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Ines Ezcurra - Publications

Peer-reviewed articles:

  1. Guerriero G, Hausman J-F, Ezcurra I (2015). WD40-repeat proteins in plant cell wall formation: current evidence and research prospects. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 01112
  2. Wang Y, Azhar S, Gandini R, Divne C, Ezcurra I, Aspeborg H (2015). Biochemical characterization of the novel endo-β-mannanase AtMan5-2 from Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science 241, 151-163   
  3. Derba-Maceluch M, Awano T, Takahashi J, Lucenius J, Ratke C, Kontro I, Busse-Wicher M, Kosík O, Tanaka R, Winzéll A, Kallas Å, Leśniewska J, Berthold F, Immerzeel P, Teeri TT, Ezcurra I, Dupree P, Serimaa R, and Mellerowicz EJ (2015). Suppression of a xylan transglycosylase PtxtXyn10A affects cellulose microfibril angle in secondary wall in aspen wood. New Phytologist 205, 666-681
  4. Ratke C, Pawar PM-A, Balasubramanian VK, Naumann M, Lönnäs Duncranz M, Derba-Maceluch M, Gorzsás A, Endo S, Ezcurra I and Mellerowicz EJ (2015). Populus GT43 family members group into distinct sets required for primary and secondary wall xylan biosynthesis and include useful promoters for wood modification. Plant Biotechnology J 13, 26-27
  5. Kaewthai N, Gendre D, Eklöf JM, Ibatullin FM, Ezcurra I, Bhalerao RP, Brumer H (2013) Group III-A XTH genes of Arabidopsis thaliana encode predominant xyloglucan endohydrolases active in expanding tissues. Plant Physiology 61, 440-454
  6. Guerriero G, Spadiut O, Kerschbamer C, Giorno F, Baric S and Ezcurra I (2012) Analysis of cellulose synthase genes from domesticated apple identifies collinear genes WDR53 and CesA8A: partial coexpression, bicistronic mRNA and alternative splicing of CESA8A. Journal of Experimental Botany 63, 6045-6056
  7. Ezcurra I, Johansson C, Tamizhselvan P, Winzell A and Aspeborg H (2011) An AC-type element mediates transactivation of secondary cell wall carbohydrate-active enzymes by PttMYB021, the Populus MYB46 ortholog. BMC Proceedings 5(Supl 7), O4O
  8. Eklund DM, Ståldal S, Valsecchi I, Cierlik I, Eriksson C, Hiratsu K, Ohme-Takagi M, Sundström JF, Thelander M, Ezcurra I and Sundberg E (2010) The Arabidopsis thaliana STYLISH1 Protein Acts as a Transcriptional Activator Regulating Auxin Biosynthesis. Plant Cell 22, 349-363
  9. Winzell A, Aspeborg H, Wang Y and Ezcurra I (2010) Conserved CA-rich motifs in gene promoters of PtxtMYB021-responsive secondary cell wall carbohydrate-active enzymes in Populus. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 394, 848-853
  10. Guerriero G, Martin N, Golovko A, Sundström J, Rask L and Ezcurra I (2009) The RY/Sph element mediates transcriptional repression of maturation genes from late maturation to early seedling growth. New Phytologist 184, 552-565
  11. Fugelstad J, Bouzenzana J, Djerbi S, Guerriero G, Ezcurra I, Teeri TT, Arvestad L, Bulone V (2009) Identification of the cellulose synthase genes from the Oomycete Saprolegnia monoica and effect of cellulose synthesis inhibitors on gene expression and enzyme activity. Fungal Genetics and Biology 46, 759-767
  12. Hrmova M, Farkas V, Harvey AJ, Lahnstein J, Wischmann B, Kaewthai N, Ezcurra I, Teeri TT, Fincher GB (2009) Substrate specificity and catalytic mechanism of a xyloglucan xyloglucosyl transferase HvXET6 from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). FEBS J 276, 437-56
  13. Rajangam AS, Kumar M, Aspeborg H, Guerriero G, Arvestad L, Pansri P, Brown CJ, Hober S, Blomqvist K, Divne C, Ezcurra I, Mellerowicz E, Sundberg B, Bulone V, Teeri TT (2008). MAP20, a microtubule-associated protein in the secondary cell walls of Populus tremula L. x tremuloides Michx is a target of the cellulose synthesis inhibitor, 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile. Plant Physiology 148, 1283-1294.
  14. Wycliffe P, Sitbon F, Wernersson J, Ezcurra I, Ellerström M and Rask L (2005). Continuous expression in tobacco leaves of a Brassica napus PEND homologue blocks plastid differentiation and palisade cell development. Plant J 44, 1-15.
  15. Tang W, Kelley D, Ezcurra I, Cotter R, and McCormick S (2004). LeSTIG1, an extracellular binding partner for the pollen receptor kinases LePRK1 and LePRK2, promotes pollen tube growth in vitro. Plant J 39, 343-353.
  16. Tang W, Ezcurra I, Muschietti J, and McCormick S (2002). A cysteine-rich pollen allergen, LAT52, is a multimeric ligand for the pollen receptor kinase LePRK2. Plant Cell 14, 2277-2287.
  17. Kim HU, Cotter R, Johnson S, Senda M, Dodds P, Kulikauskas R, Tang W, Ezcurra I, Herzmark P and McCormick S (2002). New pollen-expressed receptor kinases identified in tomato, maize and Arabidopsis: the tomato kinases show distinct but overlapping localization patterns during pollen tube growth. Plant Mol Biol 50, 1-16.
  18. Ezcurra I, Wycliffe P, Nehlin L, Ellerstrom M, Rask L (2000). Transactivation of the Brassica napus napin promoter by ABI3 requires interaction of the conserved B2 and B3 domains of ABI3 with different cis-elements: B2 mediates activation through an ABRE, whereas B3 interacts with an RY/G-box. Plant J 24, 57-66.
  19. Reidt W, Wohlfarth T, Ellerström M, Czihal A, Tewes A, Ezcurra I, Rask L and Bäumlein H (2000) Gene regulation during late embryogenesis: The RY motif of maturation specific gene promoters is a direct target of the FUS3 gene product. Plant J 21, 401-40.
  20. Ezcurra I, Ellerström M, Wycliffe P, Stålberg K and Rask L (1999) Interaction between composite elements in the napA promoter: both the B-box ABA responsive complex and the RY/G complex are necessary for seed-specific expression. Plant Mol Biol 40, 699-70.

Referee-reviewed conference contributions:

Oral presentations

  1. Rewiring plants: synthetic regulatory circuits for enhanced lignocellulose formation. Umeå Renewable Energy Meeting, February 2013, Umeå, Sweden
  2. An AC-type element mediates transactivation of secondary cell wall carbohydrate-active enzymes by PttMYB021, the Populus MYB46 ortholog. IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference, June 2011, Arraial d’Ajuda, Bahia, Brazil
  3. Functional characterization of MAP20, a microtubule-associated protein in the poplar xylem. FuncFiber International Workshop, March 2009, Umeå, Sweden
  4. Cellulose biosynthesis and cortical microtubules: plant-based systems to study an elusive couple. FuncFiber International Symposium on the Biology and Biotechnology of Wood, March 2008, Umeå, Sweden
  5. Carbohydrate-active enzymes involved in wood formation. FuncFiber Scientific Workshop, June 2006, Umeå, Sweden
  6. Novel materials by Biomimetics of the Plant Cell Wall. EPOBIO Workshop, May 2006, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Some recent posters

  1. Lönnäs Duncranz M, Ezcurra I. Rewiring plants: synthetic regulatory circuits for enhanced lignocellulose formation, Precision Genome Engineering and Synthetic Biology: Designing Genomes and Pathways. March 2013, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA
  2. Johansson F, Lönnäs Duncranz M, Ström G, Ezcurra I. Gene regulatory networks in lignocellulosic biomass formation. Embo Course: Introduction to Synthetic Biology, April 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  3. Ezcurra I, Johansson C, Tamizhselvan P, Winzell A, Aspeborg H.An AC-type element mediates transactivation of secondary cell wall carbohydrate-active enzymes by PttMYB021, the Populus MYB46 ortholog. IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference, June 2011, Arraial d’Ajuda, Bahia, Brazil
  4. Aspeborg H, Brown CJ, Guerriero G, Ruano Blanco G, Sundberg B, Bulone V, Teeri TT, Ezcurra I. MAP20, a Candidate Protein Linking Cortical Microtubules and Cellulose. IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference, June 2009, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
  5. Eklund M, Ståldal V, Ezcurra I, Sundberg E. STY1 acts as a transcriptional activator regulating local auxin biosynthesis. XVI Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology (FESPB 2008), August 2008 Tampere, Finland

Popular science presentations:

  1. “Växters arvsmassa - nyckeln till mycket”, Bergianska Trädgård, “Fascinerande växters dag”, May 2013, Stockholm
  2. “Växter för tillväxt”, Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien Event, “Ja eller nej till genmodifierade växter - vad säger forskarna?”, March 2012, Stockholm
  3. “Genetiskt modifierade träd, framtidens skogsbruk?”, ForskarFredag/Science Café public event, September 2011, Stockholm
  4. “Genteknik åt skogen”, Biotekniksymposium och Lärafortbildning, Vetenskapens Hus, Stockholm, January 2011, Stockholm
  5. “Om bioinspiration till framtidens material”, Albanova Open Lectures, November 2009, Stockholm
  6. “Ta i trä - inspiration till framtidens material”, Gentekniknämndens Konferens, “Genteknik i ett förändrat klimat”, October 2009, Stockholm
  7. “Växtbioteknik i ett förändrat klimat”, Albanova Open House public event, April 2009, Stockholm
  8. “Debattbar: Genmodifierade grödor - till mänsklighetens nytta?”, Nobelmuseet, April 2007, Stockholm
  9. “Forskaren och politikern - en missförstådd relation?” Vetenskapsrådet och Föreningen Vetenskap & Allmänhet, July 2007, Almedalen, Visby, Gotland