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Oleksandr Glubokov

Profile picture of Oleksandr Glubokov





Researcher ID

About me

Research profile: microwave and sub-THz filters design, computer-aided design, numerical optimization and modeling

Short biography:Oleksandr Glubokov was born in Kiev, USSR in 1985. Oleksandr received his MSc degree in Telecommunications from the National Technical University of Ukraine KPI, Ukraine, in 2007. Oleksandr received his PhD degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom, in 2011. In 2012-14 he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Reykjavík University, Iceland. Since 2015, Oleksandr is a Researcher on MEMS THz systems project with Micro- and Nanosystems at KTH, his research focus is sub-THz filters design and numerical optimization of sub-THz circuits.

PhD thesis:

Selected publications:(list available here)

1. O. Glubokov, X. Zhao, J. Campion, U. Shah and J. Oberhammer, "Micromachined Filters at 450 GHz With 1% Fractional Bandwidth and Unloaded Q Beyond 700," in IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 106-108, Jan. 2019, doi: 10.1109/TTHZ.2018.2883075.

2. O. Glubokov, X. Zhao, B. Beuerle, J. Campion, U. Shah and J. Oberhammer, "Micromachined multilayer bandpass filter at 270 GHz using dual-mode circular cavities," 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2017, pp. 1449-1452, doi: 10.1109/MWSYM.2017.8058894.

3. O.Glubokov and D. Budimir, "Extraction of Generalized Coupling Coefficients for Inline Extracted Pole Filters With Nonresonating Nodes," inMicrowave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on , vol.59, no.12, pp.3023-3029, Dec. 2011.

4. O. Glubokov and S. Koziel, "EM-driven tuning of substrate integrated waveguide filters exploiting feature-space surrogates," inMicrowave Symposium (IMS), 2014 IEEE MTT-S International , vol., no., pp.1-3, 1-6 June 2014.

5. O. Glubokov and D. Budimir, "Novel inline waveguide E-plane filters using dual-mode extracted pole section," inMicrowave Conference (EuMC), 2011 41st European , vol., no., pp.99-102, 10-13 Oct. 2011.

6. O. Glubokov and B. Shelkovnikov, "Broadband Balun in LTCC Technology Using Vertical Solenoid Coupled Transmission Lines," inTelecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services, 2005. 7th International Conference on , vol.2, no., pp.452-455, 28-30 Sept. 2005.