies of 30-40 percent Energy Share from Variable Renewable Sources," i 16th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, Berlin, 2017, article id WIW17-049, 2017.
Y. Huang, K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Distribution network expansion planning considering distributed generation using probabilistic constraints," i The 13th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems; Durham, UK, July 7-10, 2014, 2014.
R. Eriksson och L. Söder, "System identification techniques for obtaining linear models of large power systems with controllable devices from noisy measurements," i 2010 IREP Symposium - Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - VIII, IREP2010, 2010.
L. Abrahamsson och L. Söder, "Railway power supply investment decisions considering the voltage drops : Assuming the future traffic to be known," i 2009 15th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP '09, 2009.
L. Abrahamsson och L. Söder, "Fast estimation of aggregated results of many load flow solutions in electric traction systems," i COMPUTERS IN RAILWAYS XI, 2008, s. 411-423.
A. Jäderström, J. Matevosyan och L. Söder, "Coordinated regulation of wind power and hydro power with separate ownership," i Proceedings Hydropower'05, 2005.
J. Matevosyan och L. Söder, "Minimization of imbalance cost trading wind power on the short term power market," i 2005 IEEE Russia Power Tech, PowerTech, 2005.
J. Matevosyan och L. Söder, "Estimation of Potential Wind Energy Curtailment for Wind Power Plants in Power Systems with Bottleneck Problems," i EPE-PEMC'2004, 2004.
L. Söder, A. Atterwall och S. Persson, Bättre kontakt via nätet : om anslutning av förnybar elproduktion. Regeringskansliet, 2008.
T. Ackermann, E. Centeno-Lopez och L. Söder, Grid Issues for Electricity Production Based on Renewable Energy Sources in Spain, Portugal, Germany, and United Kingdom. Regeringskansliet, 2008.
Kapitel i böcker
L. Söder, "Wind energy for mitigating global climate change," i Handbook on Climate Change and Technology, : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, s. 35-57.
M. Milligan et al., "Capacity Value Assessments of Wind Power," i Advances in Energy Systems : The Large-scale Renewable Energy Integration Challenge, : Wiley-Blackwell, 2019, s. 369-384.
D. Huertas-Hernando et al., "Hydropower Flexibility for Power Systems with Variable Renewable Energy Sources: An IEA Task 25 Collaboration," i Advances in Energy Systems : The Large-scale Renewable Energy Integration Challenge, : Wiley, 2019, s. 385-405.
L. Söder, "Simplified Analysis of Balancing Challenges in Sustainable and Smart Energy Systems with 100% Renewable Power Supply," i Advances in Energy Systems : The Large-scale Renewable Energy Integration Challenge, : Wiley, 2019, s. 445-458.
L. Söder, "Requirements for Strategic Reserves in a Liberalized Market with Wind Power," i Electricity Markets with Increasing Levels of Renewable Generation: Structure, Operation, Agent-based Simulation, and Emerging Designs : Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 144, Fernando Lopes ; Helder Coelho red., 1. uppl. Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland : Springer Publishing Company, 2018, s. 165-185.
L. Söder och H. Holttinen, "Wind Power Balancing," i Renewable Energy Systems, volume 3 : Selected entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Lennart Söder et al red., 1. uppl. NewYork : Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2013, s. 1663-1699.
L. Söder, "Wind Power Systems," i Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, : Elsevier, 2013.
L. Söder, "The Value of Wind Power," i Wind Power in Power Systems, : John Wiley & Sons, 2005, s. 169-195.
L. Söder och T. Ackermann, "Wind Power in Power Systems : An Introduction," i Wind Power in Power Systems, : John Wiley & Sons, 2005, s. 25-51.
L. Söder, "Angående Svenska Kraftnäts metod: ”Effekttillräcklighet enligt statisk metod” : Uppdaterade parametrar, konsekvenser och kommentarer," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2024.
L. Söder, "ELPRISETS VOLATILITET : En kort analys," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2024.
L. Söder, L. Nordström och C. Hermansson, "Kompletterande remissvar till ”Promemoria Finansiering och riskdelning vid investeringar i ny kärnkraft”, Finansdepartementet, Fi 2023:F, Augusti 2024," , 2024.
L. Söder, "Angående diskussionen om "systemkostnader” och huruvida vindkraften är ”subventionerad”," Stockholm, 2022.
L. Söder, "Kommentarer till rapporten: KRAFTSAMLING ELFÖRSÖRJNING Långsiktig Scenarioanalys : Intressant experiment-studie från Svenskt Näringsliv – men tveksam modellering av elmarknaden.," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2020.
L. Söder, "Om rapporten ”Modellering av svensk elförsörjning, Teknisk underlagsrapport, Metodik och Ingångsvärden, Version 3.4, 2020/01/23” av Staffan Qvist. : Kommentarer från Lennart Söder, professor i Elkraftsystem, KTH," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2020.
L. Söder et al., "Är kärnkraften nödvändig för en fossilfri, svensk, elproduktion?," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2020.
A. Crosara, E. Tomasson och L. Söder, "Generation Adequacy in the Nordic and Baltic Region: Case Studies from 2020 to 2050 : Flex4RES Project Report," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2019.
L. Söder, "EG2220 Power Generation, Environment and Markets : Compendium for future system design," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2017.
L. Söder, "På väg mot en elförsörjning baserad på enbart förnybar el i Sverige : En analys av lämplig marknadshantering Version 1.0," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2016.
L. Söder och M. Ghandhari, "Static Analysis of Power Systems : Edition 2016 - V2," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2016.
L. Söder, "Studie av sannolikhet för hög elförbrukning, effektbrist, effektvärden och höga elpriser : Version 1.0," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2015.
L. Söder, "På väg mot en elförsörjningbaserad på enbart förnybar el i Sverige : En studie om behov av reglerkraft och överföringskapacitet. Version 4.0," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2014.
L. Söder, "På väg mot en elförsörjning baserad på enbart förnybar el i Sverige : En studie om kraftsystemets balansering: Version 3.0," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013.
L. Söder, "På väg mot en elförsörjning baserad på enbart förnybar el i Sverige : En studie om behovet av reglerkraft. Version 2.0," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013.
L. Söder, "Nuclear Energy and Renewables: System Effects in Low-carbon Electricity Systems : Method comments to a NEA report," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2012.
L. Söder, "På väg mot en elförsörjning baserad på enbart förnybar el i Sverige : En studie om behovet av reglerkraft. Version 1.0," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2012.
L. Söder, "Möjligheterna att balansera vindkraftens variationer," Stockholm : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Trita-EE, 2010:003, 2010.
L. Söder, "Possibilities for Balancing Wind Power Variations," Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), 2010.
L. Söder, "Sammanställning av Lennart Söders kommentarer till KVA:s uttalanden om vindkraft," Stockholm : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Trita-EE, 2010:004, 2010.
H. Holttinen et al., "Design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power : Final report, IEA WIND Task 25, Phase one 2006-2008," VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2009.
L. Söder, "IEA Task 25 - Design and Operation of Power Systems with large amounts of Wind Power : Elforsk rapport 09:07," Stockholm : Elforsk AB, 2009.
J. Matevosyan och L. Söder, "Strategies for local coordination between wind and hydropower," Stockholm : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Trita-EE, 2009:038, 2009.
L. Söder, J. Douglas och A. Ekwue, "Study on the Technical Security Rules of the European Electricity Network," Stockholm : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), 2006.
L. Söder, "Effektiv drift och planering av kraftsystem," kth : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 1999.
L. Söder, "Wind power capacity credit, Elforsk report 97:27, final report from Elforsk project 2061," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 1997.
L. Söder, "Vindkraftens tillgänglighet vid hög elförbrukning," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 1987.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap)
"Renewable Energy Systems : Selected entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology," 1. uppl. New York, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2013.
M. Perninge och L. Söder, "A Stochastic Control Approach to Manage Operational Risk in Power Systems," (Manuskript).
E. Nycander, G. Morales-España och L. Söder, "Capacity and Intra-Hour Ramp Reserves for Wind Integration," (Manuskript).
Y. Huang och L. Söder, "Evaluation of economic regulation in distribution systems with distributed generation," (Manuskript).
P. Grahn, J. Widén och L. Söder, "Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Strategies on Load Profiles With a Multinomial Logit Model," (Manuskript).
M. Olsson och L. Söder, "Modeling power prices in wind power systems using non-constant mean and volatility models," (Manuskript).
L. Abrahamsson, S. Östlund och L. Söder, "Optimal PowerFlow (OPF) Model with Unified AC-DC Load Flow and Optimal Commitmentfor an AC-catenary Railway Power Supply System (RPSS) fed by aHigh Voltage DC (HVDC) transmission line," (Manuskript).
E. Shayesteh, M. Amelin och L. Söder, "Power system equivalents for spinning reserve determination in multi-area power systems," (Manuskript).
L. Herre et al., "Provision of Multiple Services with Controllable Loads as Multi-Area Thermal Energy Storage," (Manuskript).
J. Rosenlind et al., "Reliability screening for identifying critical power transformers in real size transmission system," (Manuskript).
E. Nycander, G. Morales-España och L. Söder, "Reserve Formulations for Power-Based Unit Commitment with N-1 Security," (Manuskript).
L. Herre et al., "Simplified Model of Integrated Paper Mill for Optimal Bidding in Energy and Reserve Markets," (Manuskript).
A. Samadi et al., "Static Equivalent of Distribution Grids with High Penetration of PV Systems," (Manuskript).
P. Grahn, K. Alvehag och L. Söder, "Static and Dynamic Electric Vehicle Charging Impact on Load Profile with Electrified Roads," (Manuskript).
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