Publikationer av Jan Scheffel
K. Lindvall och J. Scheffel, "2D continuous Chebyshev-Galerkin time-spectral method," Computer Physics Communications, vol. 271, s. 108217-108217, 2022.
J. Scheffel och K. Lindvall, "Temporal smoothing - A step forward for time-spectral methods," Computer Physics Communications, vol. 270, 2022.
O. Ölmefors och J. Scheffel, "High school student perspectives on flipped classroom learning," Pedagogy, Culture & Society, s. 1-18, 2021.
J. Scheffel, "On the Solvability of the Mind–Body Problem," Axiomathes, vol. 30, no. 3, s. 289-312, 2020.
J. Scheffel, K. Lindvall och H. F. Yik, "A time-spectral approach to numerical weather prediction," Computer Physics Communications, vol. 226, s. 127-135, 2018.
K. Lindvall och J. Scheffel, "A time-spectral method for initial-value problems using a novel spatial subdomain scheme," Cogent Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 5, no. 1, 2018.
J. Scheffel och K. Lindvall, "Optimizing Time-Spectral Solution of Initial-Value Problems," American Journal of Computational Mathematics, vol. 8, no. 1, s. 7-26, 2018.
J. Scheffel och K. Lindvall, "SIR—An efficient solver for systems of equations," Software Quality Professional, vol. 7, s. 59-62, 2018.
J. Scheffel, D. D. Schnack och A. A. MIrza, "Static current profile control and RFP confinement," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 53, no. 11, s. 113007, 2013.
J. Scheffel, "A spectral method in time for initial-value problems," American Journal of Computational Mathematics, vol. 2, no. 3, s. 173-193, 2012.
A. A. MIrza, J. Scheffel och T. Johnson, "Effect of thermal conduction on pressure-driven modes in the reversed-field pinch," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 52, no. 12, s. 123012, 2012.
J. Scheffel, "Svar till A. Tollands kommentarer till artikeln Att förstå – betraktelser utifrån en ny teori," Filosofisk Tidskrift, vol. 1, s. 45-52, 2012.
J. Scheffel och A. A. Mirza, "Time-spectral solution of initial-value problems – subdomain approach," American Journal of Computational Mathematics, vol. 2, no. 2, s. 72-81, 2012.
J. Scheffel, "Att förstå – betraktelser utifrån en ny teori," Filosofisk Tidskrift, vol. 4, s. 3-15, 2010.
J. Scheffel och C. Håkansson, "Solution of systems of nonlinear equations - a semi-implicit approach," Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 59, no. 10, s. 2430-2443, 2009.
J.-E. Dahlin, J. Scheffel och J. Anderson, "Numerical studies of active current profile control in the reversed-field pinch," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 49, no. 2, s. 183-195, 2007.
J.-E. Dahlin och J. Scheffel, "Numerical studies of confinement scalings for the dynamo-free reversed-field pinch," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 47, no. 1, s. 9-16, 2007.
J.-E. Dahlin och J. Scheffel, "Ultra-high beta in numerical simulations of a tearing-mode reduced reversed-field pinch," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 47, no. 9, s. 1184-1188, 2007.
J. Scheffel och J.-E. Dahlin, "Confinement scaling in the advanced reversed-field pinch," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 48, no. 11, s. L97-L104, 2006.
J.-E. Dahlin och J. Scheffel, "A novel feedback algorithm for simulating controlled dynamics and confinement in the advanced reversed-field pinch," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 12, no. 6, s. 062502, 2005.
J.-E. Dahlin och J. Scheffel, "Self-consistent zero-dimensional numerical simulation of a Magnetized Target Fusion Configuration," Physica Scripta, vol. 70, no. 5, s. 310-316, 2004.
B. Lehnert och J. Scheffel, "On the minimum elementary charge of an extended electromagnetic theory," Physica Scripta, vol. 65, no. 3, s. 200-207, 2002.
J. Scheffel och D. D. Schnack, "Confinement scaling laws for the conventional reversed-field pinch," Physical Review Letters, vol. 85, no. 2, s. 322-325, 2000.
J. Scheffel och D. D. Schnack, "Numerical studies of confinement scaling in the conventional reversed field pinch," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 40, no. 11, s. 1885-1896, 2000.
J. Scheffel et al., "Extrap Mode Confinement in Extrap T1-U," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 39, s. 973-992, 1997.
T. Elevant et al., "Ion Temperature Profile Measurements in ITER by means of Neutron Spectroscopy," Fusion technology, vol. 32, s. 304, 1997.
J. Scheffel et al., "Kinetic Stability of the Finite Electron Temperature Z-pinch," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 39, no. 4, s. 559-568, 1997.
P. G. F. Russell et al., "Linear Stability of the Collisionless, Large Larmor Radius Z-pinch," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 4, s. 2322, 1997.
J. Scheffel och D. Liu, "Magnetic Fluctuation Driven Cross-field Particle Transport in the RFP," Physics of Plasmas, vol. 4, s. 3620, 1997.
M. G. Haines et al., "Fiber Z-pinch Experiments and Calculations in the Finite Larmor Radius Regime," Laser and particle beams (Print), vol. 14, s. 261-271, 1996.
T. D. Arber et al., "Linear Stability of the High Temperature, Dense Z-pinch," Physical Review Letters, vol. 74, s. 2698, 1995.
T. D. Arber, M. Coppins och J. Scheffel, "Large Larmor Radius Stability of the Z-pinch," Physical Review Letters, vol. 72, s. 2399, 1994.
J. Scheffel och M. Coppins, "Reconsideration of the m=0 Z-Pinch Stability," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 33, s. 101, 1993.
M. Coppins och J. Scheffel, "Anisotropic Z-Pinch Equilibria and Their Stability," Physics of fluids, vol. B4, s. 3251, 1992.
B. Lehnert och J. Scheffel, "Parameter Limits of Screw-Pinch Equilibria," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, vol. 34, s. 1113-1131, 1992.
J. Li. och J. Scheffel, "Boundary Larmor Radius Effect on Electrostatic Waves," Physics of fluids, vol. B3, s. 3013, 1991.
J. Li och J. Scheffel, "Kinetic High-beta Equilibria and Stability in a Plasma Slab," Physics of fluids, vol. B3, s. 2506, 1991.
J. Scheffel och M. Faghihi, "Finite Larmor Radius Effects on Z-Pinch Stability," Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 41, s. 427-439, 1989.
J. Scheffel och B. Lehnert, "Large Debye Distance Effects in a Homogeneous Plasma," Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 41, s. 493, 1989.
B. Lehnert och J. Scheffel, "Comments on the Theory of the Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in the Limit of Large Larmor Radii," Physical Review Letters, vol. 61, s. 897, 1988.
M. Faghihi och J. Scheffel, "Stability of Small Axial Wavelength Internal Kink Modes of an Anisotropic Plasma : Corrigendum," Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 40, s. 603, 1988.
M. Faghihi, J. Scheffel och G. O. Spies, "Stability of the Thermodynamic Equilibrium: A Test of the Validity of Dynamic Models as Applied to Gyroviscous Perpendicular Magnetohydrodynamics," Physics of fluids, vol. 31, s. 1291, 1988.
J. Scheffel, "Solution to the Fokker-Planck Equation for High-Energy Ions," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 27, s. 1173-1180, 1987.
M. Faghihi och J. Scheffel, "Stability of Small Axial Wavelength Internal Kink Modes of an Anisotropic Plasma," Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 38, s. 495, 1987.
T. Hellsten och J. Scheffel, "Continuous Double Adiabatic Spectrum in Toroidal Plasmas," Physica Scripta, vol. 30, s. 78, 1984.
J. Scheffel, "Linear MHD Equilibria in Toroidal Geometry - Exact and Approximate Solution," Physica Scripta, vol. 30, s. 216, 1984.
J. Scheffel, "Neutron Spectra from Beam-Heated Fusion Plasmas," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A : Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 224, no. 3, s. 519-531, 1984.
K. Lindvall och J. Scheffel, "Can the Time-Spectral Method GWRM Advance Fusion Transport Modelling?," i 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, 2017.
J. Scheffel och K. Lindvall, "Generalized Weighted Residual Method; Advancements and Current Studies," i 58th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, San Jose, California, USA, 31 October – 4 November 2016, 2016.
J. Scheffel, "Can time-spectral methods improve turbulence modelling?," i 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 27-31 October 2014, 2014.
J. Scheffel, "Time-spectral modelling of drift wave turbulence," i 55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Denver, Colorado, USA, 11-15 November, 2013, 2013.
J. Scheffel och A. A. MIrza, "Resistive pressure driven RFP modes are not removed by heat conduction effects," i 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2012, EPS 2012 and the 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics : Volume 3, 2012, 2012, s. 1690-1693.
J. Scheffel, "Time-spectral solution of initial-value problems," i 54th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics; Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 29 October – 2 November 2012, 2012.
A. A. Mirza och J. Scheffel, "Numerical study of thermal conductivity effects on stability of the reversed-field pinch," i 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, France, 27 June – 1 July 2011, 2011.
J. Scheffel och A. A. MIrza, "Thermal conductivity effects on resistive g-mode stability of the RFP," i 53rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 14-18 November, 2011, 2011.
J. Scheffel och A. A. MIrza, "Application of the Generalized Weighted Residual Method to stability problems within ideal and resistive MHD," i 52nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Chicago, Illinios, USA 8-12 November, 2010, 2010.
J. Scheffel och A. A. MIrza, "Resistive g-modes and RFP confinement," i 51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2-6 November, 2009, 2009.
J. Scheffel och A. A. MIrza, "Pressure driven resistive modes in the advanced RFP," i 35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2008, EPS 2008 - Europhysics Conference Abstracts : Volume 32, Issue 3, 2008, s. 2014-2017.
J. Scheffel, "Semi-analytical solution of initial-value problems," i 49th APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 12-16 November, 2007, 2007.
J.-E. Dahlin och J. Scheffel, "Improved Computer Simulations of Energy Confinement in the Advanced Reversed-field Pinch," i 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Phys, 2006.
J.-E. Dahlin och J. Scheffel, "Advanced Reversed-field Pinch Scaling Laws," i 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Tarragona, Spain 27 June-1 July, P-1.118, 2005, 2005.
J.-E. Dahlin och J. Scheffel, "Scaling Laws of Confinement Parameters for the Advanced Reversed-field Pinch," i 47th APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 24-28 October, 2005, 2005.
J.-E. Dahlin och J. Scheffel, "Feedback current profile control in the advanced RFP," i Proceedings of the 31st EPS plasma physics conference, 2004.
J. Scheffel et al., "Energy Confinement in the Advanced RFP," i 45th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics; Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 27-31 October 2003, 2003.
J. Scheffel, "A new method for obtaining analytical eigenfunctions and growth rates," i 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madeira, 18-22 June 2001, P4.106, p. 516, 2001.
P. R. Brunsell et al., "Mode Dynamics and Confinement in the Reversed-field Pinch," i 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in Sorrento, Italy, 4-10 Oct. 2000. Paper IAEA-CN-77/EXP3/14, 2000.
P. R. Brunsell et al., "Mode dynamics and confinement in the reversed-field pinch," i IAEA-CN-77 : Fusion Energy 2000, 2000, s. Paper EXP3/14.
J. Scheffel och D. Schnack, "RFP Confinement - Scalings from Numerical Simulations," i 26th EPS Conf. on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Physics, Maastricht, 14 - 18 June 1999, 1999, s. 577-580.
J. Scheffel, "On Stabilisation of Resistive Pressure Driven Modes in the Reversed-field Pinch," i International Congress on Plasma Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, June 29-July 3 1998, 1998, s. 1788.
T. Elevant och J. Scheffel, "Role of Neutron Spectrometers for ITER," i Proc. of the Int. School of Plasma Physics "Piero Calderola", Workshop on Diagnostics for Experimental Fusion Reactors, held September 4-12, 1997, in Varenna, Italy. Edited by Stott et al, Plenum Press, New York, 1998, 1998.
J. Scheffel, "Fluctuations and Particle Transport in the Finite Beta RFP," i 39th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics - November 17-21, 1997 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 1997.
M. Coppins et al., "Recent progress on large Larmor radius theory," i Fourth International Conference on Dense Z-pinches, Vancouver, Canada, 28-31 May 1997, 1997, s. 585.
T. Elevant et al., "Profile Measurements in ITER by means of Neutron Spectroscopy, Ion Temperature Diagnostics for Experimental Thermonuclear Fusion Reactors," i Workshop on diagnostics for ITER, Varenna, September 1995, proceedings of the International School of Plasma Physics, Edited by P. E. Stott, Plenum Press, New York, 1996, 1996, s. 445-450.
S. Mazur et al., "Effects of Aspect Ratio on m=1 Spectrum Dynamics in the Reversed-field Pinch," i European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, 3-7 July 1995., 1995.
J. Scheffel, T. D. Arber och M. Coppins, "Linear Stability of the Large Larmor Radius Z-pinch," i Third International Conference on Dense Z-pinches, Imperial College, London, 19-23 April 1993, 1994, s. 75.
J. Scheffel, T. Arber och M. Coppins, "Kinetic Stability of the Z-pinch," i APS Plasma Physics Meeting 1-5 Nov. 1993, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 1993.
M. Coppins och J. Scheffel, "FIGARO-a Large Larmor Radius Stability Code," i International Conference on Plasma Physics, Innsbruck, Austria, 29 June - 3 July, 1992, 1992, s. 663.
J. Li och J. Scheffel, "Boundary Larmor Radius Effect on Electrostatic Waves," i International Sherwood Fusion Conference, April 22-24, 1991, Seattle, Washington, 1991.
J. Scheffel och M. Coppins, "New Aspects on m=0 Z-pinch Stability," i 33rd APS Plasma Physics Meeting 4-8 Nov. 1991, Tampa, Florida, 1991.
J. R. Drake et al., "ULQ Operation and Transition to RFP in Extrap T1 with a Resistive Shell," i Proc. of the 13th Int. IAEA Conf., Washington, D. C. (1990), Vol. II, IAEA, Vienna (1991), 1991, s. 533.
J. Li och J. Scheffel, "Boundary Larmor Radius Effects," i XVII European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 25-29, 1990, 1990, s. 1836.
P. Brunsell et al., "Extrap L-1 Experimental Stability," i XVII European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 25-29, 1990, 1990, s. 610.
J. Scheffel och M. Coppins, "Interchange Stable Z-Pinch Equilibria," i Workshop on Physics of Alternative Magnetic Confinement Schemes, International School of Plasma Physics, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy, October 15-24, 1990., 1990.
M. G. Haines et al., "The Fusion-Related Dense Z-Pinch Programme at Imperial College," i Proc.of 13th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Washington D.C., 1-6 Oct. 1990, IAEA-CN-I-2-3, 1990.
M. Coppins och J. Scheffel, "CGL Anisotropic Equilibria and Stability," i 2nd International Conference on High Density Pinches, Laguna Beach, CA, USA 1989, 1989, s. 211.
J. R. Drake et al., "Experimental Studies of a High-beta, Noncircular Cross-section Toroidal Pinch," i Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1988, 1989, s. 751.
B. Lehnert och J. Scheffel, "On Large Debye Distance Effects in a Fully Ionized Plasma," i XV European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 16-20, 1988, 1988, s. 1241.
J. Scheffel och M. Faghihi, "Non-Ideal Effects on Internal Kink Stability of a Collisionless Z-pinch," i XIV European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madrid, Spain, June 22-26, 1987, 1987, s. 1111.
B. Bonnevier et al., "Equilibrium, Stability and Heating of Plasmas in Linear and Toroidal Extrap Pinches," i Ninth International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Baltimore, USA, 1 - 8 September, (1982), 1982.
Kapitel i böcker
K. Lindvall och J. Scheffel, "Spectral Representation of Time and Physical Parameters in Numerical Weather Prediction," i Understanding of Atmospheric Systems with Efficient Numerical Methods for Observation and Prediction, : IntechOpen, 2018.
J. Scheffel, "Time-Spectral Solution of Initial-Value Problems : Theory, Analysis and Applications," i Partial Differential Equations : Theory, Analysis and Applications, Christopher L. Jang red., 1. uppl. New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2011, s. 1-49.
Icke refereegranskade
J. Scheffel, "The Unsolvability of the Mind-Body Problem Enables Free Will," Open Access Government, s. 26-28, 2021.
J. Scheffel, "Why we need fusion energy...," Public Service Review -European Union, vol. 21, s. 620-621, 2011.
J. Scheffel och E. Rachlew, "FUSION i det tjugoförsta århundradet - en vital del av energiförsörjningen," KOSMOS, vol. 1, s. 33-66, 2004.
J. Scheffel, "Interchange Stability of Extrap," i Z-pinch and Plasma Focus Workshop 1988, October 10-11, Nice, 1988.
J. Scheffel, "The Time- and Parameter-Generalized Weighted Residual Method," , Trita-EES, 006, 2008.
J. Scheffel, "Solution of systems of nonlinear equations - a semi-implicit approach," , Trita-EES, 006, 2006.
J. Scheffel, "Semi-analytical Solution of Initial-value Problems," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ALF, 2004-03, 2004.
J. Scheffel, "Analytic Simulation – an Analytical Approach to Solving Initial-value Problems," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ALF, 2003-7, 2003.
J. Scheffel, "Does Nature Solve Differential equations?," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ALF, 2002-02, 2002.
J. Scheffel, "On Analytic Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ALF, 2001-01, 2001.
B. Lehnert och J. Scheffel, "On the Minimum Elementary Charge of an Extended Electromagnetic Theory," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ALF, 2001-05, 2001.
J. Scheffel och D. Schnack, "Numerical Simulation of Reversed-field Pinch Confinement," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ALF, 1999-06, 1999.
J. Scheffel, "Particle Cross-Field Transport Caused by Magnetic Fluctuations," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ALF, 1997-01, 1997.
J. Scheffel et al., "Extrap Mode Operation on Extrap T1-U," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ALF, 1995-04, 1995.
J. Scheffel och M. Coppins, "m=0 Z-Pinch Stability Reconsidered," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ALF, 1991-02, 1991.
J. Scheffel, "Hard-Core Deuterium Fibre Z-Pinch," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 91-10, 1991.
B. Lehnert och J. Scheffel, "Paramagnetism and Plasma Beta in a Screw-Pinch," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 91-03, 1991.
J. Li och J. Scheffel, "Boundary Larmor Radius Effects on Electrostatic Waves," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 90-05, 1990.
J. Li och J. Scheffel, "Kinetic High-beta Equilibria and Stability in a Plasma Slab," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 90-08, 1990.
J. Scheffel, "Extrap Interchange Stability," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 89-03, 1989.
J. Scheffel och B. Lehnert, "Large Debye Distance Effects in a Homogeneous Plasma," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 88-06, 1988.
J. Scheffel och M. Faghihi, "Effect of Gyroviscosity on the Small Axial Wavelength Internal Kink Instability in the Z-pinch," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 87-04, 1987.
J. Scheffel och M. Faghihi, "Finite Larmor Radius Effects on Z-Pinch Stability," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 87-09, 1987.
M. Faghihi och J. Scheffel, "Stability of Small Axial Wavelength Internal Kink Modes of an Anisotropic Plasma," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 87-05, 1987.
J. Scheffel och M. Faghihi, "Incompressible FLR MHD - a Fluid Model for Stability Analysis of a Fusion Plasma," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 86-06, 1986.
M. Faghihi, J. Scheffel och G. O. Spies, "Instability due to Magnetic Viscosity in Perpendicular MHD," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 86-12, 1986.
J. R. Drake och J. Scheffel, "Calculations of Toroidal Extrap Equilibria for Different Toroidal Ring-Current Configurations," , TRITA-PFU, 85-12, 1985.
J. Scheffel, "Solution to the Fokker-Planck Equation for High-Energy Ions," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 85-09, 1985.
J. Scheffel, "GOYA - an MHD Equilibrium Code for Toroidal Plasmas," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 84-12, 1984.
J. Scheffel, "Linear MHD Equilibria in Toroidal Geometry - Exact and Approximate Solutions," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 84-06, 1984.
J. Scheffel, "On the Double Adiabatic Continuous Spectrum," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 84-11, 1984.
T. Hellsten och J. Scheffel, "Continuous Double Adiabatic Spectrum in Toroidal Plasmas," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 83-09, 1983.
J. Scheffel, "NSPEC - a Neutron Spectrum Code for Beam-Heated Fusion Plasmas," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 83-05, 1983.
J. Lorenzen, J. R. Drake och J. Scheffel, "Technical Report of the Neutron Time-of-Flight Spectrometer for JET," Studsvik, Studsvik Report, 81/129, 1982.
J. Scheffel, "Toroidal EXTRAP Equilibria," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 82-06, 1982.
B. Bonnevier et al., "Toroidal EXTRAP-T1 Device," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 82-09, 1982.
J. Lorenzen et al., "Technical Description of the Neutron Time-of-Flight Spectrometer and Telescope for JET," Studsvik, Studsvik Report, 81/12, 1981.
T. Elevant et al., "A Proposed Neutron Spectrometer System for JET," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 80-02, 1980.
J. Scheffel, "Magnetic Field Geometries of EXTRAP configurations," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 80-105, 1980.
J. Scheffel och T. Elevant, "Neutron Spectra from Beam-Heated Fusion Plasmas," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 80-09, 1980.
J. Scheffel, "Longitudinal Invariant Surfaces in Ring-Current Configurations," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 79-07, 1979.
Proceedings (redaktörskap)
"1st Symposium on Extrap Equilibrium and Stability," Stockholm, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-PFU, 88-03, 1988.
J. Scheffel och K. Lindvall, "Temporal Smoothing - a Step Forward for Time-Spectral Methods," (Manuskript).
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