Khashayar Etemadi Someoliayi
Om mig
I'm a third-year PhD student supervised by ProfessorsMartin Monperrus andBenoit Baudry, and funded by WASP. My main area of research is software engineering with a focus on explainable software bots. For my PhD thesis, I am going to design a tool to explain the patches generated by automatic program repair tools.
Before starting my PhD I received my BSc (2011-2015) and MSc (2015-2017) in software engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Iran. I also hold a MSc (2017-2019) in philosophy of science from Sharif University of Technology. I worked in industry for three years (2013-2016) where I managed the technical team of avideo advertising platform for mobile apps.
Automatiserad programtestning och DevOps (DD2482), assistent | Kurswebb
Internetprogrammering (DD1386), assistent | Kurswebb
Programmeringsteknik (DD1310), assistent | Kurswebb
Programutvecklingsteknik (DD1385), assistent | Kurswebb
Programutvecklingsteknikens grunder (DD2480), assistent | Kurswebb