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Teaching and Supervision

Undergraduate teaching SH1005 Old course webpage.
SH2203 Old course webpage.
SH1009 Research project supervisor for "Hur kan man finna Higgs boson?". 2012.
Research project supervisor for "Varför behöver vi higgs-partikeln?". 2012.

Research project supervisor for "Konsekvenserna av att hitta Higgsbosonen". 2013

Research project supervisor for "Higgsbosonens existens". 2013.

Research project supervisor for "Higgsbosonen - En introduktion". 2014.

Bachelor theses Jennifer Arnesson

"The Higgs boson". Poster. 2012.

Niclas Löfblad "Search for the Higgs boson". 2012.
Master theses Erik Dahlberg "Using a BDT to improve tag jet selections in the H->WW VBF analysis". 2012-2013.
Edvin Sidebo "Spin studies of the discovered 125 GeV Higgs boson in the H->WW->lvlv channel using the ATLAS detector". 2013.
William Sköld "Systematic Uncertainties on the Top Quark Background in the 1 Jet Channel of the ATLAS H->WW Analysis of the Higgs Boson at the LHC.". 2013.
Romain Kukla "Probes of top compositeness at the Large Hadron Collider". 2014
Nabila Shaikh "Uncertainties in the Top Quark Background From the Monte Carlo Generator in the H->WW Analysis". 2014.
Cecilia Nyström "Rejection of Top Background in the WW Control Region for the H->WW->lvlv Analysis". 2014.
Giulia Ripellino

"Calibration of the muon momentum resolution in view of the W mass measurement in CMS". 2015.

Katarina Atteryd

"Investigation of the WW excess observed by ATLAS and CMS at the LHC". 2015.

Master thesis examiner Mathieu Laporte

"Mode-matching telescopes of the gravitational wave detector Advanced Virgo". 2015.

Licentiate theses

Jelena Jovicevic "Probing the Standard Model Higgs boson in the WW decay mode with the ATLAS detector at the LHC". 2013.
Doctoral theses Jelena Jovicevic

"Evidence for the Higgs boson in the WW* decay mode using the data collected by ATLAS". 2014.

Profilbild av Jonas Strandberg
