Mats Leksell
Research Engineer
About me
Mats Leksell is with the division of Electric Power and Energy Systems, Electrical Machines and Drives Laboratory, teaching and researching. He received his M.Sc. EE in 1984 and the Lic. Tech. in 1993. His main topics are electrical machines, electrical drives, electric and hybrid vehicles and electrical road systems. At the heart of his activitites is education as this is the most important activity when it comes to the sustainable development of society.
He is deputy director for the strategic research area STandUP for Energy, a joint research activity for KTH, Luleå University of Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Uppsala university,
Presently he is involved in for example the following activities:
Hemizero High voltage Electric Machine and Inverter for ZERO emission
Powerized Digitalization of Power Electronic Applications within Key Technology Value Chains
SMaRC Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre
Capacity building at UDSM University of Dar es Salaam
P.S. The division maintains a blog Converted to energy conversion ( where the wonderful world of electrical machines and drives are kept alive!
Carbon dioxide neutral energy and transport system (CK2010), teacher | Course web
Electric Power Engineering II (EI1360), teacher | Course web
Electric Power Engineering Project (EI2525), assistant | Course web
Electric Traction (EJ2400), assistant | Course web
Electric Transportation (EJ2440), teacher | Course web
Electrical Machines and Drives (EJ2201), teacher | Course web
Hybrid Vehicle Drives (EJ2410), course responsible, teacher, assistant | Course web