Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
[1] Fredriksen, N., Hetemi, E., Gottlieb, S. (2024). Dynamics of routine creation and transfer in strategic programs. International Journal of Project Management, 42(5).
[2] Korotkova, N., Austin, J., Hetemi, E. (2024). Do you know your people? Situated expertise and permeable expertise boundaries in complex project work. International Journal of Project Management, 42(3).
[3] Korotkova, N., Lilliesköld, J., Hetemi, E. (2024). Pursuing openness in the digital age: Insights from client–contractor knowledge collaboration at the project front end. International Journal of Project Management, 42(1).
[4] Hetemi, E., Pushkina, O., Zerjav, V. (2022). Collaborative practices of knowledge work in IT projects. International Journal of Project Management, 40(8), 906-920.
[5] Hetemi, E., Ordieres-Meré, J., Nuur, C. (2022). Inter-organizational collaboration and knowledge work: A contingency framework and insights from a megaproject in Spain. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 1-13.
[6] Hetemi, E., van Marrewijk, A., Jerbrant, A., Bosch-Rekveldt, M. (2021). The recursive interaction of institutional fields and managerial legitimation in large-scale projects. International Journal of Project Management, 39(3), 295-307.
[7] Hetemi, E., Gemünden, H.G., Mere, J.O. (2020). Embeddedness and actors’ behaviors in large-scale project lifecycle: Lessons learned from a High-Speed Rail project in Spain. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(6), 05020014-1.
[8] Hetemi, E., Jerbrant, A., Mere, J.O. (2020). Exploring the emergence of lock-in in large-scale projects: A process view. International Journal of Project Management, 38(1), 47-63.
Book Chapters:
[1] González, V., Hetemi, E., Bosch-Rekveldt, M., Ordieres-Meré, J. (2021). Program and project management articulation: Evidence from the infrastructure sector. In Project Management and Engineering Research (pp. 205-219). Springer, Cham.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings:
[1] Hetemi, E., Pemsel, S., Söderlund, J. (2024). The dynamics of public value in emergent system transformation projects. IRNOP Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
[2] Hetemi, E., Pemsel, S., Jerbrant, A., Söderlund, J. (2023). New emerging collaborative forms of organizing to produce socially valuable outcomes. 9th Megaproject Conference, Sydney, Australia.
[3] Hetemi, E., Ritala, P., Magnusson, M., Jerbrant, A. (2023). Knowledge ecosystem emergence: Organizing participation, identity, and actorhood. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, USA.
[4] Lillesköld, J., Hetemi, E., Liljeblad, F. (2023). Strategic change projects and digital transformation: Insights from the case of Digital University. European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland.
[5] Hetemi, E., Jerbrant, A. (2022). Multi-organizational collaboration: Practices and processes of knowledge-work. Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA.
[6] Hetemi, E., Engwall, M., van Marrewijk, A. (2021). CLOSER platform institutional infrastructure governing as self-organizing inter-organizational network. EurOMA Conference, Berlin, Germany.
[7] Hetemi et al., "Exploring mechanisms underlying lock-in in large infrastructure projects: A management perspective," in CENTERIS 2017 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2017 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2017 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist 2017, 2017, pp. 681-691.