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Joydeep Dutta

Profile picture of Joydeep Dutta



Hannes Alfvéns väg 12

About me


Joydeep Dutta is professor of functional materials at KTH with research focus on developing materials with practical applications in energy, environmental remediation, and food safety. An international career spanning a over 30 years, he has been in academia and industries alike. He was in Japan and France for a year each, a decade in Switzerland (EPFL) and another decade at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand where he was Vice President (Academic Affairs). Prior to moving to KTH he served as the Chair in Nanotechnology at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman for four years. From 1997-2001 he worked in technical and managerial qualities in high technology industries in Switzerland returning to academia back in 2002. Prof. Dutta is an award-winning author (Choice award for Outstanding Academic title of 2010 from American Library Association) for the textbook “Introduction to Nanotechnology”. In the last five years, he has started four companies, and one has started commercial sales. Professor Dutta's work at KTH has significantly contributed to advancing research in nanomaterials and their applications for sustainable energy and environmental solutions. His work combines fundamental materials science with applied research to address real-world challenges.


He has written 3 Text books, edited 2 books, contributed 14 Book Chapters and obtained 10 patents. He has published 300+ original research publications, that has received 20,000+ citations (h-index 72), and has delivered over 100 invited and keynote lectures. He is in the editorial board of a few journals and regularly referees articles in international journals.


In 2020 his research was chosen in the top 100 list 2020 & 2023 of the Swedish Academy of Engineering. He is amongst the top 25 researcher (h-index wise) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology ( He has supervised more than 20 post-doctoral fellows, graduated 16 Ph.D. students (currently supervising 5 PhDs) and over 50+ master’s thesis students in his career.

Research focus keywords: capacitive deionization, solar photocatalysis, Fenton, Green H2 production, electrolyzer, zinc oxide, microplastics, water cleaning


Colloids and Collodial Principles for Industrial Applications (FSK3910), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Colloids and Colloidal Principles for Applications (SK2774), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Applied Physics, Second Cycle (SK202X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Engineering Physics, First cycle (SA114X), teacher | Course web

Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy and Environment (SK2775), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Project on Nanomaterials (SK2757), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web