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Invited Speech [Selected]

December 18-21, 2023
"From Scars to Strength: Urban Resilience in Military Brownfields Redevelopment”; Organized by University of Oradea & Sponsored by NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) “Achieving Sustainability in Ukraine through Military Brownfields Redevelopment”, Oradea, Romania

November 27, 2023
Navigating Change: The Influence of the Disruptive Forces on Transformational Urban Planning Conventions”, King Salman Center for Local Government, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

June 25, 2023
“Transformational urban space dynamics: The status quo and need for a paradigm shift"; Hosted by Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER), Germany

June 23-24, 2023
Sponsored by School of Architecture, Planning and Design, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Morocco
Lecture 1: "Dynamic interdependencies: exploring transformative territorial relations amidst disruptive forces";
Lecture 2: “Resilience: unraveling territorial dynamics and people-centric priorities for action";
Lecture 3: "Territorial Planning: Enhancing Connectivity, Proximity, and Sense of Place"

March 13, 2023
“Our behavior and (dis)ownership in Climate Change”, Teach-in on Climate and Justice, Sustainability Office, UBC Okanagan Canada https://sustain.ok.ubc.ca/policies/cap/teach-in/

February 27, 2023
“Floods and Our Cities: Perception, Reality & Actions”, Sustainability Industry Night by IDS, UBC Okanagan Canada

February 2, 2023
“Urban Planning and need for affordable housing: An insight on the nexus”, Dept of Real Estate Management & Development, Ankara University, Turkey

June 28, 2022

World Urban Forum 2022 Katowice, Poland

Transformational Facets of Planning and Development in Face of the Pandemic. Insights from Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia

March 29, 2022

UBC Okanagan Climate/Justice Teach-In, Organized by UBCO Climate Action Plan - Engage (CAPE) Working Group; I talked about "Individual's behavior and inertia towards changes"See the details here

November 22- 23, 2021

Global urban planning education and its curricula,the "ICERAS2021 International Conference on Applied Sciences Education and Research" Ankara University, Turkey;  

July 27-Aug. 1, 2021 Montreal, Canada

Virtual demand and neoliberalism:  transformational planning for the post-neoliberal and -COVID era

ICCCASU2021 SPb02: Planning, Mobility, Built Environment and Real Estate Development


April 3, 2021
"How Smart the Smart Cities Are? Path-dependent Insights", Homecoming Lecture Series by Urban & Rural Planning Discipline at Khulna University, Bangladesh; Full presentation and announcement

July 15-17, 2019

(i) Urban Transformation and Smart City: A Path-Dependent Analysis” at the 3rd International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization (ICCCASU III) on “Belt, Road & Node: New Influences and Paradigms in City Building”, Chengdu, China

(ii) Panel Chair for “Smart Technologies and Urban Intelligence” at ICCCASU III, Chengdu, China: https://icccasu2019.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/ICCCASU3-Programme-7th-Draft28May2019EN-CH-Poster-Flyer.pdf

June 2, 2019

“Future Cities: Challenges in Building Resilience” at the Sustainability Division, City of Kelowna, BC

July 25, 2018

“Coupling behavior-based intervention with pro-environmentalism? A nexus of energy usage, crisis and its conservation” at the Professional Engineers Ontario Scarborough Chapter, Toronto

September 11, 2017

“Relational Dimensions of Space and the Implications for Urban Planning and Development” at the Dept. of Global Development and Planning at the University of Agder, Norway

November 15, 2016

“Finding an Affordable Housing Option: Social Business as the 'New' Policy Tool?” Invited by the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Regina

September 5, 2016

“E-commerce induced ‘shift’? A framework analysis of the ‘changing’ spatial structure of a city” at the department of Urban and Regional Planning at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

July 20, 2016

“Building Resilience for the Future Cities” at the Long Range Planning branch, the City of Regina, Saskatchewan

March 29-31, 2016

“Cities in Critical Transition – the Need for Third Places” jointly invited by UN-Habitat and Ministry of Municipalities and Rural Affairs (MOMRA), Saudi Arabia: “1st Saudi Urban Forum – Moderns Trends in Urban Planning”: http://saudiurbanforum.net/en/speakers

March 16, 2012

ICT induced shift in building fragmented/integrated social and spatial landscape in the transitional cities at the Department of Geography, Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway