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Katti Grünfeld

Profile picture of Katti Grünfeld





Applied Statistics (SF1910), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Built Environment, First Cycle (AL130X), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure, Second Cycle (AL230X), course responsible | Course web

Degree Project in Hydraulic Engineering, Second Cycle (AF283X), course responsible | Course web

Degree Project in Industrial Ecology, Second Cycle (AL227X), course responsible | Course web

Degree Project in Strategies for Sustainable Development, Second Cycle (AL250X), course responsible | Course web

Earth Science and Land Use in Practice (AL1300), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Environmental Chemistry and Risk Assessment (AE2801), teacher | Course web

Environmental Data (AE2503), teacher, course responsible | Course web

Environmental Economics (AL1357), assistant | Course web

Environmental Measuring and Monitoring (AE2104), teacher | Course web

Environmental Systems Analysis for Energy and Environment (AE1502), teacher | Course web

Environmental Systems Analysis for Teachers (AE1503), teacher | Course web

Geoscience (AE1106), teacher, course responsible | Course web

Geoscience and Geotechnical Engineering (AL1302), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Introduction to the Planning and Building Process (AI1527), teacher | Course web

Natural Resources Management Tools (AL2300), teacher | Course web

Natural Resources Theory (AL1301), teacher | Course web

Physics, Chemistry, Energy and the Environment for CL (AL1130), course responsible | Course web

Profile picture of Katti Grünfeld


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