Henrik Hult
About me
Professor in Mathematical Statistics. My research interests are in stochastic processes, Monte Carlo simulation, mathematics of data science, and mathematical finance, and insurance.
Bio: PhD in Mathematical Statistics, KTH, 2003. Postdoc at University of Copenhagen, 2004, and Cornell University, 2005. Assistant Professor at Brown University, Applied Mathematics, 2006-08. Senior Lecturer at KTH 2008-2015, Professor of Mathematical Statistics since 2015. Currently director of Brummer and Partners MathDataLab, KTH.
Degree Project in Applied Mathematics and Industrial Economics, First Cycle (SF100X), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Financial Mathematics, Second Cycle (SF291X), examiner, teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Mathematical Statistics, Second Cycle (SF290X), examiner, teacher | Course web
Modern Methods of Statistical Learning (SF2935), examiner | Course web
Portfolio Theory and Risk Management (SF2942), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Probability (FSF3940), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Risk Management (SF2980), examiner, teacher, course responsible | Course web
Selected Topics in Mathematical Statistics (FSF3946), examiner | Course web
Statistical Machine Learning (SF2957), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web