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Elena Gutierrez Farewik

Profile picture of Elena Gutierrez Farewik


About me

Lanie is a Professor of Biomechanics at KTH Engineering Mechanics and director of the Promobilia MoveAbility Lab.  She leads the research group at KTH MoveAbility. She is president of the Swedish Society of Biomechanics and is on the board of the Swedish National Committee for Mechanics.

She earned her BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell Universitiy in 1995, her MSc in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Michigan in 1997, and her PhD in Orthopedics from Karolinska Institutet in 2003.

She is responsible for SG2804 Biomechanics of Human Movement for 2nd level students and SG3084 Biomechanics of Human Movement for 3rd level students. She has previously taught and been responsible for several undergraduate courses in Mechanics.

Research Interests

Her research interests are in movement simulation, strategies, consequences, and assistance in children and adults with motion disorders.

Persons with physical disabilities are the largest minority group in the world. Despite this, we as a society have relatively little ability to predict the long-term spiraling effects of their primary disability, and treatment is thus often short-sighted in nature.  Through multidisciplinary collaboration and multiscale modelling and experimental approaches, we aim to expand fundamental knowledge of the tissue and systemic behavior of persons with disability. We study changes in muscle and bone structure and function due to abnormal neurological signaling and mechanical loading. We also study the movement strategies employed by the central nervous system, as they are central to effective treatment design and successful outcome. We investigate the causal relationship between primary pathology, secondary consequences, and compensation strategies, in order to facilitate better treatment design. Finally, we conceptually design and develop assistance-as-needed active and passive robotic exoskeletons that empower each individual to locomote to his/her best ability.

She is generously sponsored by Stiftelsen Promobila (2024-28, 38 Mkr: Technology to decode, predict and enhance human movement) (2019-23, 11.5 Mkr: Multiscale and multimodal biomechanical research for persons with motion disorders. She also currently holds a Consolidating Grant from the Swedish Research Council (BADASS: BiomechAnics in motion Disorders and ASSistance) for the years 2019-24 (12 Mkr) and several projects from Digital Futures (2022-5, 2 Mkr: Advancing real-time exoskeleton control for human-in-the-loop optimization)


See her Google Scholar profile

Post Docs



PhD Students

Former PhD students

Former Licientiate students

  • Erik Dijkstra (Tech. Lic., KTH, 2016)
  • Olesya Klets (Tech. Lic., KTH, 2011)

Students she co-supervises




Biomechanics of Human Movement (SM2501), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Mechanics, Second Cycle (SG212X), examiner | Course web

Mechanics I (SG1130), teacher | Course web

Musculoskeletal Biomechanics and Human Movement (FSG3084), examiner | Course web

Profile picture of Elena Gutierrez Farewik


Publication list