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Jose Javier Veganzones Muñoz

Profile picture of Jose Javier Veganzones Muñoz

About me

Position: Doctoral Student PhD / Structural Engineer and Project Manager in TYPSA

Name of the project: Bridge Overhang Slabs with Edge Beams - LCCA and Structural Analysis for the Development of New Concepts

Telephone: +46 (0)8 790 86 57


Visiting address: Brinellvägen 23, Stockholm.

Short biography: Born in Madrid, Spain. Double degree in Civil and Architectural Engineering from Polythecnic University of Madrid (UPM) and Royal Institute of Technology of Stockholm (KTH). Awarded with the Best Final Degree Project of the year 2013 by the Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. International waterpolo player.

Current research:

  • LCCA of the bridge edge beam system
  • Development of new bridge edge beams solutions
  • Design of bridge overhang slabs idealized as cantilevers
  • Non-linear FE-analysis of RC structures
  • Analysis of shear effective widths
  • Analysis of minimal widths in experimental tests
  • Influence of the edge beam on the structural behaviour of the bridge

Articles published:

Veganzones Muñoz, José Javier; Sundquist, Håkan; Pettersson, Lars; and Karoumi, Raid (2016) “LCC analysis as a tool in the developing process for new bridge edge beam solution”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Volume 12, Issue 9, Pages 1185-1201. DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2015.1095770.

Veganzones Muñoz, José Javier; Pacoste, Costin; Pettersson, Lars; and Karoumi, Raid (2018). “The influence of the edge beam on the struc-tural behavior of bridge deck overhangs”, ACI Structural Journal, Volume 115, Issue 4, Pages 957-970. DOI: 10.14359/51702225

Veganzones Muñoz, José Javier; Pacoste, Costin; and Karoumi, Raid (2019). “Width and Edge Beam Effects on the Ultimate Behaviour of RC Bridge Overhangs”, Nordic Concrete Research, Volume 61, Issue 2, Pages 131-152. DOI: 10.2478/ncr-2019-0015

Veganzones Muñoz, José Javier; Pacoste, Costin; and Karoumi, Raid. “Assessment of effective and minimal slab widths for evaluating the shear capacity of RC overhang slabs” (Manuscript submitted for publica-tion)

Veganzones Muñoz, José Javier; Sangrós, Diego; Sundquist, Håkan; Nilsson, Ulf (2016). “Development and implementation of a new steel bridge edge beam for a cost-efficient replacement”, IABSE Congress Stockholm: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment, Pages 802-809.

Veganzones Muñoz, José Javier; Sederholm, Bror (2016). “Implemen-tation and cost-efficiency of stainless steel bridge edge beams”, IABSE Congress Stockholm: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Inno-vative and Sustainable Built Environment, Pages 819-826.

Lecturer in courses:

  • Bridge design, Master Level
  • Advanced Bridge Design, Master Level

Assistant teacher in courses:

  • Advanced Bridge Design, Master Level
  • Fysik för den byggda miljön (Physics), Bachelor Level

Main supervisor of Master Theses:

  • Edge beams. Evaluation of the Investment Cost for Its Application to Life-Cycle Cost Analysis.
  • Design of Edge Beams
  • Development of a new steel bridge edge beam. FE-Modeling, installation and LCC-Analysis.
  • Dynamic analysis of the viaduct over Rio Ulla
  • Fatigue analysis in the tension cables of a floating bridge
  • Non-linear analysis of RC overhang slab with an edge beam
  • Steel edge beam, a new cost-efficient solution
Profile picture of Jose Javier Veganzones Muñoz