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Publications by Leif Handberg

Peer reviewed


M. Aniander, H. Blomgren and L. Handberg, "Investigating a new production technique : the case of digital printing," Journal of prepress and printing technology, vol. 1, pp. 30-38, 1997.

Conference papers

L. Handberg et al., "Op 1254 : Music for neutrons, networks and solenoids using a restored organ in a nuclear reactor," in TEI 2018 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2018, pp. 537-541.
L. Handberg et al., "SharedSpaces Mingle," in Proceedings of the 34th annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI ’16), ACM, May 2016, 2016, pp. 269-272.
L. Handberg et al., "Spatial and Social Connectedness in Web-based Work Collaboration," in Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion : Interactive Demo, 2016, pp. 45-48.
C. Gullström and L. Handberg, "Beyond Talking Heads – Presence Design Experiments," in Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013.
T. de Greef et al., "Shared mediated workspaces," in ISPR 2012 International Society for Presence Research annual conference, 2012.
C. Gullström et al., "A Mediated Window to the Stockholm Art and Industry Fair of 1897 : Remote presence and public interaction as a means of exploring and evoking interest in cultural heritage sites," in Proceedings from the fourth international Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, 2011.
C. Gullström, L. Handberg and A. Jonsson, "Teaching Presence : Reflections on ten years of teaching presence design and production," in Proceedings from International Society for Presence Research Annual Conference – ISPR 2011, 2011.
C. Gullström et al., "Mediated Museum," in The Best in Heritage 200, 2009, pp. 74-78.
C. Gullström et al., "The Mediated Window : Enabling remote presence to cultural heritage sites," in NODEM 2008 Conference, 2008.
L. Handberg, A. Jonsson and C. Knudsen, "Living with a continuously produced presence – experiences from an extended office space.," in Telework 2007, Hamar, Norway., 2007.
L. Handberg, A. Jonsson and K. Claus, "Community building through cultural exchange in mediated performance events : a conference 2005," in The Virtual — a room without borders?, 2005.
U. Blomqvist, L. Handberg and A. Naeve, "New Methods for focusing on Students’ Learning Process and Reflection in Higher Education," in Proceedings of the 28th IUT (Improving University Teaching) Conference, 2003.
H. Sponberg, C. Knudsen and L. Handberg, "New learning modes in the production of presence–distance techniques for education.," in CDE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 2001.
M. Bellander, L. Handberg and J. Stenberg, "Workflow analyses in commercial printing : methods and results," in Proceedings of the 24th conference of the international association of research institutes of the graphic arts industry, 1997, pp. 163-176.


L. Handberg and C. Gullström, "The Mediated Museum," , 2008.

Non-peer reviewed

Conference papers

L. Handberg and B. Hedin, "Dialogsduksseminarier - en metod för reflektion och introduktion till högre studier," in LTHs 8:e Pedagogiska Inspirationskonferens, Lund, December 17, 2004, 2014.
C. Gullström, L. Handberg and A. Jonsson, "Mediated Mingling," in eChallenges International Conference, Grand Hotel, Stockholm 2008, 2008.
C. Gullström, A. Jonsson and L. Handberg, "Sustainable learning practices with the use of mediated communications," in The DIVERSE Conference 2007; Lillehammer, Norway, 27-29 June 2007, 2007.
M. Bellander, L. Handberg and P. Koulouvari, "Identifying requirements for the implementation of production management systems in graphic arts companies," in Proceedings of the 31th conference of the technical association of graphic arts, 1999, pp. 36-54.
L. Handberg and M. Aniander, "Determining production management requirements in graphic arts companies," in Proceedings of the 30th conference of the technical association of graphic arts, 1998, pp. 94-108.

Chapters in books

C. Gullström et al., "Det medierade museet : Moderna kulturarvsprocesser och medierad tillgänglighet," in Mångvetenskapliga möten för ett breddat kulturmiljöarbete : Riksantikvarieämbetets FoU-verksamhet 2006–2010/11, Holmström, Marie Ed., Stockholm : Riksantikvarieämbetet, 2013, pp. 121-134.
L. Handberg, "R1ro, som i retro : Från experimentreaktor till experimentscen," in Dædalus : Tekniska museets årsbok. Årg. 76(2008), Kärnkraft retro, Jan Garnert Ed., Stockholm : Tekniska museet, 2008.


L. Handberg, "The Presence Producers : On design and use of presence production systems," Doctoral thesis : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2021:46, 2021.
L. Handberg, "On the implementation of production management systems in the graphic arts industry," Licentiate thesis Stockholm : KTH, Trita-NA, 2003:27, 2003.


C. Gullström, "Immersive Spaces 1.0 : WP4 Mediated Presence Components," SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THEME, Deliverables from EU FP7 COMPEIT, 2016.
C. Gullström et al., "Det medierade museet : Moderna kulturarvsprocesser och medierad tillgänglighet," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, FOU-rapport, 1653-5693, 2012.


L. Handberg and C. Ödlundh, "Time and Simultaneity : Adjusting Time," , 2012.
C. Unander-Scharin, Å. Unander-Scharin and L. Handberg, "Opera Mecatronica : An interactive exhibition within artistic research," , 2010.
C. Gullström et al., "First prize, Nodem Award 2008 for Digital Excellence in Museums Communication : The Mediated Museum Project," Reykjavik : University of Iceland, Centre for Research in the Humanities, 2008.
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