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        Curriculum vitae Hans Ågren


Born  1950-09-23,  Skellefteå, Sweden


A. Professorial preparation

Bachelor of Science , 1973, Physics, University of Uppsala, Sweden.

PhD exam, 1979. Physics, University of Uppsala, Sweden.

Post Doc, 1980, IBM Research Laboratories, San Jose', USA.

B. Appointments


Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden, 1981 - 1982.

Assistant Professor, Institute of Quantum Chemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden, 1983 - 1990.

Researcher in Quantum Chemistry appointed by the Swedish science research council, 1990.

Chair Professor in Computational Physics, University of Linköping, 1991-1998.

Chair Professor in Theoretical Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1998 –2017

Senior Professor in Theoretical Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 2018 – 2021 (50%)

Senior Professor in Theoretical X-ray Physics, Uppsala University 2018 – (50%)


Research Associate, Quantum Theory Project, University of Florida, 1982 – 1983

Research Associate, University of Bergen, Norway,  1984

Visiting Professor, University of Minnesota 1986 - 1987.

Visiting Professor, IBM Research Laboratories, Kingston, New York,  1989.

Visiting Professor, Italian Research Council (CNR), Pisa, 1992, 1994

Visiting Professor, Institute of Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan, 1998.

Visiting Professor, Marie and Pierre Curie Institute, Paris, 1999.

Visiting Professor, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2001.

Visiting Professor, National Technical University, Singapore, 2009.2011

Visiting Professor, Ecole Normale Supe'rieur de Lyon, 2011.

Visiting Professor, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore, 2010 -

Guest Professor, Shangdung Normal University, China, 2003 –

Professor, Henan University, China, 2019-

Changjiang Distinguished Professor assigned  by the  Ministry of  Education of China, affiliated at Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 2017-2020.

Foreign Guest Professor at the Nobel Joint Research Center, ECUST, Shanghai, Chin, 2020-

C. Commissions of trust

1991: Board: National Supercomputer Center, NSC, Linköping.

1995- Evaluator for 6 National Research Councils: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Italy, USA

2001: Board: Center of Advanced Molecular Materials

2004: Board: KTH center for computational Science and Engineering.

2005: Director of the KTH-USTC (China) center in Nano Bio Materials.

2006: Director of the KTH- Stockholm University) Center for computational Biology.

2007: Vice Chairman, Parallel Computer Center, KTH.

2008: Board: KTH-IIS-PKU trilateral center in computational science and engineering

2009: Science advisor Portendo AB (Standoff detection)

2010: Vice-Chair of the EU COST-CODECS Action

2010: Scientific director of JORCEP, KTH-Zhejiang U (China)  research centre in photonics

2011: Director of KTH research center JINGLE – Joint Institute of Nantechnology for Global Energy

2012: Member of SOLEIL Synchrotron Radiation Peer Review Committee 2012 - ERC Panel member

2012 -Panel member, European Research Council

2013: Scientific advisory board for Villum Center for Bioanalytical Sciences” U. of Southern Denmark

2014- Member of evaluation board, Academy of Science, Finland.

2015- Member of evaluation board for Independent Research Fund Denmark

2016: Rector’s advisor, Siberian Federal University, Russia

2017: Changjiang Distinguished Professor of the  Ministry of Education of China

2019: Chairman of  the ERC PE4 panel for Starting Grants

2019: Member of Villum Research Committee, Denmark

Member of 10 editorial boards.

Commissions: 16 as PhD Opponent, 6 for Professor  Appointment, 5 for Docent Appointment.

D. Academic Qualifications (2021-05-17)

h-index = 101. Citations = 46980. Publications in international journals - 1086,  Review articles and book chapters =41. Supervised 34 Postdoctoral and 53 PhD students.  Of his former PhD students 10 now hold professor positions. Invited to more than 175 conferences since 1989. Organized 36 international or national meetings. Employed at four Universities in Sweden (UU, LU, LiU, KTH),  17 universities abroad as guest or visiting professor.

E.  Director/Coordinator of Networks in Academia and Industry

University Level.

1983: Research group in Quantum Chemistry, University of Uppsala.

1991: Division of Computational Physics, Linkoping University (chair professor).

1999 : Department of Theoretical Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology (chair professor).

National Level.

1998: Coordinating  modelling group in Laser Protection,  run by Swedish Defence Research Agency

2000: Coordinating theoretical group in the "Center for Advanced Molecular Materials, funded by SSF.

2001: Coordinating the theoretical modelling group in "Photonics in Defense Applications" funded FOI

2005: Director of KTH - USTC center (U. of Science and Tech. of China) in Bio- and Nano-materials.

2005: Director of Computational Life Science Center at Albanova, 2003 - 2008

2006: Coordinator: SSF network  “Biophotonics with China”

2007: Director  of KTH center JINGLE – Joint Institute of Nanotechnology fro Global Energy.

2013: Node leader “SSF network “New imaging biomarkers in early diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimers disease”

2013: Coordinator: Biomolecular profiling for early diagnostics of Alzheimers disease”, Stockholm County

2014: Node leader: KAW network project: “Strong field physics and new states of matter”

2018: Node leader: VR network project “Proteinopathies in neurodegenerative disorders - new imaging biomarkers for early disease detection and new drug targets.

2018: Coordintor, VR-SRL, ”Optical Biomarkers for early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease”

2021: Node leader: ”Development of an imaging marker for synaptic vesicular glycoprotein SV2C in Parkinson´s disease”


International Level.

1994: Coordinator: EU-INTAS network "Theory and Application of Spin-Catalysis (TASC)",

1998: Node  leader: EU-COST/D9 action: “Computational Chemistry of Increasingly Complex Systems” 1998: Node leader: EU-TMR: Research Training Network  "New Carbon-Based Hard Materials (CNx)",

2000: Coordinator: EU-HPRN network:  "Molecular Properties and Molecular Materials”

2001: Node leader: EU-FW5 network "Center of Excellence in New Functional Material”

2002: Node leader :EU-COST/D26 action: Integrative Computational Chemistry

2004: Node leader: EU-FP6 STREP network "Design and fabrication of optoelectronic devices” ODEON

2004: Coordinator: EU Marie-Curie  "Understanding Nanomaterials from the Quantum Perspective"

2004: Coordinator:  SSF-NSF (KTH - SUNY, Buffalo) network in “3-photon materials “.

2009: Node leader: EU FP7-COOP.  network: “Computational Materials Science with India”.

2010: Node leader: EU FP7-COOP  network: “Scalable Software Services for Life Science”.

2010: Node Leader: EU-COST: “Convergent Distributed Environment for Computational Spectroscopy”

2011: Node leader: EU FP7-COOP  network: “Interfaces for high performance solar cell materials”.

2011: Coordinator: “Cooperative Research Program of  Swedish and Italian Ministries of Education”

2011: Project  leader: EU – PRACE:  Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe”

2015: Coordinator STINT network; ”Aqueous interfaces:Molecular perspectives on climate change and sustainable energy production”

2017: Member of COST Action CM1403: "The European Upconversion Network".

2019: Coordinator,  STINT network, ”Panchromatic Porphyrin Sensitized Solar Cells”



F. Grants

Swedish Science Research Council: European Commission: STINT -- Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research: SIDA -- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency: STEM  – Swedish Energy Agency: SI -- Swedish Instititute:  SSF - Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research: FOI - Swedish Defence Research Agency: VINNOVA  -- Swedish Agency for Research and Innovation:

NORDFORSK - Nordic Council of Ministers: AFRL - American Air Force Laboratory, through EOARD office:  KAW – K.&A. Wallenberg Foundation: Carl Tryggers Foundation:  Wenner-Gren Foundations.

G. Awards (selection)

Bjurzons premium 1979 for the best thesis of the year at Uppsala University.

Björn Roos’ award 2014 for outstanding contributions to Swedish Theoretical Chemistry.

Changjiang Distinguished Professorship awarded  by the  Ministry of Education of China, 2017.

Distinguished Overseas Scientist Award, Henan Province, PR China, 2020.


H. Graduate Students and their present position

Nestor Correia, UU, 1984. Professor. Antonio Flores, Uppsala, 1986., Professor Carmen Medina-Llanos, UU, 1988., Computational Expert, Pharmaceutics. David Nordfors, UU, Research Advisor. Amary Cesar, UU, 1991. Professor. Arnaldo Naves de Brito, UU, 1991 Professor. Olav Vahtras, UU, 1992. Professor Soren Knuts, UU, 1993, Volvo. Yi Luo, LiU. 1996. Professor. Dan Jonsson, LiU, 1998. Ass. Prof. Patrick Norman, LiU, 1998. Professor, Olexandre Plachkevych, KTH, 2000. Senior Lecturer, Maria Engstrom, LiU, 2001. Scientific Advisor.. Timofei Privalov, KTH, 2001. Ass. Prof. Pawel Salek, KTH, 2001. Motorola Inc.. Peter Macak, KTH, 2002. Mathematical Analyst. Alexander Baev, KTH, 2003. Assist. Prof. SUNY, Branislav Jansik, KTH, 2004. Lecturer, USD, Olexandre Loboda, KTH, 2004. PostDoc.Japan, Jingdong Guo, KTH, 2004. Researcher, Shanghai Zilvinas Rinkevicius, KTH, 2004. Ass. Prof., Peter Cronstrand, KTH, 2004. University Lecturer. Stepan Kashtanov, KTH 2005, Researcher, St Petersburg Oscar Rubio-Pons, KTH 2005, Ass. Professor, Max Planck, Viktor Kimberg, KTH, 2006, Lecturer. IMS Ivaylo Minkov, KTH, 2006, (diseased). Freddy Guimaraes, KTH, 2006, Professor, UFMG, Brasil. Lyudmila Telyatnik, KTH, 2006, Lecturer, Viviane Felicissimo, KTH, 2006,  Professor UFMG, Brasil, Laban Bondeson, KTH, 2007, Programmer. Cornel Oprea, KTH, 2007, Professor, Constanza U . Sergey Polyutov, KTH 2007, Assist. Prof.. Jun Jiang, KTH, 2007, Professor, USTC., Yong Zeng, KTH, 2007, Researcher. Arizona, Kai Liu, KTH, 2008, Assit. Prof. Shangdong. Kathrin Hopmann, KTH, 2008, Professor. Tromso, Tiantian Han, KTH, 2008, ABB. Bin Gao, KTH, 2008, Reseracher, Tromso. Guangde Tu, KTH, 2008, Researcher. Katia Julia de Almeida, KTH, 2008, Assist. Prof., St Paulo, Yasen Velkov, 2008, Researcher, U Heidelberg.  Johannes Niskanen, 2010, Max Planck, Berlin, Abdelsalam Mohammed, 2011, Defence Research Diretcor, Li Xin, 2011, Researcher, Stanford, KTH, Hayan Qin, 2011,Researcher Zhejiang U,  Qiong Zhang, 2011, Assist. Prof. Shanghai Tech, Sathya Perumal, 2012, Postdoc, IIS, Bangalore, Bogdan Frecus, 2013, Researcher, Bucarest, Chunze Yuan, 2013, Postdoc, Stanford, Axel Rosal Sandberg, 2014, Researcher, KTH, Lu Sun, 2014, Researcher Nankai U,  Yan Wang, 2015, Postdoc, Xiamen, Xianqiang Sun, 2015, Postdoc, St Louis,Asghar Jamshidi Zavaraki, 2015, Postdoc, Jing Huang, 2016, Postdoc, Ignat Harczuk, 2016 software engineer, Rafael Cauto, 2016, Postdoc, Susanna Monti 2016, Researcher, Vincius de la Cruz, 2018,  Postdoc, Tuomas Löytynoja, 2018, Postdoc, Vadim Zakomirnyi, 2019, Postdoc. Qingyun Liu, 2020.