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Katharina Jochemko

Profile picture of Katharina Jochemko

Associate professor


Lindstedtvägen 25


Researcher ID

About me

I am an associate professor in mathematics. My research interests lie in combinatorics, discrete and convex geometry and application areas. My research is supported by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) the Swedish Research Council (VR) , the Göran Gustafssons Foundation (UU/KTH), and the Verg Foundation.

I am an associate editor of the journal Contributions to Algebra and Geometry/Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometry.

I am the local representative at KTH of the Swedish Mathematical Society.

Jon Pål Hamre (PhD student)
Aryaman Jal (PhD student)

Former members
Marie-Charlotte Brandenburg (postdoc)
Maria Dostert (postdoc)
Luis Ferroni (postdoc)
Mariel Supina (postdoc)

About WASP
Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is Sweden's largest individual research program ever, a major national initiative for strategically motivated basic research, education and faculty recruitment. The program addresses research on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their environment through sensors, information and knowledge, and forming intelligent systems-of-systems.

The vision of WASP is excellent research and competence in artificial intelligence, autonomous systems and software for the benefit of Swedish industry.

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Degree Project in Engineering Physics, First cycle (SA114X), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Mathematics, Second Cycle (SF278X), examiner | Course web

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Degree project in Engineering Mathematics, first cycle (SA120X), teacher | Course web

Enumerative Combinatorics (SF2741), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Graph Theory (SF2740), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web