Publikationer av Jennie Björk
C. Qian, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "How do ideas gain legitimacy in internal crowdsourcing idea development? : Exploring the effects of feedback on idea selection," Innovation : Management, Policy & Practice, s. 1-32, 2023.
J. Björk, J. Frishammar och L. Sundstrom, "Measuring Innovation Effectively-Nine Critical Lessons Companies looking to improve how they measure innovation can use nine critical lessons organized according to the themes of strategy, organization, and measurement design.," Research technology management, vol. 66, no. 2, s. 17-27, 2023.
H. Boer et al., "Reviewing excellence," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 32, no. 2, s. 180-197, 2023.
C. Qian, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "Selection bias of ideas for sustainability-oriented innovation in internal crowdsourcing," Technovation, vol. 124, s. 102761-102761, 2023.
C. Qian, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "Exploring the effects of problem- and solution-related knowledge sharing in internal crowdsourcing," Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 26, no. 11, s. 324-347, 2022.
S. Johansson et al., "Digital production innovation projects – The applicability of managerial controls under high levels of complexity and uncertainty," Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 32, no. 3, s. 772-794, 2021.
F. Asplund, J. Björk och M. Magnusson, "Knowing too much? : On bias due to domain-specific knowledge in internal crowdsourcing for explorative ideas," R&D Management, 2021.
K. Holzle, J. Björk och H. Boer, "Light at the end of the tunnel," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 30, no. 1, s. 3-5, 2021.
J. Björk et al., "Looking back and forward : Light in and at the end of the tunnel," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 30, no. 3, s. 437-438, 2021.
F. Asplund et al., "The genesis of public-private innovation ecosystems : Bias and challenges," Technological forecasting & social change, vol. 162, 2021.
F. Di Vincenzo et al., "Attention to ideas! Exploring idea survival in internal crowdsourcing," European Journal of Innovation Management, 2020.
R. Rose, K. Hölzle och J. Björk, "More than a quarter century of Creativity and Innovation Management : The journal's characteristics, evolution, and a look ahead," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 29, no. 1, s. 5-20, 2020.
C. Qian, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "Collective firm-internal online idea development Exploring the impact of feedback timeliness and knowledge overlap," European Journal of Innovation Management, vol. 23, no. 1, s. 13-39, 2019.
K. Holzle, J. Björk och K. Visscher, "Editorial," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 28, no. 1, s. 3-4, 2019.
J. Frishammar et al., "Opportunities and challenges in the new innovation landscape : Implications for innovation auditing and innovation management," European Management Journal, vol. 37, no. 2, s. 151-164, 2019.
M. Beretta, J. Björk och M. Magnusson, "Moderating Ideation in Web-Enabled Ideation Systems," The Journal of product innovation management, vol. 35, no. 3, s. 389-409, 2018.
A. Richtner et al., "Creating Better Innovation Measurement Practices," MIT Sloan Management Review, vol. 59, no. 1, s. 45-53, 2017.
A. Karlsson och J. Björk, "Establishing and managing a network for continuous innovation : Invoking organizational pressure," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 26, no. 2, s. 128-141, 2017.
M. Bergendahl, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "Ideation High Performers : A Study of Motivational Factors," Creativity Research Journal, vol. 27, no. 4, 2015.
D. Mascia, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "The Role of Social Networks in Organizing Ideation, Creativity and Innovation : An Introduction," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 24, no. 1, s. 102-108, 2015.
C. Wadell, J. Björk och M. Magnusson, "How do R&D employees use their social networks to acquire user information?," Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 18, no. 5, s. 919-936, 2014.
J. Björk, M. P. Karlsson och M. Magnusson, "Turning ideas into innovations : introducing demand-driven collaborative ideation," International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, vol. 5, no. 4/5, 2014.
C. Wadell et al., "Exploring the incorporation of users in an innovating business unit," International Journal of Technology Management, vol. 61, no. 3-4, s. 293-308, 2013.
J. Björk, "Knowledge Domain Spanners in Ideation," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 21, no. 1, s. 17-27, 2012.
D. Mascia, J. Björk och M. G. Magnusson, "Organizing Ideation, Creativity and Innovation : The Role of Social Networks," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 21, no. 4, s. 458-459, 2012.
J. Björk et al., "The Impact of Social Capital on Ideation," Industry and Innovation, vol. 18, no. 6, s. 631-647, 2011.
C. Sandström och J. Björk, "Idea management systems for a changing innovation landscape," International Journal of Product Development, vol. 11, no. 3-4, s. 310-324, 2010.
J. Björk, P. Boccardelli och M. Magnusson, "Ideation capabilities for continuous innovation," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 19, no. 4, s. 385-396, 2010.
J. Björk och M. Magnusson, "Where do good innovation ideas come from? : Exploring the influence of network connectivity on innovation idea quality," The Journal of product innovation management, vol. 26, no. 6, s. 662-670, 2009.
C. Qian et al., "Using Emotional Cues to Induce Prosocial Crowdsourcing Behavior– a Key to Environmental Innovation?," i CINet conference 2021, 2021.
C. Qian, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "Asked for but not wanted? On the effect of explicit online search for sustainable innovation ideas," i IFKAD 2019, 2019.
S. Nilsson, J. Björk och A. Karlsson, "Developing radical innovations: Introducing Tangibility, Tolerance and Tightness," i 25TH INNOVATION AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, IPDMC, 2018.
S. Johansson et al., "The consequences of managerial controls for digital innovation projects," i 19th International CINet Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
A. Karlsson, J. Björk och S. Nilsson, "The role of attention for radical innovation: Identifying moves that matter," i 25TH INNOVATION AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, IPDMC, 2018.
M. P. Knudsen et al., "Unleashing the Power of Internal Crowds," i DRUID18, June 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018.
C. Qian, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "Exploring the Effects of Feedback Sentiment and Expertise in Internal Crowdsourcing for Ideas," i Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017.
D. Mascia et al., "Exploring the role of homophily in innovation jam : A case study," i Proceedings of the 17th Continuous Innovation Network Conference, Torino, 2016.
C. Qian, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "How do firm-internal online innovation behaviors influence ideation performance?," i CINet conference 2016, 2016.
C. Qian, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "Unpacking the Black Box of Firm-Internal Collective Idea Development. R&D Management," i R&D Management Conference, 2016.
C. Wadell och J. Björk, "Boundary spanners of user information," i Continuous Innovation Network (CINet) Conference, Rome, Italy, 16–18 September 2012, 2012.
M. Bergendahl et al., "Making collaborative ideation work : Challenges and success factors for the use of collaborative ideation tools," i IAMOT 2012, Taiwan, 2012.
J. Björk, M. Karlsson och M. Magnusson, "Turning ideas into innovation : the need for collaborative demand-driven innovation," i Proceedings of the 18th International Product Development Conference, 2011.
J. Björk, "Dual-connected individuals in ideation," i 11th International CINet Conference - Practicing innovation in times of discontinuity, 2010.
J. Björk et al., "Ideation Potential of Internal Networks : Does Social Capital Matter?," i WOA2010 Collaborative networks, knowledge and innovation: organizational and strategic issue. Bologna, 16-18 June 2010, 2010.
J. Björk et al., "The Impact of Social Capital on Ideation : untapping the knowledge creation potential of internal networks," i DIME conference - Organizing for Networked Innovation, 2010.
Icke refereegranskade
J. Björk, K. Holzle och H. Boer, "What will we learn from the current crisis?," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 30, no. 2, s. 231-232, 2021.
K. Hoelzle, H. Boer och J. Björk, "Crisis management through creativity and innovation : Storytelling, moral organizational creativity, and open innovation as creative means to spark innovation," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 29, no. 2, s. 195-197, 2020.
J. Björk och K. Hoelze, "Editorial," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 28, no. 3, s. 289-290, 2019.
J. Björk och K. Holzle, "Editorial," Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 27, no. 4, s. 373-374, 2018.
J. Björk, "Idéskapande nätverk : en kollektiv innovationspotential," Management of Technology, no. 1, s. 3-4, 2011.
J. Björk, P. Boccardelli och M. Magnusson, "Ideation capabilities for continuous innovation," i The 10th CINet conference, September 5-8, 2009, Brisbane, Australia, 2009.
J. Björk och M. Magnusson, "Ideation performance in projects and informal groups," i Proceedings of the 1st ISPIM Innovation Symposium, 2009.
J. Björk och M. Magnusson, "Heterogeneity and performance in innovation idea networks," i Proceedings of the 9th CINet conference, 2008.
J. Björk, "Analyzing and realizing collective ideation in firms," Doktorsavhandling Göteborg : Chalmers tekniska högskola, 2011.
C. Qian, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "Exploring the effects of feedback sentiment and expertise in internal crowdsourcing for ideas," (Manuskript).
C. QIAN, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "Reframing or refining ideas? : Exploring the effects of peer contribution in idea development," (Manuskript).
C. Qian, M. Magnusson och J. Björk, "What drives the emergence of innovation contribution behaviors in online ideation?," (Manuskript).
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