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Jessika Jessika

Profile picture of Jessika Jessika

Doctoral student

About me

Jessika is a doctoral student at the Division of Nanobiotechnology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, enrolled under the PhD Biotechnology programme with Herland Lab. She acquired her MSc degree in Nanotechnology from KTH, with a specialisation in nanoelectronics and bioMEMS, and her BSc degree in Biomedical Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB, Indonesia), specialising in biomedical instrumentation and intelligent system.

Current Projects

Her research for the PhD projects focuses on exploring microscale in vitro and in vivo medical technologies for diabetes study and therapeutics. Jessika mainly works on the fabrication and integration of biomedical microsystems, both for cellular functionality monitoring and local pharmacological intervention for pancreatic islet transplantation. She is also working on the development of organic electronics for electrogenic cells based on multiphoton lithography and ultrafast laser patterning.

Previous Projects

Jessika has multiple interdisciplinary research experiences in the branches of biomedical engineering, including biomedical instrumentation, machine learning, biosensors, and her recent work in biomedical microsystems. During her undergraduate study, Jessika worked on several projects on image processing and intelligent systems, and some of her works were presented at IEEE conferences. She completed her undergraduate final-year research at ITB's Lab-on-Chip Research Group, focusing on fabric-based non-enzymatic electrochemical biosensors for glucose detection. Following her master's study, she conducted her master's thesis project at KTH's Division of Micro and Nanosystems, focusing on the development of an in-vitro organoid electrophysiological recording platform for mice pancreatic islets.

Past Experiences

Before starting her PhD study, Jessika completed three research assignments in which two were conducted in Indonesia, and the other was conducted at KTH. Upon graduating with her BSc in 2020, Jessika was assigned to a dual role as a research assistant under the same research group as her final-year project and an embedded systems engineer for another joint industrial research project on diagnostic 12-channel ECG. During both assignments, she contributed to interdisciplinary projects that involved flexible sensors and microfluidics fabrication, conductive ink synthesis, urinary exosome isolation, particle property analysis with dynamic light scattering techniques, and biomedical signal processing.

After commencing on her master's thesis project, Jessika then explored more of the intricacies of biomedical micro and nanosystems, where she worked as a research engineer in a project aimed to integrate transgenic mice pancreatic islets with optoelectronic fluorescence recording devices. Here, Jessika focused on the design, microfabrication, and evaluation of biohybrid implantable structures utilising direct laser writing (DLW) with two-photon polymerisation (TPP).

Alongside her academic pursuits in her bachelor's and master's degrees,  Jessika was actively involved in various extracurricular projects, primarily in the autonomous aerial robotics team in which she got the awards from the nationwide competition in two consecutive years. In 2021, Jessika embarked on her master's study under a full-ride scholarship from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.


Medical Sensors (CB2380), teacher | Course web