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Publikationer av Linda Barman



Weurlander, M., Wänström, L., Seeberger, A., Lönn, A., Barman, L., Hult, H. ... Wernerson, A. (2024). Development and validation of the physician self-efficacy to manage emotional challenges Scale (PSMEC). BMC Medical Education, 24(1).
Barman, L., Weurlander, M., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Thornberg, R., Hult, H. ... Wernerson, A. (2023). Hardness or Resignation : How Emotional Challenges During Work‑Based Education Influence the Professional Becoming of Medical Students and Student Teachers. Vocations and Learning.
Naimi-Akbar, I., Weurlander, M. & Barman, L. (2023). Teaching-learning in virtual learning environments: a matter of forced compromises away from student-centredness?. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-17.
Lindqvist, H., Weurlander, M., Barman, L., Wernerson, A. & Thornberg, R. (2023). Work-based learning partnerships: mentor-teachers’ perceptions of student teachers’ challenges. Educational research (Windsor. Print), 65(3), 392-407.
Barman, L., McGrath, C., Josephsson, S., Silén, C. & Bolander Laksov, K. (2022). Safeguarding fairness in assessments—How teachers develop joint practices. Medical Education, 1-9.
Rose, L., Eklund, J., Nord Nilsson, L., Barman, L. & Lind, C. M. (2020). The RAMP package for MSD risk management in manual handling – A freely accessible tool, with website and training courses. Applied Ergonomics, 86.
Barman, L., Josephsson, S., Silén, C. & Bolander-Laksov, K. (2016). How education policy is made meaningful - a narrative exploration of how teachers show autonomy in the development of teaching and learning. Higher Education Resarch and Development, 35(6), 1111-1124.
McGrath, C., Barman, L., Stenfors-Hayes, T., Roxa, T., Silen, C. & Laksov, K. B. (2016). The Ebb and Flow of Educational Change : Change Agents as Negotiators of Change. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 4(2).
Vaitsis, C., Stathakarou, N., Barman, L., Zary, N. & McGrath, C. (2016). Using Competency-Based Digital Open Learning Activities to Facilitate and Promote Health Professions Education (OLAmeD) : A Proposal. JMIR Research Protocols, 5(3).
Hervatis, V., Loe, A., Barman, L., O'Donoghue, J. & Zary, N. (2015). A Conceptual Analytics Model for an Outcome-Driven Quality Management Framework as Part of Professional Healthcare Education. JMIR Medical Education, 1(2).
Barman, L., Silén, C. & Bolander Laksov, K. (2014). Outcome based education enacted : teachers' tensions in balancing between student learning and bureaucracy. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 19(5), 629-643.
Blom, J., Barman, L., Wirén, M., Jansson, H. & Nordenström, J. (2014). [Surgical course with focus on intercultural competence. Equal outcomes among Swedish and foreign medical students]. Läkartidningen, 111(40), 1717-9.


Forsman, M., Yang, L., Eriksson, A., Barman, L., Rose, L. (2022). Systematic risk management with RAMP for riskassessment and adapted changes - an implementation study. I NES2022 WORK WELL Conference Proceedings Research. (s. 156-157).
Yang, L., Håkansson, M., Engquist, M., Lind, C. M., Barman, L. (2021). Distance Ergonomics Laboratory Using FlippedClassroom and Smartphone Applications Learning Tools – A Case Study. I Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). (s. 130-134). Cham, Switzerland.
Barman, L. (2021). Students' tensions in challenge-driven collaboration across cultures. Presenterad vid 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). (s. 1-8). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Naimi-Akbar, I., Barman, L., Weurlander, M. (2020). Engineering teachers' approaches to teaching and learning online. I Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Ballatore, M. G., Barman, L., De Borger, J., Ehlermann, J., Fryers, R., Kelly, K., Misiewicz, J., Naimi-Akbar, I., Tabacco, A. (2019). Increasing gender diversity in STEM : A tool for raising awareness of the engineering profession. I ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. (s. 216-222). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Barman, L., Engquist, M., Jansson, M., Enoksson, F. (2019). Interactions in online discussion forums - an underutilized resource for learning?. I 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). (s. 1-5). Covington, KY, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Barman, L., Naimi-Akbar, I., Jansson, M. (2019). Reframing the design for learning in MOOCs. I 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). Covington, KY, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Weurlander, M., Barman, L., Lindqvist, H., Lönn, A., Hult, H., Thornberg, R., Wernerson, A. (2018). Drawing Boundaries : Medical and Teacher Students’ Ways of Managing Emotional Challenges during Workplace Education. Presenterad vid AERA conference, New York City, USA, 13-17 April 2018..
Barman, L., Naimi-Akbar, I., McGrath, C., Weurlander, M. (2018). Engineering teacher's approaches to design and deliver inclusive teaching in flexible learning spaces. I 2018 IEEE FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE (FIE). IEEE.
Rose, L. M., Eklund, J., Barman, L. (2017). RAMP -  A new tool for MSD risk management in manualhandling. I Conference Proceedings 48th Annual Conference of the Association of Canadian Ergonomists  & 12th International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management "Organizing for High Performance ": Organizing for High Performance..

Kapitel i böcker

Barman, L., Pinheiro, R., Edelhard Tømte, C., Degn, L. & Geschwind, L. (2023). Digital Transformations in Nordic Higher Education : A Step Towards Unpacking a Multifaceted and Emergent Phenomenon. I Rómulo Pinheiro, Cathrine Edelhard Tømte, Linda Barman, Lise Degn, Lars Geschwind (Red.), Digital Transformations in Nordic Higher Education ( (1 uppl.) s. 3-26). Cham: Springer Nature.
Barman, L. & Weurlander, M. (2023). Moving Forward or Going Backwards? : Understanding Digital Transformations from Teachers’ Perspectives of Assessing Students Digitally. I Rómulo Pinheiro, Cathrine Edelhard Tømte, Linda Barman, Lise Degn, Lars Geschwind (Red.), Digital Transformations in Nordic Higher Education ( (1 uppl.) s. 151-171). Cham: Springer Nature.
Barman, L., Edelhart Tömte, C., Pinheiro, R., Degn, L. & Geschwind, L. (2023). Possible Scenarios for the Future of Digital Transformations in Higher Education. I Rómulo Pinheiro, Cathrine Edelhard Tømte, Linda Barman, Lise Degn, Lars Geschwind (Red.), Digital Transformations in Nordic Higher Education: Digital Transformations in Nordic Higher Education ( (1 uppl.) s. 269-274). Cham: Springer Nature.

Icke refereegranskade



Kapitel i böcker

Geschwind, L., Paisa, J. & Barman, L. (2022). The university as Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: early career academics on competition, collaboration, and performance requirements. I Cláudia S. Sarrico, Maria J. Rosa, and Teresa Carvalho (Red.), Research Handbook on Academic Careers and Managing Academics (s. 420-434). Edvard Elgar Publishing.
Barman, L., Wahnström, T., Carlén, U. & Levinsson, M. (2021). Att greppa mekanikbegreppen : Ett fenomens vara, och inte vara. I Magnus Levinsson, Lill Langelotz och Malin Löfstedt (Red.), Didaktisk dialog i högre utbildning ( (1 uppl.)). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Barman, L., McGrath, C. & Stöhr, C. (2019). Higher education, For free, for everyone, for real? Massive Open Online Education (MOOCs) and the responsible university : History and enacting rationalities for MOOC-initiatives at three Swedish universitie. I M. P. Sørensen, L. Geschwind, J. Kekäle, & R. M. Pinheiro (Red.), The Responsible University: Exploring the Nordic Context and Beyond (s. 117-143). London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Barman, L. (2015). Striving for Autonomy : Health sciences teachers’ enactment of policy (Doktorsavhandling , Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm). Hämtad från http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-251606.

Samlingsverk (redaktörskap)

Pinheiro, R., Edelhard Tømte, C., Barman, L., Degn, L., Geschwind, L. (Red.). (2023). Digital Transformations in Nordic Higher Education (1 uppl.). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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