Josefine Hvarregaard Andersen
About me
I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Division of Theoretical Chemistry and Biology under supervision of Prof. Patrick Norman.
I hold an M.Sc. in Eng. degree in applied chemistry and a PhD degree in quantum chemistry from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
My research concerns the development of quantum chemical methods to compute molecular properties, specifically different spectroscopies. At KTH I contribute to the Veloxchem software. I have previously contributed to Q-chem, Turbomole, and eT.
Degree Project in Biotechnology, First Cycle (BB103X), teacher | Course web
Molecular Quantum Mechanics (CB2070), assistant | Course web
Programming in Python (BB1000), teacher, assistant | Course web
Project in Mathematical Modelling (CB1020), teacher | Course web
Python Programming for Chemical Sciences (CK1310), teacher | Course web
Python for Biotechnology (CB1050), teacher, assistant | Course web