Hui Zhu
Doctoral student
About me
Hui Zhu is a doctoral student in Business Studies at the Division of Real Estate and Financial Systems, KTH. Her research has focused on customers' perspective of using AI-empowered advisory systems, also known as "Robo-advisors", in the context of financial services.
Before joining KTH, she was active in Physical Design and Embodied Interaction at Uppsala University as a master's student and research assistant. Thus, she is interested in adopting different approaches to conducting both empirical and theoretical Robo-advisor research from interdisciplinary perspectives, for example, Information Systems, Human-computer Interaction, and behavioral finance.
Hui Zhu has a master's degree in Human-computer Interaction from Uppsala University; a master's degree in Global Communications from the Chinese University of Hong Kong; and a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communications from Anhui University, China.
You can find her latest research projects and publications here:
Real Estate Market Analysis and Development (AI2102), teacher | Course web
Theory of Science and Research Methods (AI2150), teacher | Course web