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Media appearances

2024-10-08 | Women4Cyber | Vulnerability Research in the AI Era | Link 1


Cybercampus Sverige hosted Women4Cyber where Dr. Emre Süren presented his study in vulnerability research in the AI ecosystem and redesign vulnerability research methods based on LLMs. He also provided insights regarding why AI services are considered critical services and the ultimate attack surface.


2024-09-27 | KTH Rektor and Investment Committee | Smartwatch Hacking Demonstrated | Link 1


Royal Hacking Lab hosted the KTH Rector with the rector's advisory committee for fundraising. Our researcher Emre Süren, Ph.D. demonstrated an attack on smartwatches tampering with the communication traffic. The vulnerabilities in this demo were discovered in a lab research.


2024-06-14 | MidNightSunCTF Conference | Sweden's Threat Intelligence | Link 1 | Link 2

MidNight Sun CTF Conf 24

Dr. Emre Süren, head of hackıng lab, presented his research, Sweden's Threat Intelligence, at the Midnight Sun CTF Conference. He showed examples of vulnerable servers and IoT devices, infected devices, and attacker infrastructures all located in Sweden. He proposed an AI-based method to solve the current phenomena. 


2024-06-05 | Cybercampus Sverige | KTH Executive School | Large Language Models (LLMs) in Security Research | Link 1

Emre Hacking Lab

Royal Hackıng Lab is pleased to once again welcome Program Director @Ulf Änggård and his participants from the @KTH Executive School. Our lab manager, Dr. Emre Süren, provided a comprehensive overview of vulnerabilities in cars, charging stations, and smart medical devices. The session also covered the vulnerabilities within the large language model (LLM) ecosystem and explored how LLMs can be utilized for sensitive tasks.


2024-06-01 | KTH ReaktorHallen | Swedish Stakeholders | Sweden's Threat Intelligence | Link 1

A classified event was held at KTH Reaktorhallen where Dr. Emre Süren presented the results of his seed project Sweden's Threat Intelligence.


2024-05-27 | SWITS'24 | Hacking Lab Infrastructure and Collabooration Opportunities | Link 1

Emre at SWITS

Royal Hacking Lab was thrilled to be featured at SWITS'24, where Dr. Emre Süren had the opportunity to present our infrastructure, ongoing research, and potential collaboration opportunities.


2024-05-17 | Cybercampus Sverige | Large Language Models (LLMs) in security research | Link 1
Emre in the Lab | KTH Executive School

We were delighted to host participants from the @KTH Executive School at @NSE Hacking Lab. Program Director @Ulf Änggård, along with the class participants, joined us for an engaging and informative session.


Our lab manager, @Emre Süren, provided an insightful overview of our cutting-edge IoT vulnerability research and demonstrated how we leverage artificial intelligence in our security research. One of the highlights was our renowned smartphone hacking demo, which showcased the practical applications of our research.


The demo sparked a lively and productive discussion with the participants, covering topics from personal privacy to social security.

2024-05-06 | SciLifeLab HTM Matchmaking 2024 | Offensive Security for Medical IoT devices | Link 1

Emre HTM MM 2024

We are excited to share that we had the privilege of presenting at the Health, Medicine, and Technology (HMT 2024) matchmaking event.


During our pitch, Dr. Emre Süren, representing Cybercampus Sverige, shed light on the critical issue of vulnerabilities in today's medical devices. Our researcher demonstrated the importance of leveraging our expertise in IoT vulnerability research to enhance the security of these life-critical devices.


2024-04-25 | Cybercampus Sverige | US Delegation | Chat-GPT for Vulnerability Exploitation Demonstrated | Link 1

Emre - Hacking lab - ChatGPT - South Dakota

Today we hosted a delegation consisting of President of Dakota State University Jose-Marie GriffithsTommy Schönberg from AI Sweden and Lars Hedström from Försvarshögskolan. Our researcher, Dr. Emre Süren, Head of Royal Hacking Lab, demonstrated an attack involving the use of Chat-GPT for vulnerability exploitation. 


2024-04-19 | SVT Radio | Beviset: Forum med militära hemligheter utsattes för intrång | Link 1

Emre | SVT radio | Military secrets revealed on a forum

Emre Süren, chef på Hacker Lab, en del av Cybercampus på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm, får se vårt material med rapporten över intrångsförsök på internetforumet med militära hemligheter.

Han kan inte utifrån handlingarna dra slutsatsen att någon lyckats hämta ut information därifrån. Men i rapporten finns ett intrång som sticker ut, tycker han. ”Exploited Host”, står det vid ett angrepp som är daterat oktober 2015. Enligt honom betyder det angriparen har kommit in på sajten vid minst ett tillfälle.

– Det här visar direkt och tydligt att den här enheten har blivit äventyrad av utomstående. En angripare har kommit in på sajten, säger Emre Süren på Hacker Lab.


2024-03-25 | Cybercampus Sverige | Hacking Lab showcased for a government entity | Link 1

Ansvarig för infrastruktur och etiskt hackningslab

Emre Süren, Ansvarig för infrastruktur och etiskt hackningslab på Cybercampus Sverige

Cybercampus Sverige had the pleasure of hosting representatives from a government entity at the Hacking Lab. Our researcher, Emre Süren, demonstrated an attack involving the compromise of a fully updated smartphone. The scenario illustrated the dangers of phishing apps on app stores, which allow attackers direct access to smartphones, the ease of exploiting mobile applications developed without security considerations, the process of guessing passwords that appear to meet secure password policies, the risks of connecting to rogue Wi-Fi networks which expose open services to attackers, and the issue of routers with backdoors enabling attackers to infiltrate networks meant to be secure.


The Hacking Lab is committed to continuing its offensive security research with full force. Our aim is to educate the workforce to address needs in the security landscape, assist manufacturers in fixing flaws, and enable organizations to enhance their security measures while empowering users to take precautions for their privacy.


2024-03-22 | NyTeknik | Målet: Nya Cybercampus Sverige ska stärka hela landets it-säkerhet | Link 1 | Link 2

Emre in the Hacking Lab

Emre Süren, forskare om sårbarheter i it-system på KTH. Foto: Tobias Ohls

Studenterna som Ny Teknik träffar har bakgrund från olika ingenjörsutbildningar på KTH, berättar Emre Süren, som forskar om sårbarheter i it-system, med fokus på uppkopplade internet of things-enheter. Han ansvarar också för labbet för etisk hackning på KTH.

– Vi försöker rekrytera blivande forskare bland våra studenter. Men det är inte vårt enda mål med utbildningen utan vi vill också förbereda studenterna för ett yrkesliv it-säkerhetsbranschen, säger Emre Süren.

Nu är tanken att Cybercampus ska bli arenan där akademin och den privata it-säkerhetsbranschen ska kunna mötas under mer formella, strukturerade former. Fördelarna med den typen av utbyte av kunskap och information är stor, enligt forskaren Emre Süren.

– Vi hoppas kunna fördjupa samarbetet mellan kommersiella it-säkerhetsbolag och forskarvärlden. Inom industrin vill du kanske granska tio spår inom it-säkerhet för att sedan välja ut ett och fördjupa sig i det. Men inom akademin kan vi gå djupare in på fem eller tio intressanta spår parallellt, och sedan jämföra och sortera ut lösningen som är mest intressant. Det är en win-win: Vi skulle kunna ta del av omfattande data som it-säkerhetsbolagen samlar in, och de kan få ta del av vår forskning, fortsätter han.


Profile picture of Emre Süren