Giampiero Salvi
About me
Director of the Master Programme in Machine Learning
Research Interests:
- Pattern recognition and discovery
- Bayesian methods
- Automatic Speech Recognition
- Computational Models of Language Acquisition
Current Projects (NTNU):
- SCRIBE: machine transcription of Norwegian conversational speech
- Teflon: Technology-enhanced foreign and second-language learning of Nordic languages
- NordTrans: Technology for automatic speech transcription in selected Nordic languages
- Center for Geophysical Forecasting
Past Projects:
- IGLU: Interactive Grounded Language Understanding (EU CHIST-ERA 2016-2018)
- BioASU: Biologically Inspired Automatic Speech Understanding (VR 2009-2013)
- Poeticon++: Robots need language (STREP Project ICT-288382)
- Contact: Learning and development of Contextual Action (NEST Project 5010)
- Hearing at Home: exploitation of the SynFace technology (EU FP6-IST STREP)
- SynFace: lip reading support for hearing impaired (EU IST-2001-33327)
Organized conferences:
- GLU 2017: International workshop on Grounding Language Understanding
- Interspeech 2017: area chair
- AVSP 2011: International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing
Doctoral Students:
- Niklas Vanhainen
- Giovanni Saponaro (co-supervisor, Vislab, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, defended in 2019)
- Alessandro Pieropan (co-supervisor, CVAP, KTH, defended in 2015)
- Daniel Neiberg (co-supervisor, defended in 2012)
- Chris Koniaris (co-supervisor, defended in 2012)
- Gopal Ananthakrishnan (co-supervisor, defended in 2011)
Short background:
- MSc Electronic Engineering, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, 1998
- PhD Computer Science (Speech Communication), KTH, 2006
- Post-doc Vislab, Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal (2007-2009)
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