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Marco Laudato

Profile picture of Marco Laudato



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About me

Marco Laudato is Researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. As Principal Investigator, Dr. Laudato is independently leading a research project and actively working towards establishing a research group. Moreover, he is affiliated with FLOW at KTH.

Dr. Laudato holds a PhD degree in Mathematics and Models from University of L'Aquila (Italy, June 2021). He carried out his postdoctoral studies (2021-2024) at the Department of Engineering Mechanics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.


Research interests

Scientist specializing in Computational Fluid DynamicsScientific Machine LearningMulti-scale Modelling, and Aeroacoustics. Dr. Laudato has significant experience in building partnerships and delivering high-quality research with prominent organizations in medical sciences, data-driven approaches, and fluid mechanics.

Dr. Laudato's research activities are answering the UN Sustainable Development Goal #3: Good health and well-being. His efforts aims at advancing fundamental knowledge to provide physics-based guidance for:

  • Understanding and predicting thrombotic events through multiscale modeling framework based on neural networks.
  • Enhancing understanding of the flow in respiratory system with the purpose of improving quality of life of patients with airway and respiratory disorders.

Research interests: Fluid Dynamics; Scientific Machine Learning; Multi-scale Modelling; Aeroacoustics; Fluid-Structure Interaction; Physics-Informed Neural Networks; Biofluid Dynamics; Cardiovascular Flow; Differential Geometry.

Honors and awards:

The Göran Gustafsson Young Scientist Award (UU/KTH), Sweden, 2024.

Best presentation award - Swedish Society of Biomechanics Conference, Lund, 2024.

Swedish Research Council (VR) Project Grant, VR 2022-03032, 2022.


Data-driven Methods in Engineering Mechanics (SM2001), assistant | Course web

Fluid Mechanics (SG2214), teacher | Course web

Fluid Mechanics Continuation Course (SG2225), teacher | Course web

Mechanics I (SG1130), assistant | Course web

Mechanics II (SG1140), assistant | Course web