Publikationer av Joachim Piguet
E. Sandberg et al., "Fluorescence Bar-Coding and Flowmetry Based on Dark State Transitions in Fluorescence Emitters," Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 128, no. 1, s. 125-136, 2024.
A. Kitamura et al., "Trans-cis isomerization kinetics of cyanine dyes reports on the folding states of exogeneous RNA G-quadruplexes in live cells," Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 51, no. 5, s. e27-e27, 2023.
E. Sandberg et al., "Combined Fluorescence Fluctuation and Spectrofluorometric Measurements Reveal a Red-Shifted, Near-IR Emissive Photo-Isomerized Form of Cyanine 5," International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 24, no. 3, 2023.
E. Sandberg et al., "Local monitoring of photosensitizer transient states provides feedback for enhanced efficiency and targeting selectivity in photodynamic therapy," Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, s. 16829, 2023.
B. Demirbay et al., "Photo-physical characterization of high triplet yield brominated fluoresceins by transient state (TRAST) spectroscopy," Methods and applications in fluorescence, vol. 11, no. 4, 2023.
E. Sandberg et al., "Photoisomerization of Heptamethine Cyanine Dyes Results in Red-Emissive Species : Implications for Near-IR, Single-Molecule, and Super-Resolution Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging," Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 127, no. 14, s. 3208-3222, 2023.
Z. Du et al., "Imaging Fluorescence Blinking of a Mitochondrial Localization Probe : Cellular Localization Probes Turned into Multifunctional Sensors br," Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 126, no. 16, s. 3048-3058, 2022.
M. Paloncyova et al., "Photoisomerization of DiD : Molecular Dynamics Calculations Reveal the Influence of Tail Lengths," The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 124, no. 10, s. 5829-5837, 2020.
J. Tornmalm et al., "Imaging of intermittent lipid-receptor interactions reflects changes in live cell membranes upon agonist-receptor binding," Scientific Reports, vol. 9, 2019.
E. Staaf et al., "Educated natural killer cells show dynamic movement of the activating receptor NKp46 and confinement of the inhibitory receptor Ly49A," Science Signaling, vol. 11, no. 517, 2018.
L. Veya, J. Piguet och H. Vogel, "Single Molecule Imaging Deciphers the Relation between Mobility and Signaling of a Prototypical G Protein-coupled Receptor in Living Cells.," Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 290, no. 46, s. 27723-27735, 2015.
L. Grasso et al., "Downscaling the analysis of complex transmembrane signaling cascades to closed attoliter volumes," PLOS ONE, vol. 8, no. 8, 2013.
J. Piguet et al., "Acetylcholine receptor organization in membrane domains in muscle cells : evidence for rapsyn-independent and rapsyn-dependent mechanisms," Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 286, no. 1, 2011.
S. Roizard et al., "Activation of G-protein-coupled receptors in cell-derived plasma membranes supported on porous beads," Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 133, no. 42, 2011.
M. Werner et al., "Microfluidic array cytometer based on refractive optical tweezers for parallel trapping, imaging and sorting of individual cells.," Lab on a Chip, vol. 11, no. 14, s. 2432-2439, 2011.
M. A. Brun et al., "Semisynthesis of fluorescent metabolite sensors on cell surfaces.," Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 133, no. 40, 2011.
J.-B. Perez et al., "Monitoring the diffusion of single heterotrimeric G proteins in supported cell-membrane sheets reveals their partitioning into microdomains.," Journal of Molecular Biology, vol. 363, no. 5, 2006.
Icke refereegranskade
N. Bagheri et al., "Non-fluorescent transient states of tyrosine : a basis for label-free protein conformation and interaction studies," European Biophysics Journal, vol. 52, no. SUPPL 1, s. S170-S170, 2023.
H. Esmaeeli et al., "Transient state characterization of cyanine fluorophores to take next generation super-resolution imaging into the near-IR.," European Biophysics Journal, vol. 52, no. SUPPL 1, s. S179-S179, 2023.
E. Staaf et al., "Educated Natural Killer cells exhibit a more dynamic movement of NKp46 and a higher confinement of the Ly49A receptor," Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, vol. 86, no. 4, s. 285-285, 2017.
J. Piguet, "Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy to Study Plasma Membrane Protein Dynamics," Doktorsavhandling Lausanne : EPFL, 2010.
C. Venugopal Srambickal et al., "Experimental characterization of fluorophore blinking, simulations of their effects in MINFLUX imaging, and how they can be suppressed," (Manuskript).
B. Demirbay et al., "Fluorescence bar-coding and flowmetry based on dark state transitions in fluorescence emitters," (Manuskript).
B. Demirbay et al., "Photo-physical characterization of high triplet yield brominated fluoresceins by transient state (TRAST) spectroscopy," (Manuskript).
J. Tornmalm et al., "Transient state imaging of intermittent interactions between lipids and receptor proteins in artificial and live cell membranes," (Manuskript).
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