Derek Holzer
Om mig
Derek Holzer (USA 1972) is a PhD researcher in Sound and Music Computing at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden, focusing on historically informed sound synthesis design. His project, "Sounds of Futures Passed", is a cooperation between KTH, the Royal College of Music (KMH), Statens Musikverket, and Elektronmusikstudion (EMS), with support from the Swedish Research Council/Vetenskapsrådet.
Holzer has performed live, taught workshops and created scores of unique instruments and installations since 2002 across Europe, North and South America, and New Zealand.
Designprojekt i inbyggda system (IL2232), assistent | Kurswebb
Examensarbete i datalogi och datateknik med inriktning mot interaktiv medieteknik, avancerad nivå (DA232X), lärare | Kurswebb
Fysisk interaktionsdesign (DH2400), assistent | Kurswebb
Multimediasystem och signaler (DM1135), lärare | Kurswebb
Musikalisk kommunikation och musikteknologi (DT2213), lärare | Kurswebb
Mänsklig perception för informationsteknik (DM2350), assistent | Kurswebb