List of publications
Garzotti, L. et al, incl. E Rachlew, Scenario development for D-T operation at JET , Nuclear Fusion, 59, ISSN 0029-5515, E-ISSN 1741-4326, 59, (2019)
Joffrin, E. et al, incl. E Rachlew, Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium-tritium operation with the ITER like-wall, Nuclear Fusion, 59, (2019)
Ström, Petter , et al incl. E Rachlew, Analysis of deposited layers with deuterium and impurity elements on samples from the divertor of JET with ITER-like wall, Journal of Nuclear Materials 1873-4820, 516, . 202-213 (2019)
Itälä, E et al incl. E. Rachlew, Fragmentation of imidazole, pyrimidine and purine induced by core ionization: Significance of small-scale chemical environment, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 356, 283 (2018)
Takahashi, Osamu et al, incl. E Rachlew, Site-selective bond scission of methylbenzoate following core excitation,Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics – PCCP, 20, nr 14, s. 9591-9599 (2018)
Frassinetti, Lorenzo et al incl. E Rachlew, Dimensionless scalings of confinement, heat transport and pedestal stability in JET-ILW and comparison with JET-C, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1361-6587, Vol. 59, nr 1 (2017)
Bengtsson, L , F. Wagner and E Rachlew, Sustainable energy supply and consumption by 2050 and outlook towards the end of the century: Possible scientific breakthroughs, 2Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447, E-ISSN 1654-7209, Vol. 45, nr Suppl. 1):, s. 1 (2016)
Horvath, Akos and E Rachlew, Nuclear power in the 21st century: Challenges and possibilities, Ambio, Vol. 45, nr Suppl. 1, s. 38-49 (2016)
Wagner, F and Rachlew, E
Study on a hypothetical replacement of nuclear electricity by wind power in Sweden, 2016, European Physics Journal Plus, Vol. 131, s. 16173-16178 (2016)
Itala, Eero et al incl E Rachlew, Gas-phase study on uridine: Conformation and X-ray photofragmentation, Journal of Chemical Physics, ISSN 0021-9606, E-ISSN 1089-7690, Vol. 142, nr 19, (2015)
Kukk, E. et al incl E Rachlew, Internal energy dependence in x-ray-induced molecular fragmentation: An experimental and theoretical study of thiophene, Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol. 91, nr 4, artikel-id 043417 (2015)
Levola, Helena et al incl E Rachlew, Ionization-site effects on the photofragmentation of chloro- and bromoacetic acid molecules, Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol. 92, nr 6, artikel-id 063409 (2015)
J. Laksman, K. Kooser, H. Levola, E. Itälä, D.T. Ha, E. Rachlew and E. Kukk: Dissociation pathways in the cysteine dication after site-selective core ionization, J. Phys. Chem. B118, 11688 (2014)
E. Itälä, K. Kooser, E. Rachlew, M.A. Huels and E. Kukk: Soft x-ray induced fragmentation of glycine, J. Chem.Phys. 140, 23 (2014)
H. Levola, K. Kooser, E. Rachlew, E. Nommiste and E. Kukk; Fragmentation of thymidine induced by ultaviolet photoionization and thermal degradation, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 353, 7 (2013)
E. Itälä, M.A. Huels, E. Rachlew, K Kooser, T. Hägerth and E. Kukk: A comparative study of dissociation of thymidine molecules following valence or core photoionization. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 215102 (2013)
Romanelli, F. et al incl. E Rachlew, Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall, Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 53, nr 10, s. 104002 (2013)
Ekedahl, A. et al, incl. E Rachlew, Influence of gas puff location on the coupling of lower hybrid waves in JET ELMy H-mode plasmas, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, ISSN 0741-3335, E-ISSN 1361-6587, Vol. 54, nr 7, s. 074004 (2012)
Itälä, E. et al incl E Rachlew, Photofragmentation of a DNA nucleoside thymidine; Valence-vs. core ionization, Journal of Physics, Conference Series, ISSN 1742-6588, E-ISSN 1742-6596, Vol. 388, (2012)
Kukk, E. et al incl. E Rachlew, ”Dissociation dynamics of doubly charged CO2 and CS2 molecules as studied by electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy and simulations”, Journal of Physics, Conference Series, ISSN 1742-6588, E-ISSN 1742-6596, Vol. 388, nr Part 2, s. 022084 (2012)
J Hobirk, F Imbeaux, F Crisanti et al incl E Rachlew; "Improved confinement in JET hybrid discharges", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 1438, 67 (2012)
E Rachlew: "From X-rays to visible photons- what do we learn from the plasma observations?", AIP Proceedings 1438, 67 (2012)
J E Rice, M L Reinke, J M A Ashbourn, A C Ince-Cushman, Y A Podpaly, M F Gu, M Bitter, K Hill and E Rachlew: "The Ar17+ Ly α2/Ly α1 in Alcator C-Mod plasmas", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 165702 (2011)
F Romanelli, M Laxåbäck and JET-EFDA contributors, incl. E Rachlew: "Overview of JET results", Nucl. Fusion 53, 094008 (2011)
E. Itälä,D. T. Ha, K. Kooser, M.A. Huels, E. Rachlew, E. Nommiste, U. Joost, and E. Kukk: Molecular fragmentation of pyrimidine derivates following site-selective carbon core-ionization, J. Electron Spectr. Rel. Phenomena, 184, 119 (2011)
E. Itälä, D.T. Ha, K. Kooser, E. Rachlew, M.A.Huels and E. Kukk: Fragmentation patterns of carbon core ionized thymine and 5-bromouracil.,J.Chem.Phys. 133,154316-1 (2010)
E R Solano, P J Lomas, B Alper et al incl E Rachlew: "Observation of confined current ribbon in JET plasmas", Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 185003 (2010)
R De Angelis, M Baruzzo, P Buratti, B Alper, L Barrera, A Botrugno, M Brix, L Figini, A Fonseca, C Giroud, N Hawkes, D Howell, E De La Luna, F Orsitto, V Pericoli, E Rachlew, O Tudisco, JET- EFDA Contributors, Localisation of MHD modes and consistency with q-profiles in JET, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A 623. 734-737 (2010)
N J Conway, M F M De Bock, C A Michael, M J Walsh, P G Carolan, N C Hawkes, E Rachlew, J F G McCone, S Shibaev and G Wearing: The MAST motional Stark effect diagnostic, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 10D738 (2010)
A Kivimäki, G Vall-llosera, M Coreno, M A Huels, M Stankiewicz and E Rachlew: Fluorescence emission at core-to-Rydberg excitations in the N2 molecule, J.Phys.B: At.Mol.Opt.Phys. 42,185103 (2009)
G. Vall-llosera, S. Lacombe, E. Rachlew, F. Hennies, S. Sarabipour and M.A. Huels: " Morphology and degradation of thin films of adenine monitored with synchrotron radiation" , Surface Science, 2009
A Kivimäki, G Vall-losera, M Coreno, M A Huels, M Stankiewicz and E. Rachlew :"Line shape narrowing in the ultraviolet yield at the N 1s- π* resonance of the N2 molecule", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 075102 (2009)
G Vall-llosera, B Gao, A Kivimäki, M Coreno, J Alvarez Ruiz, M de Simone, H Ågren and E Rachlew: Erratum:"The C 1s and N is near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectra of five azabenzenes in the gas phase", J. Chem. Phys. 128, 044316(2008), J. Chem. Phys. 130, 16992 (2009)
H Meyer, R J Akers, F Alladio, et al incl E Rachlew: " Overview of physics results from MAST", Nucl. Fusion 49, 104017 (2009)
A Ekedahl, K Rantamäki, M Goniche et al incl E Rachlew:"Effect of gas injection during LH wave coupling at ITER-relevant plasma-wall distances in JET", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 51, 044001 (2009)
V Riccardo, G Arnoux, P Beaumont et al incl E Rachlew: "Progress in understanding halo current at JET", Nuclear fusion 49,055012 (2009)
G Vall-llosera, M Coreno, P Erman, M A Huels, K Jakubowska, A Kivimäki, M Stankiewicz and E Rachlew: "VUV photoionisation of free azabenzenes: Pyridine, pyrazine, pyrimidine, pyridazine and s-triazine", Int. J. Mass Spectrometry 275, 55-63 (2008)
G Vall-llosera, B Gao, A Kivimäki, M Coreno, J Álvarez Ruiz, M de Simone, H Ågren and E Rachlew:"The C 1s and N 1s near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectra for five azabenzenes in the gas phase", J Chem Phys. 128, 044316-1-12 (2008)
G Vall-llosera, M A Huels, M Coreno, A Kivimäki, K Jakubowska, M Stankiewicz and E Rachlew: "Photofragmentation of 2-deoxy-D-ribose molecules in the gas phase, Chem. Phys. Chem.9, 1020-1029 (2008)
F Romanelli, R Kamendje on behalf of JET-EFDA contributors incl E Rachlew:" Overview of JET results", International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, Geneve, 2008
M N A Beurskens, G Arnoux, A S Brezinsek et al incl E Rachlew: "Pedestal and ELM response to impurity seeding in JET advanced scenario plasmas", Nuclear Fusion 48, 095004 (2008)
Emilia R Solano, S Jachmich, F Villone, N Hawkes et al incl E Rachlew:"ELMs and strike point movements", Nuclear Fusion 48, 065005, 1-12 (2008)
Y Corre, E Joffrin, P Monier-Garbet et al incl. E Rachlew: "Hybrid H-mode scenario with nitrogen seeding and type III ELMs in JET", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50, 115012 (2008)
H Bergsåker, S Menmuir, E Rachlew, P R Brunsell, L Frassinetti and J R Drake: "Metal impurity fluxes and plasma-surface interactions in EXTRAP T2R"J. Phys: conf. Series 100, 062030 (2008)
E Kukk, G Prümper, R Sankari, M Hoshino, C Makochekanwa, M Kitajima, H Tanaka, H Yoshida, Y Tamenori, E Rachlew and K Ueda: Electronic state dependence in the dissociation of core-ionized methane, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.40, 3677-3692 (2007)
G Vall-llosera, E Melero Garcia, A Kivimäki, E Rachlew, M Coreno, M de Simone, R Richter and K C Prince:"Fluorescence emission from photo-fragments after resonant S 2p excitations in H2S", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9, 389-395 (2007)
K Jakubowska, G Vall-llosera, A Kivimäki, M Coreno, E Melero Garcia, M Stankiewicz and E Rachlew:"Lyman and Balmer emission following core excitations in the methane and ammonia molecules", J.Phys. B: At.Mol.Opt.Phys. 40, 1489-1500 (2007)
M Coreno, A Kivimäki, M de Simone, E Melero Garcia, G Vall-llosera, J Alvarez-Ruiz, E Rachlew and M Stankiewicz:"Vis-UV fluorescence studies of fragments resulting from the relaxation of molecular core hole states", Physica Scripta 76, C90-C95 (2007)
Y Liang, H R Koslowski, P R Thomas et al incl E Rachlew:"Active control of type-I edge localized modes on JET", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 49, B581-B589 (2007)
B Lloyd, R J Akers, F Alladio, et al incl M Kuldkepp, E Rachlew:"Overview of physics results from MAST", Nucl. Fusion 47, S658-S667 (2007)
Y Liang, H R Koslowski, P R Thomas et al incl. E Rachlew:"Active control of type-I edge-localized modes with n=1 perturbation fields in the JET tokamak", Phys. Rev. Lett.98, 265004 (2007)
S Menmuir, E Rachlew, U Fantz, R Pugno, R Dux and the ASDEX Upgrade team:"Molecular contribution to the Dα emission in the divertor of the ASDEX Upgrade experiment", J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer 105, 425 - 437 (2007)
X Litaudon, J P S Bizarro, C D Challis et al, inc.l E Rachlew:"Prospects for steady-state scenarios on JET", Nucl. Fusion 47, 1285-1292 (2007)
X Litaudon, G Arnoux, M Beurskens et al incl E Rachlew: "Development of steady state scenarios compatible with ITER-like wall conditions", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 49, B529-B550 (2007)
J Álvarez Ruiz, A Kivimäki, M Stankiewicz, E Melero Garcia, M Coreno, S Ali, J Koperski, E Rachlew, G Vall-llosera i Serrano, V Feyer, M de Simone and R P Tuckett: "VUV photon induced fluorescence study of SF5CF3", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8, 5199-5206 (2006)
E Melero García, J Álvarez Ruiz, S Menmuir, E Rachlew, P Erman, A Kivimäki, M Glass-Maujean, R Richter and M Coreno:"Fluorescence study of doubly excited states of molecular hydrogen", J. Phys.B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, 205-213 (2006)
M Kuldkepp, P R Brunsell, M Cecconello, R Dux, S Menmuir, and E Rachlew:"Measurements and modelling of impurity radial profiles in the EXTRAP T2R reversed field pinch", Physics of Plasmas 18, 092506 (2006)
P R Brunsell, M Kuldkepp, S Menmuir, M Cecconello, A Hedqvist, D Yadikin, J R Drake and E Rachlew:"Reversed field pinch operation with intelligent shell feedback control in EXTRAP T2R", Nuclear Fusion 46, 904-913 (2006)
M Kuldkepp, M J Walsh, P G Carolan, N J Conway, N C Hawkes, J McCone, E Rachlew and G Wearing:"Motional Stark effect diagnostic pilot experiment for MAST", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 10E905-1 (2006)
S Menmuir, M Kuldkepp and E Rachlew:"Impurity identifications, concentrations and particle fluxes from spectral measurements of the EXTRAP T2R plasma", Physica Scripta 74, 439-448 (2006)
M Kuldkepp, P R Brunsell, J Drake, S Menmuir and E Rachlew:"Method for measuring radial impurity emission profiles using correlations of line integrated signals", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 043508 (2006)
G Vall-llosera, J. Álvarez Ruiz, P. Erman, E. Melero García, E. Rachlew, S Menmuir and M Stankiewicz:"The npσ,π to EF systems in D2 studied by selective excitation", J. Phys B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38, 659-664 (2005)
J. Álvarez Ruiz, E. Melero García, A. Kivimäki, M. Coreno, P. Erman, E. Rachlew and R. Richter:"Synchrotron radiation induced fluorescence spectroscopy of SF6", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38, 387-398 (2005)
E R Solano, S Jachmich, F Villone, et al, incl. E Rachlew:"ELMs and strike point jumps", J. Nucl. Mat. 337-339, 747- 750 (2005)
M Kuldkepp, N C Hawkes, E Rachlew and B Schunke:"Accurate polarization measurements with a dual photoelastic modulator", Appl. Optics 44, 5899- 5904 (2005)
P R Brunsell, D Yadikin, D Gregoretto, et al., incl. M Kuldkepp, S Menmuir and E Rachlew:"Active control of multiple resistive wall modes", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 47, B25-B36 (2005)
T. Hellsten, M. Laxåback, T Bergkvist, et al incl. E. Rachlew: "On the parasitic absorption in FWCD experiments in JET ITB plasmas" Nucl. Fusion 45, 706- 720 (2005)
Y Corre, E Rachlew, M Cecconello, R M Gravestijn, A Hedqvist, B Pégourié, B Schunke and V Stancalie:" Radiated power and impurity concentrations in the EXTRAP-T2R reversed-field pinch" Physica Scripta 71, 523 (2005)
M. Stankiewicz, J. Rius i Rius, J. Álvarez Ruiz, P. Erman, P. Hatherly, A. Kivimäki, E. Melero García and E. Rachlew:" Relaxation dynamics of SF6 studied by energy resolved electron ion coincidence technique", J. El. Spectr. Rel. Phen. 137-140, 369 - 375 (2004)
J. Álvarez Ruiz, P. Erman, A. Kivimäki, E. Melero García, E. Rachlew and M. Stankiewicz:"Selective excitation of the npσ1Σu+ and npπ 1Σg+ emission systems in molecular hydrogen using synchrotron radiation, Chem. Phys. Lett. 388, 31 - 35 (2004)
M. Stankiewicz, E. Melero García, J. Álvarez Ruiz, P. Erman, P.A. Hatherly, A. Kivimäki, E. Rachlew and J. Rius i Riu: "Experimental station for gas phase fluorescence spectroscopy", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 2402- 2408 (2004)
M. Kuldkepp, E. Rachlew, N. Hawkes and B. Schunke:"First mirror contamination studies for polarimetry motional Stark effect measurements for ITER", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 3446- 3448 (2004)
A. Malaquias et al incl. E. Rachlew:"Active beam spectroscopy diagnostics for ITER: Present status", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 3393- 3398 (2004)
M. von Hellermann et al incl. E. Rachlew:" Pilot experiments for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor active beam spectroscopy diagnostic", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75 , 3458 - 3461 (2004)
A. Loarte et al, incl. Y. Corre:"Characterization of pedestal parameters and edge localized mode energy losses in the Joint European Torus and predictions for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor", Physics of plasmas 11, 2668- 2678 (2004)
R M Gravestijn, J R Drake, A Hedqvist and E Rachlew:" Comparison of confinement in resistive-shell reversed-field pinch devices with two different shell penetration times", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 46, 11- 22 (2004)
M J Mantsinen, M-L Mayoral et al incl. E Rachlew: "Localized bulk electron heating with ICRF mode conversion in the JET tokamak" Nucl. Fusion 44, 33 - 46 (2004)
A. Kivimäki, J. Álvarez Ruiz, P. Erman, P. Hatherly, E. Melero García, E. Rachlew, J. Rius i Riu and M. Stankiewicz: "An energy resolved electron-ion coincidence study near the S 2p thresholds of the SF6 molecule, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36, 781 - 791 (2003)
E. Melero García, J. Álvarez Ruiz, P. Erman, A. Kivimäki, E. Rachlew, J. Rius i Riu, M. Stankiewicz and L. Veseth: "Neutral dissociation of superexcited states in nitric oxide", Chem. Phys. 293, 65 - 73 (2003)
J. Álvarez Ruiz, M. Coreno, P. Erman, A. Kivimäki, E. Melero García, K.C. Prince. M. de Simone, E. Rachlew, R. Richter, J. Rius i Riu and L. Veseth: "Autoionisation of superexcited states in N2 to the N2+ B state", Chem. Phys. Lett. 372, 139 - 146 (2003)
J. Rius i Riu, E. Melero Garcia, J. Álvarez Ruiz, P. Erman, P. Hatherly, E. Rachlew, and M. Stankiewicz : "Core excitation induced dissociation in CD4 after participator Auger decay", Phys. Rev. A68, 022715 (2003)
G P Maddison, M Brix, R Budney, et al incl. E Rachlew:"Impurity-seeded plasma experiments on JET", Nuclear Fusion 43, 49- 62 (2003)
X Litaudon, A Bécoulet, F Crisanti, et al incl E Rachlew:"Progress towards steady-state operation and real-time control of internal transport barriers in JET", Nucl. Fusion 43, 565-572 (2003)
D van Eester, F Imbeaux et al incl E Rachlew:"Recent 3He radio frequency heating experiments on JET", AIP proc. 694, 66 (2003)
T Hellsten, M Laxåback, et al incl E Rachlew: "Fast wave current drive in JET ITB plasmas", AIP proc.694, 197 (2003)
J Paméla, E Solano et al incl. E Rachlew:" Overview of JET results", Nucl. Fusion 43, 1540-1554 (2003)
E. Kukk, J. Rius i Riu, M. Stankiewicz, P. A. Hatherly, P. Erman, E. Rachlew, P. Winiarczyk, M. Huttula and S. Aksela: "Dissociation of deuteromethane following carbon 1s core ionization", Phys. Rev. A66, 012704 (2002)
M. Stankiewicz, P. Winiarczyk, J. Rius i Riu, J. Álvarez Ruiz, P. Erman, A. Karawajczyk, E. Rachlew, E. Kukk, M. Huttula and P. Hatherly: "Selective fragmentation of valence- and core-electron excited CD4 and SF6 molecules", Surface Review and Letters 9, 117 (2002)
J. Rius i Riu, J. Álvarez Ruiz, A. Karawajczyk, M. Stankiewicz, P. Winiarczyk and L. Veseth: "Non-Franck-Condon effects in the photoionization of N2 to the N2+ A2 Πu state and of O2 to the O2+ X 2 Πg state in the 19-34 eV photon energy range", Surf. Rev. Lett. 9, 147 (2002)
P. A. Hatherly, J. Rius i Riu, M. Stankiewicz, F. M. Quinn and L. J. Frasinski: "Dynamics of the shake-up satellites of C 1s excited carbon dioxide studied by threshold electron spectroscopy", J.Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35, L77 (2002)
J. Álvarez Ruiz, P. Erman, E. Rachlew-Källne, J. Rius i Riu, M. Stankiewicz and L. Veseth: "Neutral dissociation of superexcited states in carbon monoxide" J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35, 2975 (2002)
J. Rius i Riu, M. Stankiewicz, A. Karawajczyk, P. Winiarczyk: "A position-sensitive time-of-flight analyser for study of molecular photofragmentation", Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A477, 360 (2002)
V Stancalie and E Rachlew:"Study of opacity effects on emission lines at EXTRAP T2R RFP", Physica Scripta 66, 444 (2002)
N C Hawkes, Y Andrew, C D Challis, R DeAngelis, V Drozdov, J Hobirk, E Joffrin, P Lotte, D Mazon, E Rachlew, S Reyes-Cortes, F Sattin, E Solano, B C Stratton, T Tala, M Valisa and contributors to the EFDA-JET workprogramme: "The formation and evolution of extreme shear reversal in JET and its influence on local thermal transport", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44, 1105 (2002)
J. Rius i Riu, A. Karawajczyk, M. Stankiewicz, K. Yoshiki-Franzén, P. Winiarczyk and L. Veseth: "Non Franck-Condon effects in the photoionization of molecular nitrogen to the N2+ A 2Πu state in the 19-34 eV photon energy range", Chem. Phys. Lett.338, 285 (2001)
J. Rius i Riu, A. Karawajczyk, M. Stankiewicz, K. Yoshiki Franzen, P. Winiarczyk and L. Veseth: "Non Franck-Condon effects in the photoionization of molecular oxygen to the O2+ X 2Πg state in the 19-31 eV photon energy range", Chem. Phys. Lett. 333, 91 (2001)
N.C. Hawkes et al incl E. Rachlew: "Observation of zero current density in the core of JET discharges with lower hybrid heating and current drive", Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 115001-1 (2001)
P. Erman, A. Karawajczyk, E. Rachlew-Källne, J. Rius i Riu, M. Stankiewicz, K. Yoshiki Franzén, A. Weider-Moen and L. Veseth: "Non Franck-Condon effects in photoionization of molecular oxygen", Physica Scripta 62, 294 (2000)
A. Karawajczyk, P. Erman, E. Rachlew-Källne, J. Rius i Riu, M. Stankiewicz and K. Yoshiki-Franzén, "Neutral fragmentation of superexcited oxygen molecules", Phys. Rev. A61, 032718 (2000)
A. Hedqvist, M. O'Mullane, J. Nordquist, E. Rachlew-Källne and K.-D. Zastrow: "Contributions of thermal charge exchange excitation to the Rydberg series of Cl16+", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33, 375 (2000)
P. Erman, A. Karawajczyk, E. Rachlew, J. Rius i Riu, M. Stankiewicz, L. Veseth and K. Yoshiki-Franzén: "Neutral dissociation by non-Rydberg doubly excited states", Phys. Rev. A60, 426 (1999)
K. Yoshiki-Franzén, P. Erman, A. Karawajczyk, E. Rachlew, P.A. Hatherly and M. Stankiewicz: "State selective ion formation effects observed in the core excited CS2 molecule", J. Chem. Phys. 110, 3621 (1999)
A. Karawajzyk, P. Erman, P. Hatherly, E. Rachlew, M. Stankiewicz and K. Yoshiki-Franzén: "Symmetry-resolved measurements of the core-excited CS2 molecule", Phys. Rev. A58, 314 (1998)
K. Yoshiki-Franzén, P. Erman, P.A. Hatherly, A. Karawajczyk,E. Rachlew and M. Stankiewicz : "Quasi two-step dissociation effects observed in the core excited OCS molecule", Chem. Phys. Lett. 285, 71 (1998)
A. Karawajzyk, P. Erman, E. Rachlew, M. Stankiewicz and K. Yoshiki-Franzén : "Quasi-discrete resonances observed in the photoionization to the A 2 Π u state of the CS2+ molecule" Chem. Phys. Lett. 285, 373 (1998)
J. Sallander, A. Hedqvist and E. Rachlew-Källne: "Measurements of neutral hydrogen profiles on the EXTRAP-T2 reversed field pinch from time-resolved C5+ line emission", J. Phys. B31, 3905 (1998)
A. Hedqvist and E. Rachlew-Källne: "Time-resolved VUV spectroscopy in the EXTRAP-T2 reversed field pinch", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 40, 1597 (1998)
P. Erman, A. Karawajczyk, E. Rachlew, M. Stankiewicz and K. Yoshiki-Franzén : "Multi-coincidence studies of fragmentations of core excited OCS molecules", Acta Physica Polonica A91, 769 (1997)
P. Erman, A. Karawajczyk, U. Köble, E. Rachlew, M. Stankiewicz and K. Yoshiki-Franzén : "Ultra-short lived non-Rydberg doubly excited resonances observed in molecular photoionization of CO and N2 molecules" Acta Physica Polonica A91, 763 (1997)
P. Erman, A. Karawajczyk, E. Rachlew, M. Stankiewicz and K. Yoshiki-Franzén : "State selective photon induced formation of triply charged fragments from the core excited OCS molecule", J. Chem. Phys. 107, 10827 (1997)
P. Erman, A. Karawajczyk, E. Rachlew-Källne, M. Stankiewicz, K. Yoshiki-Franzén, P. Sannes and L. Veseth: "Photoionization processes in NO in the threshold region", Chem. Phys. Letters 273, 239 (1997)
P. Erman, A. Karawajczyk, E. Rachlew, M. Stankiewicz and K. Yoshiki-Franzén :"High-resolution angular-resolved measurements of the fragmentation of the core-excited OCS molecule", Phys. Rev. A56, 2705 (1997)
P. Erman, A. Karawajczyk, E. Rachlew-Källne, M. Stankiewicz, K. Yoshiki-Franzén, P. Sannes and L. Veseth: "Ultrashort-lived non-Rydberg doubly excited resonances in diatomic molecules", Phys. Rev. A55, 4221 (1997)