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Jarmo Laaksolahti

Profile picture of Jarmo Laaksolahti





Researcher ID

About me

Since 2013 I am a researcher and lecturer at KTH where I am involved in teaching Interaction Design in the courses listed below. Currently I divide my time between KTH and the Mobile Life centre in Kista outside Stockholm where I am involved in research activities related to Interaction Design, Internet of Things, and lately automation and how it finds its way into our lives. I am also involved in the PROMPT initiative that aims to create academic courses for industrial competence development, where I am part of developing an Interaction Design course that will be available in the autumn of 2016.


Communication and information (DH1609), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specialising in ICT Innovation, Second Cycle (DA256X), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in Interactive Media Technology, Second Cycle (DA232X), course responsible | Course web

Degree Project in Media Technology, First Cycle (DM128X), teacher | Course web

Developing Mobile Applications (ID2216), teacher | Course web

Engineering Training Course (DM1998), teacher | Course web

Human-Computer Interaction, Basic theory (DH1623), teacher | Course web

Interaction Design Methods (DH2628), examiner | Course web

Program Development for Interactive Media (DM1595), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Program Integrating Course in Interactive Media Technology (DM2679), examiner, teacher, course responsible | Course web

Sensor Programming for Media Technology (DM1588), teacher | Course web

Profile picture of Jarmo Laaksolahti