Publikationer av Karl Garme
Q. Sun et al., "A machine learning-based method for prediction of ship performance in ice : Part I. ice resistance," Marine Structures, vol. 83, s. 103181-103181, 2022.
H. Cheemakurthy och K. Garme, "A modularly tailored commuter ferry platform," International Shipbuilding Progress, vol. 69, s. 1-35, 2022.
M. Zhang et al., "Analysis of inland waterway ship performance in ice: Operation Time Window," Ocean Engineering, vol. 263, s. 112409-112409, 2022.
H. Cheemakurthy et al., "Comparison of Lightweight Structures in Bearing Impact Loads during Ice–Hull Interaction," Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, vol. 10, no. 6, s. 794, 2022.
H. Cheemakurthy och K. Garme, "Fuzzy AHP-Based Design Performance Index for Evaluation of Ferries," Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 6, s. 3680-3680, 2022.
H. Cheemakurthy et al., "Lightweight Structural Concepts in Bearing Quasi-Static Ice Hull Interaction Loads," Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, vol. 10, no. 3, s. 416-416, 2022.
P. de Alwis och K. Garme, "Effect of occupational exposure to shock and vibration on health in high-performance marine craft occupants," Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M), vol. 235, no. 2, s. 394-409, 2021.
P. de Alwis et al., "Exposure aboard high-performance Marine craft increases musculoskeletal pain and lowers contemporary work capacity of the occupants," Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M), vol. 235, no. 3, s. 750-762, 2021.
M. Zhang et al., "A Numerical Ice Load Prediction Model Based on Ice-Hull Collision Mechanism," Applied Sciences, vol. 10, no. 2, 2020.
E. Begovic et al., "Experimental modelling of local structure responses for high-speed planing craft in waves," Ocean Engineering, vol. 216, 2020.
A. Rosén et al., "Numerical modelling of structure responses for high-speed planing craft in waves," Ocean Engineering, vol. 217, 2020.
M. Tanko et al., "Water transit passenger perceptions and planning factors : A Swedish perspective," Travel Behaviour & Society, vol. 16, s. 23-30, 2019.
M. Zhang et al., "Ice Pressure Prediction Based on the Probabilistic Method for Ice-Going Vessels in Inland Waterways," Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-Transactions of The Asme, vol. 141, no. 2, 2018.
P. de Alwis och K. Garme, "Monitoring and characterization of vibration and shock conditions aboard high-performance marine craft," Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M), vol. 233, no. 4, s. 1068-1081, 2018.
R. L. Martire et al., "Construction of a web-based questionnaire for longitudinal investigation of work exposure, musculoskeletal pain and performance impairments in high-performance marine craft populations," BMJ Open, vol. 7, no. 7, 2017.
M. Burman et al., "Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of the hull of a high-speed craft," Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M), vol. 230, no. 2, s. 378-387, 2016.
M. P. de Alwis et al., "Development and validation of a web-based questionnaire for surveying the health and working conditions of high-performance marine craft populations," BMJ Open, vol. 6, no. 6, 2016.
M. Razola et al., "On high-speed craft acceleration statistics," Ocean Engineering, vol. 114, s. 115-133, 2016.
M. Razola, A. Rosén och K. Garme, "Allen and Jones revisited," Ocean Engineering, vol. 89, s. 119-133, 2014.
M. Razola, A. Rosén och K. Garme, "Experimental Evaluation of Slamming Pressure Models Used in Structural Design of High-Speed Craft," International Shipbuilding Progress, vol. 61, no. 1-2, s. 17-39, 2014.
K. Olausson och K. Garme, "Prediction and evaluation of working conditions on high-speed craft using suspension seat modelling," Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M), vol. 229, no. 3, s. 281-290, 2014.
K. Garme et al., "Rough water performance of lightweight high-speed craft," Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M), vol. 228, no. 3, s. 293-301, 2014.
M. Razola et al., "Towards simulation-based structural design of high-speed craft," Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, vol. 122, s. 479-492, 2014.
K. Garme, L. Burström och J. Kuttenkeuler, "Measures of vibration exposure for a high-speed craft crew," Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M), vol. 225, no. M4, s. 338-349, 2011.
K. Garme, "Improved Time-Domain Simulation of Planing Hulls in Waves by Correction of the Near-Transom Lift," International Shipbuilding Progress, vol. 52, no. 3, s. 201-230, 2005.
A. Rosén och K. Garme, "Model Experiment Addressing the Impact Pressure Distribution on Planing Craft in Waves," International Journal of Small Craft Technology, vol. 146, 2004.
K. Garme och A. Rosén, "Time-domain simulations and full-scale trials on planing craft in waves," International Shipbuilding Progress, vol. 50, no. 3, s. 177-208, 2003.
P. de Alwis och K. Garme, "Feasibility of Using Kidney-Belt-Mounted Accelerometers for Measuring Shock and Vibration Exerted on the Lumbar Spine Region of High-Speed Marine Craft Occupants," i HSMV 2023 - Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on High Speed Marine Vehicles, 2023, s. 233-240.
K. Garme, "Warp Effects and Bow Submergence; over the Limit for a 2D+t Strip Model of HSC?," i HSMV 2023 - Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on High Speed Marine Vehicles, 2023, s. 3-10.
M. Zu et al., "Specifying Seakeeping Criteria for Efficient Task Performance," i Proceedings 15th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures PRADS 2022, 2022.
K. Garme, "Warp Effects Studied by a Time-Domain Strip Model and Compared to Model Experiments," i Proceedings of the 12th symposium on high speed marine vehicles (HSMV 2020), 2020, s. 152-159.
M. Zhang et al., "An Analytical Model for Ice Impact Load Prediction," i Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2019, s. 807-814.
H. Cheemakurthy et al., "Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Inland-Waterway Barge in Fresh Water Ice Conditions," i Proceedings of the Annual International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference : Proceedings of The Twenty-ninth (2019) International OCEAN AND POLAR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, 2019, s. 799-806.
A. Jenkins och K. Garme, "Calculation of wave inputs required when predicting shoreline erosion caused by vessels operating in inland waterways," i Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2018, s. 1272-1280.
M. Zhang et al., "Ice pressure prediction based on the probabilistic method for ice-going vessels in inland waterways.," i Proceedings of the ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2018) : Volume 8., 2018.
H. Cheemakurthy et al., "Statistical estimation of uncertainties associated with ship operations in fresh water ice," i Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2018, s. 1608-1615.
P. de Alwis och K. Garme, "Adverse health effects and reduced work ability due to vertical accelerations in high-performance marine craft personnel," i Proceedings of the 16th International Ship Stability Workshop, 2017.
K. Olausson och K. Garme, "Simulation-based assessment of HSC crew exposure to vibration and shock," i FAST 2013 - 12th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, 2013.
A. Rosén et al., "3+2≠5 eller Programmål för ingenjörsutbildningar i ljuset av Bolognareformen," i 3:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, 2011, s. 47-52.
A. Rosén, K. Garme och J. Kuttenkeuler, "Full-Scale Design Evaluation of the Visby Class Corvette," i 9th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST'07, 2007, s. 593-598.
K. Garme och J. Hua, "A method to analyse seakeeping model measurements in time domain," i Proceedings of the 1999 Ninth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (Volume 3), 1999, s. 629-634.
Icke refereegranskade
A. Rosén et al., "High-speed craft dynamics in waves: challenges and opportunities related to the current safety philosophy," i 16th International Ship Stability Workshop (ISSW 2017), Belgrade, Serbia, 2017., 2017.
M. Razola et al., "Towards Simulation-Based Design of High-Speed Craft," i 4th Chesapeake Powerboat Symposium, 2014.
M. Razola et al., "On Structural Design of High-Speed Planing Craft with Respect to Slamming," i 8th International Conference on High-Speed Marine Vehicles, 2012.
C. Al-Khalili Szigyarto et al., "Vägen från student till ingenjör : exempel från två kandidatexamenskurser och ett förslag om en programsammanhållande byggnadsställning," i 3:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar. Norrköping, Sweden. 30 november - 1 december 2011, 2011.
K. Garme, A. Rosén och J. Kuttenkeuler, "In Detail Investigation of Planing Pressure," i Proceedings of the HYDRALAB III Joint User Meeting, 2010.
K. Garme och J. Kuttenkeuler, "Simulations and Full-Scale Trials for a HSC Linked by Wave-Height Measurements," i 8th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, 2005.
K. Garme och A. Rosén, "Direct Calculations in the Design of HSC," i Proceedings 6th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, 2001.
K. Garme, "Time-Domain Simulations and Measurements of Loads and Motions of Planning High-Speed Craft in Waves," i 8th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships, 2001.
K. Garme och A. Rosén, "Experimental Pressure Investigation on a High-Speed Craft in Waves," i Proceedings International Conference on Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Craft, 2000.
K. Garme, "Modeling of planing craft in waves," Doktorsavhandling Stockholm : Farkost och flyg, Trita-AVE, 2004:34, 2004.
P. Ulfvengren et al., "FLYT 365 – Dags att sjösätta förutsättningar för en innovativ kollektivtrafik?," , TRITA-SCI-RAP, 2020:008, 2020.
K. Jivén et al., "Fossilfri kollektivtrafik på vatten : Förstudie kring hinder och möjligheter för färjor med högmiljöprestanda," , Lighthouse Reports, 2020.
M. Sundberg och K. Garme, "Vattenvägen den intermodalapusselbiten - del 2 : Kommentarer kring sjöfarten i infrastrukturplanering,", Lighthouse reports, 2018.
H. Cheemakurthy, "Urban waterborne public transport systems: An overview of existing operations in world cities," Stockholm, Sweden : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-AVE, 978-91-7729-648-5, 2017.
K. Garme et al., "Vattenvägen - den intermodala pusselbiten : En förstudie om vattenvägen som transportresurs och hurvi kan bedöma om den bidrar till ett bättretransportsystem,", Lighthouse reports, 2017.
I. Stenius et al., "Waterway 365 : System Analysis of Challenges in Increased Urban Mobility by Utilization of the Water Ways," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-AVE, 2014-13, 2014.
K. Garme et al., "In Detail Investigation of Planing Pressure," , NTNU/Marintek Ocean Basin, NTNU_Marintek_530512, EC contract no. 022441, Report NyIII-NTNU-11, 2011.
A. Rosén et al., "Programmål inom den nya utbildningsstrukturen på KTH," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2010.
A. Rosén et al., "Sample Calculations on the Level 2 Vulnerability Criteria for Parametric Roll," , Report to the Swedish Transport Agency and the International Maritime Organization, IMO SLF 53/INF.8, 2010.
K. Garme, "Model Seakeeping Experiments Presented in the Time-Domain to Facilitate Validation of Computational Tools," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-FKT, 97/27, 1997.
H. Cheemakurthy et al., "A lightweight ice going hull concept for freshwater ice operations," (Manuskript).
M. Zhang et al., "Analysis of Inland Waterway Ship Performance in Ice : Operation Time Window," (Manuskript).
H. Cheemakurthy och K. Garme, "Design Performance Index for evaluating ferries and its application for configuring modular ferries.," (Manuskript).
P. de Alwis et al., "Exposure aboard high-performance marine craft increases musculoskeletal pain and lowers contemporary work capacity of the occupants," (Manuskript).
P. de Alwis och K. Garme, "Monitoring and characterization of vibration and shock conditions aboard high-performance marine craft," (Manuskript).
P. de Alwis och K. Garme, "Occupational exposure to shock and vibration increases health risk in high-performance marine craft occupants," (Manuskript).
H. Cheemakurthy och K. Garme, "Standardized Commuter Vessel Design for a Worldwide Waterborne Public Transport Application," (Manuskript).
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