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Karin Reisinger

Profile picture of Karin Reisinger

About me

Dr Karin Reisinger is postdoctoral fellow at Critical Studies in Architecture, School of Architecture. She teaches Gender at the School of Architecture, Introduction to Urban Economics in the SUPD program, and methods of research in architecture at Vienna University of Technologies, Institute of Art and Design. During her postdoctoral fellowship Karin was key organiser of the conference Architecture and Feminisms: Ecologies, Economies, Technologies.

Karin was educated in architecture and cultural studies and pursued her PhD: Grass Without Roots. Towards Nature Becoming Spatial Practice at the Visual Culture Unit at Vienna UT. Starting with a focus on nature preservation areas, her research has been unveiling relations of preservation and governmentality, colonialism, and issues of access. This aspect is based on migrating concepts within a global interplay, but accumulates a myriad of small-scale perspectives and narratives of conflicting genealogies.

Her second field of interest is the arena of exploitation (extraction of resources). Feminist and post-human approach support her critical perspectives in which she draws on multi-perspectival approaches to contradict “big history”. Therefore she inscribes agencies of environments, activists and excluded actors. During her postdoctoral fellowship in Sweden, she investigates the archives and memories of mining societies with methods of feminist political ecologies.