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Year 3

AG1815  Sustainable Development, ICT and Innovation

Group project within the Open Waters project. Investigated the possibilities of digital twins and open data in the Swedish water sector. Supervised by Eva Stattin and Fredrik Hallgren from IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, and the course coordinator at KTH, Mattias Höjer. 

Read this reportpossibilities-of-open-data-and.pdf

IC1007  Human-computer Interaction: Principles and Design

This project aimed to produce a well-functioning digital prototype which could aid the elderly (referring to people over 70 years of age) to cope with the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The report documents the design process, which methods that were used and justifications for the design decisions made. 

Read this reportdesign_project_report.pdf

Homework assignments, group B3:

  • Evaluated two design shortcomings by applying Donald Norman's principles. Read this reportb3_norman.pdf
  • Conducted a Heuristic Evaluation of the Healthcare Guide 1177 which consists of information, inspiration and e-services for health and healthcare. Read this reportb3_heuristic_evaluation.pdf

ID1206 Operating Systems

Seminar reports:

  • The purpose of this assignment was to implement malloc, using a scheme similar to dlmalloc (Doug Lee’s malloc). Read this reportnext__previous__before_and_aft.pdf
  • The purpose of this assignment was to implement a green threads library and conduct testing using a benchmark program. Read this reportgreen_threads_2.pdf

Profilbild av Larisa Cof
