Farzaneh Taleb Najafabadi
Doctoral student
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolanhttps://www.kth.se/profile/fatn
Researcher ID
About me
I am a second-year PhD student under the supervision of Danica Kragic at the Robotics, Perception and Learning Lab, EECS, at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden. My research lies at the intersection of Natural and Artificial Intelligence! I'm working with EEG data obtained from the brain to make more reliable Brain-Computer Interfaces(BCI).
I'm super passionate about knowing how the brain works and how we can use data obtained from the brain to make deep neural networks closer to natural intelligence.
I completed my master's degree in Computer Science-Artificial Intelligence with a focus on Neuroscience at the University of Tehran, Iran.
Machine Learning (DD2421), assistant | Course web