Jon-Erik Dahlin
About me
Jon-Erik Dahlin has a background in engineering physics (M.Sc. from KTH 2001) and fusion plasma physics (Ph.D. from KTH 2006). He has devoted his professional life to sustainable energy and engineering for sustainable development, and the majority of the last decade to education for sustainable development. Jon-Erik Dahlin is an experienced university lecturer that enjoys innovating new teaching methods and pedagogical tools. He has been appointed as programme director for several education programmes including the development of several completely new engineering programmes. In 2016, Jon-Erik Dahlin founded Snowflake Education, with the objective to assist educators and leaders in education worldwide with integrating sustainable development into education courses and programmes.
Biotechnology for a sustainable society (CB1170), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Technology and Learning, Second Cycle (LT200X), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Vehicle Engineering, First Level (SA115X), assistant | Course web
Mechanical Engineering, introductory course (MF1001), teacher | Course web
Space and sustainable development (LT1047), teacher | Course web
Sustainable Production (ML2300), assistant | Course web
Sustainable development and project management (CB1000), teacher | Course web